{Hello player: Hecate}

Zaine sucked in a deep breath as he felt a rush of cold energy. Something inside him was changing.

His left eye turned black but this time his pupil became a crimson red.

A bloody aura oozed off him as the vampire queen's soul merged with his.

Zaine prepared another soul gun and this time the ball of energy was a chaotic blood red mixed with the usual black, making it look like some eldritch power.

This time he created an enhanced bullet,compressing it before shooting it at the tentacle.

This time it seemed to pierce through a little bit, but it still didn't harm the beast, however, it did throw it into a frenzy as it started flailing about. Even the sprites had started glowing menacingly.

Theia seemed a bit worried as the sprites started moving and warned Zaine.

"Quickly,catch them before they damage the plants."