Chapter 7

Lunch time of the shooting is going on and Jungkook is taking rest when he heard some noise coming outside. he started getting irritated. So he got up to see what was happening. When he went out, a huge smile appeared on his face after seeing what he saw in front of him. Hanni and soojin were sitting on a chair in front. Everyone was very happy to see Hanuel. Everyone praising him that they had never seen such a cute and handsome child before. People were saying that his parents must be very smart, that is why his child is like this. Hearing those words, jungkook felt very proud. Then suddenly his eyes fell on samchon who was standing next to Hanni. Jungkook understood that Hanuel had come here with him. Actually today was Saturday so Hanuel had a holiday in school. When Jungkook went in front of Hanuel, he asked excitedly, "Wow! What a cute baby! Who is this?" Jungkook did not recognize Hanuel because no one here except Bogum and Joo young knew the truth of Jungkook being married to Taehyung. But Hanuel's face turned pale after hearing his words. Why was his mumma not recognizing him? Has he become the same mumma again?

Jungkook, Bogum and Samchon read Hanni's face. Both of them knew why Jungkook was doing this. Hanuel immediately got down from the chair ran towards Jungkook and hugged his legs tightly with tears in his eyes. So Jungkook felt his trembling. Jungkook felt heartbroken. His son got insecure that after hearing such a small thing, he felt that his mother had forgotten him and become his old mother again. Perhaps his image had not been completely changed in Hanuel's mind yet. Jungkook thought that he had to work a little harder to eliminate this insecurity from Hanuel's mind. Seeing Hanuel clinging to Jungkook like this, everyone was looking at him with surprise. He was convinced of Jungkook's acting of not knowing Hanuel, but how could that child suddenly go and hug Jungkook like this. When samchon went towards taking Hanuel away from Jungkook, Jungkook sat down on his knees. he hugged Hanuel and said in a loud voice for everyone to hear, "Oh wow! This baby seems to be my fan." Everyone felt the same after listening to him. Bogum took the opportunity and said, "Ha, this is Hanuel, son of one of my friends. He is your fan so he came to meet you." Jungkook agreed with him and said, "So I am taking this baby with me. You guys do your work."

Saying this, he took hanni with him holding his hand. Hanuel was facing Jungkook so no one noticed the tears flowing from his eyes. Jungkook went to his rest room with Hanni. As soon as they left, he hugged hanni tightly and said, " Hanni my cupcake please don't cry." Hanni turned his face away from him and asked, "Mumma, why didn't you recognize Hanni? Have you become the old mumma sim? Don't you consider me as your son now?" He pouted while crying. Jungkook felt very sad after listening to him. Placing his hands on his cheeks, he said, "No, baby! It's not like that. You know that mumma is an actor and hence can't tell anyone about you."

"But mumma, you told my friends and their parents in school." hanni asked. "That's because those people don't work with me, so I told them. But I can't tell anyone here. And anyway, that day we had forbidden those people from telling this to anyone." Now how could Jungkook explain to Hanni that people associated with the entertainment industry could have taken advantage of this, that is why he said all this. As far as hanni's school friends and their parents were concerned, they had enmity towards Jungkook. they would have used this news against Jungkook. even if they want to, they could not do because they knew very well that Jungkook is Taehyung's wife. And no one could even dream of going against Taehyung. Hanni understood what he said so he stopped crying. Then they started spending time together. Samchon brought him snacks which both of them started eating together. While they were eating, Jungkook Clicked the selfie and posted it on his Instagram account. When he checked his Instagram account, he got very angry. he had posted so many posts with soojin that after seeing them he felt like deleting them. But he stopped because what answer would he give to people?

Then suddenly a child voice came from the door, "Jungkook uncle!"

Jungkook and Hanuel got surprised to hear this voice. Both of them knew this voice very well. Hearing that voice, many painful memories came to Jungkook's mind. he started remembering how much that person had tortured him and this was the same person who had told Jennie to kill him. A wave of hatred ran through Jungkook's mind. On the other hand, Hanni's heart started beating vigorously. He started feeling very restless. He felt that now this person will definitely take his mother away from him. His momma will now ignore him and love that person. Hanuel looks towards Jungkook & found he was already looking in that direction. That too with a lot of love.

