Chapter 2-“First Race”

Flat is all that matters. The flatter the better is wrong essentially everywhere else.

Except for racing.

Takeshi Kano has found something no one else knows about.

"Here it is, I've been saving it just for this day."

He ganders at the track he found 2 years ago. This track is located in the middle of the royal palms Forrest.

No road access, plus it's covered up by palm trees so it's invisible to everyone including satellites.

Takeshi has drove for 30 minutes just to arrive here, and he'll drive 30 more just to get out.

Through mud and branches he has arrived at his destination using only his red sports car.

To prepare for his deput, Takeshi soars down the track, he taps on the breaks for a split second before changing gears and speeding up farther.

Halfway through the first lap, he slows down slightly and soars left, then right practicing an overtake.

"The more I practice the better I'll become. This isn't a game my prides on the line."

"They say your first is your most important, I'm going all out."

3 weeks later

"I've been training for the past 3 weeks, but it has definitely been worth it."

Takeshi looks over the track seeing clear evidence of drifts, Overtakes, and especially OVERDRIVES!

By practicing this move 5 times a day he has enhanced his ability a ton, his racing career is just beginning but he's treating it like there's no tomorrow.

Throughout Takeshi's undefeated swimming career he was a very paranoid player.

Contestant after contestant, he would always stress over even the easiest match.

That's why he went undefeated so long.

But in his final race he dislocated his shoulder so bad, that every time he swims it pops right back out of place.

Day after day he would get sadder and sadder, until eventually he saw a live racing event on tv.

This match was the title defense between Dusty the Destroyer and Wolf the champion.

Takeshi carefully observed every little move of Wolf, watching how wolf got brutally beaten in the first lap, before clutching back in the second.

The odds were stacked against him but he never gave up, and went in wanting to win.

Wolf defended his title, and after seeing this match Takeshi had a new dream, a racing one.

1 day remains

Takeshi lays on his couch, it's 8pm and the man's bored out of his mind.

He grabs a random tape, inserts it into the tv and watches.

Green vs Magenta

Huntsman Ralf in green and Richardo in Magenta.

"This race took place a month ago."

"I only know about it because I over heard Gooman complaining about how he lost to Huntsman."

"Supposedly before this match Huntsman was a normal racer with a 5-5 win loss record"

"But after his loss to Richardo his ego shattered, and he had to start from zero."

"But that's just what I heard, anyways my point is that some of these people treat this sport like life or death."

"It's not MMA where you can just bounce back after a loss, in this world if you lose enough people will stop caring about you."

"And for that reason I'm very paranoid about my first match, Poodle you better be ready because I'm going to kick your ass!"

The day arrives

"Listen kid, I've raced for long enough to know this guy is full of crap." Coach Vulcan announces into Takeshi's ear.

"He lacks basic skill and his only ability is his overtake."

"Here's what to do-"

Vulcan whispers something and Takeshi's eyes go from wide into a simple nod.

He's ready to go!

A tap is felt on his back.

A man reaches out his hand.

"Let's have a good match, I'm poodle your opponent today."

"Yeah nice to meet you, I'm sure you know my name already!" Takeshi responds.

Before Takeshi can shake Poodles hand. The man jerks back his hand and says "I don't need your name, because to me your already dead"

Takeshi looks him in the eyes nervously, before looking away and heading to his car sweat dripping down his face.

Both men sit in there car side by side. Takeshi's red glint being cowered by Poodles bright white Car.

Claps and cheers are heard not a single one for Takeshi.

"Poodle Poodle Poodle!" The crowd chants!

Now there's no return, as if Takeshi was under a hydraulic press.

Takeshi looks over to see that poodle is calmer than ever, despite the fact that the crowd is louder than ever.

The Starter stands ahead of both men.

The flag is raised.


The match begins.

The crowd goes silent, neither constant move an inch.

Roaring is heard from Takeshi car, smoke fills the crowd.

"I've practiced this move for too long to lose here! Prepare to die Poodle!"


"How will you respond to this?" Poodle says deviousness hinted by his voice.

Takeshi takes off, but a screech is heard and Poodle takes the lead stopping in front of Takeshi.

Takeshi's eyes widen, as the crowd goes wild.

"He canceled my Overdrive…"

"So that's his plan." Takeshi reassures himself

"I can't be sure yet, but it's obvious he's trying to humiliate me in my debut."

He has one solution then.

Smoke fills the crowd once more. Poodle darts ahead, attempting to keep the lead.

"Where is he?" Poodle wonders aloud expecting Takeshi to attempt at gaining the lead.

Takeshi Hurls past Poodle and the crowd goes silent.

A new lead is formed.

"You canceled mine, Now I cancel my own!"

Poodle full throttles staying near Takeshi from the back. Takeshi clears the first turn, and 2 seconds later Poodle follows behind.

"How is this novice countering my strategy! At this rate I'll never regain control!"

"This is really pissing me off"

Takeshi looks in his rear view mirror, seeing that Poodle is inches away and ready for his overtake.

"I'm already going full speed, but I trust coach so I'll use his advice!"

At the turn, Poodle attempts the overtake! He drives along the left curb inches away from the guard rail.

All while Takeshi is maintaining a faster speed by using a drift.


At the end of this battle Takeshi lost.

Poodle takes the lead, while Takeshi exits a drift.

"The end of the first lap is in sight, usually the one who passes the first lap wins!"

"I can't lose my debut!"

Takeshi stops, Poodle keeping full speed Ahead.










Takeshi darts forward, Poodle looks back, and swerves left in front of Takeshi.

Takeshi keeps going, dragging his car across the left guard rail to maintain a little momentum.

"My car could be destroyed, and I could care less this is the beginning of my career!"


"This newbie might have some potential"

"What a comeback and the race isn't even over yet!"

At the end of the move, Takeshi has a huge lead. Poodle is massively behind.

Time seems to slow, then…

Takeshi passes the first lap.