Chapter 4

Rose went to the washroom, took out her phone and called Jennie.

Jennie picked up the call and said, "Hello! Is the work done?" Rose said, "It didn't happen. That Jungkook's refused to use that kit." Jennie asked in surprise, "What? He was refused. But why? You didn't tell that the kit was specially ordered from Paris for him." Rose said angrily, "I told you but prince is saying that he has no time to spare for patch test and also said that the kit provided to him from here suits quite well." Jennie paused for a while and said, "So why not damage it by making it similar to the kit here, seeing the time. Okay!" Rose said fearfully, "But what if someone catches me doing? Jennie said, "You will have to take care of it yourself and if you can't do that, then return the money I gave you." Hearing her words, Rose quickly said, "No! No! will do it! When did I refuse to do it?"

Jennie said with a devil smile, "Okay! All the best!" Saying this she disconnected the call. Rose muttered to herself, "saying all the best as if I am going to for a war. If I had not bought designer clothes worth that much money, I would have thrown that money on her face. Said the witch.

When Jungkook came to the set after getting her make-up done, her eyes fell on the director in front of her. Along with the director, the assistant director, script writer, Park Bogum and Joo young were standing. Park Bogum was a very handsome and talented actor. Korea's best male actor. He had received the Best Male Actor Award many times. He always used to do high budget and top level pictures but he was doing this movie only because he had said that he liked its script very much, which was a blatant lie. Of all the films he had worked in till date, his scripts were the best. The script of that film was many times better than the script of this film. This was a romantic film whereas he used to work in films based on real life issues. His story was heart touching. People did not know the real reason for his working in the film, but they definitely knew that it was not at all because of the script of film. But still what could anyone say or ask him? Little did people know that the real reason for his working in this film was Jungkook. Not because he liked Jungkook but because he was Taehyung's friend and he knew something about Taehyung and Jungkook's story. When he came to know that they were casting Joo Young opposite Jungkook, he decided to play the lead actor himself. Because of which Joo Young had to play the role of villain. Because he did not want to miss the opportunity to work with Bogum in a film under any circumstances. And the second reason was his misunderstanding. Actually, he had also set a condition for working in the film from the producer and that was that Jennie should be

cast for the song of the film. But the poor guy didn't knew that Jennie had already convinced the producer to give her this role. After all, it just a few hours' work for him.

Jungkook went to everyone and wished everyone good morning together. However, he ignored Joo Young. Everyone also wished him back lovingly. But Joo Young found this strange. Since last night, he had noticed Jungkook's behavior was a little different. But what could he say now? Jungkook asked the director about today's scene. The director said that today all three of them have to shoot a scene together. Actually the story of the movie was that one day in the life of a happily married couple, the wife's psycho ex boyfriend. He harasses him a lot by threatening to take away his husband's job. But one day when his husband saw them together, he felt that his wife was cheating on him, so he left him. After he leaves, the boy fights with his ex and is about to go after his husband when his ex kidnaps him and takes with him. He keeps him tied up in one of his farm houses, while on the other hand, his parents tell his husband that the boss was his ex and he was a criminal, hence he was jailed. And now he has been released from jail and is after that boy. Then his husband returns to his wife and there he comes to know about his kidnapping. he went to save his wife and finally killed the villain.

So today's scene was that Bogum will mistake them and go away after seeing them together and then Joo Young and Jungkook will argue and he will kidnap him. He had understood all three scenes and already remembered the script and dialogues. Jungkook had also read the script and dialogues while getting his make-up done because he had returned after many years.

All three reached their respective places for shooting the scene. When the director called for action, Joo Young suddenly came and hugged Jungkook, who was working in the kitchen, from behind. Suddenly Jungkook felt very disgusted by his hug and he shook his hands away from him he turned back & pushed him due to which he staggered and went a little distance. Jungkook then said angrily, "How dare you touch me?" By the time he said this, Jungkook's eyes were red. Everyone thought he was acting and found the acting very realistic. But Joo Young was shocked. He could clearly feel the hatred for himself in Jungkook's eyes. Joo Young got nervous and forgot that he was acting. He went to Jungkook and said, "Jungkook, what happened? Why are you staring at me with so much hatred?" Jungkook too had forgotten in anger that they were shooting and was about to speak the truth when suddenly...

"cut!!!" The director said loudly. His shouting reminded Jungkook and Joo young that both of them were shooting at that time. The director said to Joo Young sitting there in the mike, "What are you doing Joo Young? What lines were you saying forgetting your lines?" Joo Young said hurriedly, "D-Director Sir, J-jungkook..." The director said in a stern voice, "Jungkook what? he was acting. he had acted so well... so real but you messed everything up...Now Be professional and Do it again!" Joo young's face turned red with shame. Swallowing his spit, he said, "Okay!"