"What happened? Why did you stop eating?" Jungkook asked. Hanni pointed towards the door and said, "soojin is here." Jung, who was deliberately ignoring sojin, could no longer ignore him, he looked towards soojin with great reluctance. Soojin was a fatty child who was currently 8 years old. He was a little handsome in appearance compared to other children but he was nothing compared to Hanuel. Looking at him, Jungkook thought in his mind that he was a number one crazy person who used to call him angel baby in his previous life.

he scolded himself in her mind and said, "Truly love makes a person blind. That's why in love with that Joo Young, you found Joo Young and soojin more handsome and cute than Taehyung and Hanuel. How disgusting." The taste was yours Jungkook. . Huh! It's good that this blindfold of love has been removed from your eyes and you have started seeing clearly." Jungkook was lost in her thoughts while on the other hand sojin could not believe his eyes after seeing the sight in front of his eyes. Hanuel and Jungkook were together and Jungkook talking nicely to him, but how? he always kept scolding Hanuel. What's more, after seeing him, he did not even come running towards him like usual. He was engrossed in such thoughts when suddenly someone came to Jungkook and told him that the director had called him. Jungkook held Hanni's hand and took him along with himself, ignoring soojin. Hanuel felt very happy that even after soojin's arrival, his mother did not go away from him. He happily went with Jungkook. Then soojin's face twitched . He could not understand what was happening. what his mother said to him was true? As soon as the thought came to his mind that what his mother had said was true, he immediately became very angry and his hatred for Jungkook once again gained strength. To confirm his suspicion, he followed them both.

He had come here to meet Joo Young but he was sleeping so he came to meet Jungkook. Because no matter how much he hates Jungkook, one thing was true that he liked Jungkook papering him, after all, it made him feel very proud of himself. That no matter how badly he behaves with Jungkook . But Jungkook still did not do anything against him and always treated him well. Soojin ran towards their directions. When he reached there, Jungkook, Bogum, the director and the choreographer were talking among themselves because their song was about to be shot. Hanuel was sitting on a chair comfortably eating his snacks. He was completely alone because samchon went back home leaving Hanni in the care of Jungkook and everyone else was busy in their work. Soojin thought of something and went towards hanni with the intention of troubling him. Seeing him, Hanuel ignored him and continued eating his snacks. He did not like Soojin. Hanuel, do you have any manners at all? Didn't your teacher teach you to share?" Soojin said while pointing towards Hanni's chips.

Hanuel thought that he was right, so he gave his packet to soojin. And took out a chocolate from his bag. This chocolate was imported. When soojin eyes went on chocolate, he started asking for it too. That's just what he always did. He used to ask for all the good things from Hanni and if Hanuel did not give him, he used to snatch them forcefully. Otherwise he used to complain to Jungkook and Jungkook always scolded Hanni and made him get things for soojin. Hanuel did not want to give his chocolate because this chocolate was his favourite. But he was also afraid that Jungkook might complain about him. But Taehyung brought this chocolate for him and he had brought only one because he did not want that eating too many chocolates it would harm him. In such a situation, how could he share this chocolate with soojin. but still disheartened He gave him 30% of the chocolate. Which soojin happily took. "Hanuel, the part you have is very big and the part I have is so small. This is not fair." Hanuel felt very disappointed after listening to him because he did not want to share any more. Then soojin said, "Okay! If you don't give it to me, I will make you a complaint to Jungkook uncle."

Hanni got very scared after listening to him. He didn't want anything to go wrong between him and his mom again. He did not want to be scolded by his mother again, so as soon as he tried to break the chocolate for sharing, he suddenly heard Jungkook's voice, "Complaint? What kind of complaint?" Hearing his voice, both the children turned and saw that Jungkook was coming towards them.

Soojin said happily, "uncle, see Hanni is not sharing his chocolate with me."

Hanuel bowed his head in fear. He felt that now Jungkook would definitely scold him but nothing like that happened, instead Jungkook instead said to soojin, "Okay then what is this in your hand?" He said pointing towards the chocolate soojin was holding in his hand.

Seeing him, soojin pouted and said, "But uncle, this is a very small part and the part & Hanuel is having very big." Jungkook said in a stern voice, "So what? Don't forget that this chocolate is for hanni's. He gave you this much, isn't it enough for you. Sharing does not mean that he should give you half or more than half." Soojin got very surprised after hearing what he said. Why was Jungkook taking Hanuel's side instead of his side? what happened to him today? Uncle, but I liked this chocolate, that's why I asked for it?" Soojin said. "So? So you liked his chocolate, you want him to give it to you! If hanni likes something of yours, will you also give it to him?" Jungkook asked. Soojin could not understand what answer he should give. Seeing his silence, Jungkook mocked him and said, "And anyway, just look at yourself. You are getting bigger day by day like a balloon and are eating such unhealthy things. Leave them and go and ask your dad for something healthy to eat." