Chapter 19 Silently caring

How could Chen Shiwan not hear this kind of deliberate joke on her? But she, Chen Shiwan, was able to get to where she is today because of her ability to take risks.

She couldn't help but glance at Si Boxheng again. The Yuan Yi family was also a wealthy family, and hooking up with him was the most crucial step for her to get closer to Si Boxheng. Now that she was here today, the opportunity was placed in front of her, and she must seize it.

A smile slowly appeared on her lips, beautiful and delicate. She knelt down next to Yuan Yi and looked up at him.

"I happen to like drinking like this too. The cup is so boring."

As she said this, she picked up the bottle of wine and took several gulps of it. Half of the large bottle of wine was consumed.

Yuan Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and Jin Mingchen was also a little surprised. This little star was quite bold.

Only Si Boheng didn't pay attention here. Instead, he got up and walked towards the balcony outside.

Jin Mingchen also followed.

Chen Shiwan held the wine bottle in her hand and listened to the commotion around her, but her eyes followed Si Boheng until she could no longer see Si Boheng, and then she looked back with some disappointment.

"Si Boheng won't want you, it's better to know yourself clearly."

Yuan Yi also held a red wine bottle in his hand, and blowing into the bottle on such an occasion was actually not a decent thing to do, but what Yuan Yi did was somewhat pleasing to the eye.

"Isn't it great to be a star? I heard that your status in the industry is pretty good, but don't ruin your future."

Being able to say so much to Chen Shiwan is already a sign of Yuan Yi's approval of her actions just now. Otherwise, with his dissolute temperament, he would not bother to care about these girls.

Chen Shiwan lowered her eyes, showing no emotion or anger. She just listened to the voice, but she still looked that charming and passionate.

"Isn't it normal that a good man will attract many women?"

Yuan Yi's face darkened, waiting for him here, isn't he excellent? He is obviously a heartthrob, okay? I don't know how many big stars like him.

Chen Shiwan smiled at Yuan Yi, stood up and sat next to him, then held up the bottle and said again.

"Master Yuan is also a very good man."

Yuan Yi's expression softened and he looked at Chen Shiwan with a little more interest.

Si Boheng and Jin Mingchen both held cigarettes in their hands, and the faint scent of tobacco filled the air.

"Do you want her to take the college entrance examination next year?"

Si Boheng blew out a puff of smoke and nodded.

"She seems to be having a hard time not getting into the bachelor's degree. You can check out those private schools first to see which ones teach well. You can let her go to classes for a few months, or she doesn't have to go to class at all."

"How can she pass the exam without taking classes?"

After Jin Mingchen finished speaking, his eyes suddenly focused and he looked at Si Boheng.

"You...are not planning to teach in person?"

Si Boheng took a puff of cigarette and looked at him sideways.


Jin Mingchen wanted to roll his eyes, but it didn't suit his steady personality, so he held back.

"Yes, why not? You, a top student with a double PhD from Harvard, are teaching her. Do you plan to teach her to a world-famous university?"

Si Boheng's face froze. He really hadn't thought about this. It seemed that he had to hold back a little while teaching.

Jin Mingchen had grown up with Si Boxheng for many years and knew him somewhat. Looking at his expression, Jin Mingchen asked in a low voice.

"Hey, Ah Heng, what are your plans for her future?"

In fact, most of the marriages of these people will be marriages in the future, so they have had this awareness since they were young. They only play with each other and do not love. Although he is not like Yuan Yi, he does not play with flowers, but in fact, he does not care about the people he is dating. Will be serious.

However, Si Boheng's family is not in the same situation as them. He can like girls, but this guy is hard-hearted and has never liked anyone in thirty years.

Si Boheng sighed, glanced at Jin Mingchen, and was about to speak when the door was pushed open, and a very handsome young man in a silver suit walked in.

As soon as he came in, he punched Si Boxheng and Jin Mingchen.

"You are so good at hiding that I was dragged around by those old women and kept nagging me."

Si Boheng also gave him a hammer.

Jin Mingchen said.

"Who told you to be Li Songbai? No one can match Songbai's talents."

Li Songbai suddenly turned dark and glared at Jin Mingchen.

"It's hard to get through this, isn't it? You guys have been laughing at my name since childhood. Are you annoyed?"

Jin Mingchen replied to him honestly.

"It's not annoying."


Si Boheng shook his head helplessly, put out the cigarette in his hand and put it into the ashtray.

"I have to go back, please remember to look for me carefully."

After that, he took his coat and left.

Li Songbai called out, but Si Boxheng ignored him and left.

Li Songbai was hurt.

"No, why does he leave as soon as I come? Doesn't he want to see me so much?"

Jin Mingchen smiled and nodded.

"Still somewhat self-aware."

Li Songbai said angrily.

"You're talking nonsense. A-Heng wouldn't do that. Come on, come here. A-Heng just asked you to look for it. What are you looking for?"

Speaking of this, Jin Mingchen couldn't contain his gossip, and whispered in Li Songbai's ear about Si Boheng.

Li Songbai's eyes widened and he exclaimed in disbelief.

"What? Isn't this... too fantasy? Real or fake? Wait, you mean, that little girl at the bar?"

Li Songbai slapped his thigh.

"Oh, let me tell you, this guy was so abnormal that day. It was the day of Lao Yu'er's wedding. He wasn't there. Let me tell you, he was just going to bring roast chicken to someone."


Si Boheng left directly from the back door without waiting for the official start. He actually never liked such gatherings, but he used to be indifferent. He came to sit with his brothers and talked smoothly.

But today he didn't want to stay here, especially when he thought about how much Yan Rongrong cried before going out. He didn't know if he was in a better mood, so before going home, he went to a dessert shop and bought a tiramisu cake for her. she.

He didn't remember hearing someone in a short video say that eating sweet things can make people feel sweet. He didn't like the way Yan Rongrong cried. She was obviously a shy and cute little girl, but she suddenly became It's so sad, it makes people feel heavy.

Yan Rongrong was piecing together her broken mobile phone at home. Aunt Wen picked up the pieces and was about to throw them away, but she didn't let her go. She wanted to see if it could be repaired.

If she could still put it together, she planned to go to a mobile phone repair shop tomorrow to ask.

She was so angry just now that she actually dropped her phone. She regretted it now. She didn't have much money, so if she bought a phone, she would probably have to clear her pockets.

"Da da da!"

There was another knock on the door, and Yan Rongrong was a little helpless. From just now to now, Aunt Wen had sent things to her room six times, almost every twenty minutes.

Despite her helplessness, she actually felt very warm. She knew that Aunt Wen was worried about her. Even at home, she had never received such attention and care.