Jungkook was enjoying seeing him in such a condition. he would slowly and gradually take revenge from him.

The director again called for action and this time Jungkook controlled his emotions and acted properly. So Joo Young also felt that he might have been confused. But there was one person sitting there who found Jungkook's acting less acting and more truthful. This person was none other than Bogum. Taehyung had told him this morning itself that Jungkook had changed since last night. At first Bogum thought that he might be doing drama but now he felt that maybe there was some problem between Jungkook and Joo young and that is why he was behaving so well with Taehyung and Hanuel. And perhaps when everything will be fine between these two, Jungkook will be back to the way he was before. That's why at the moment he felt that Jungkook and Joo young were not acting but were reacting real. Now he just wanted to see how long Jungkook would remain angry with Joo Young and whether he would act for change.

After the shooting of the scenes of Jungkook and Joo young, the scene in which Bogum had misunderstood after seeing them together was also shot. Then after that, some solo scenes of Bogum were being shot in which his heart broke. And depression was going to be shot. Meanwhile,Jungkook was free. So he was resting sitting in the rest room. finding him alone, Joo Young comes to him. Seeing him, Jungkook's temper goes high again. he deliberately shrinks his face after seeing him. Seeing this, Joo Young gets very angry but he controls his anger because he had to take advantage of Jungkook. So he looked a little worried and said, "Is there something wrong? Since last night, I feel that your behavior has changed a bit with me." Jungkook looked at him with sharp eyes and asked, "Okay? What has changed in my behavior?"

Joo young said, "Earlier you used to talk to me very nicely. You were a very special friend of mine. You used to always make me laugh and joke. You used to share all your things with me. Even people felt that something was going on between us."

Hearing him, Jungkook raised one eyebrow and said, "Oh really? What is going on between us? And why am I not aware of it?" Joo Young felt a bit strange after listening to him. Why did he feel today that Jungkook has changed from before? Earlier, he always used to flirt with him. he kept trying to get his attention. In this matter, he became very upset. But today he was talking as if he was fed up with it. Joo Young said, "No, I did not mean that something is really going on between us. I was just saying that people feel that way." "Joo Young, those people do not know that I am married and also the mother of a child. But you know this very well, that is why I am telling you clearly today that if you have anything in mind for me, By the way, if you have such thoughts, throw them out of your mind because I love my husband and child very much and can never even think of betraying them.". Joo Young was shocked to hear his words. He could not believe what Jungkook just said. Till yesterday afternoon, Jungkook did not get tired of complaining about his married life but today he was saying he loves her husband and child very much. Does it.

He said in a slightly sharp voice, "What are you saying? Till yesterday you never got tired of speaking ill of your husband and child. And you used to call me your good friend and your sympathizer and today you are saying that your husband and children You love me very much."

Jungkook also spoke in the same tone, "Yes, I used to hate my husband and child till yesterday. But do you know what... Last night I had a dream in which I saw that some dirty people were torturing me and I was screaming for help. But who knows who came to help me? My husband and son. They told me that they love me very much and will always protect me. Do you know what? All the nightmares I have had till date That has always been true. That's why I have also decided that I will always stay with my husband and son and will love them only and will try my best to protect myself from those dirty people." Joo Young was surprised to hear her. He said, "Kook, what nonsense are you talking? There is no relation between dreams and reality. How can you who is for you because of a dream?" Okay! That Taehyung is not a good life partner for you at all. He is not a good.....

Jungkook said, "Okay, tell me one thing, if my dream has nothing to do with reality then why was it Taehyung who saved me from that bastard last night? And how can you say that he is not a good husband. He raises me. He fulfills my every wish. He tolerates me even after so many of my mistakes. If he is not a good husband then who will you call a good husband?"

"Kook, I also came to save you."

"You? Oh please! Don't even talk about yourself. Don't forget that it was because of you that the bastard escaped." Jungkook said taunting him.

Joo Young became calm after listening to him. He thought that Jungkook was probably still angry about what happened yesterday. That's why he was behaving like this with him. Actually, he was just venting his anger on him. Joo Young said in a very soft voice, "Oh! So you are still angry about what happened last night. Look Kook, please forgive me for that. I will never repeat such a mistake again."

Jungkook starts laughing loudly after listening to him. Jungkook looks at him with surprise. Jungkook says, "Joo Young, understand whatever you want to understand. In the coming few days, you will realise the truth yourself." Saying this he got up and left from there. Joo Young kept watching him go. He still felt that he was right. Jungkook was just angry and he would soon get rid of his anger.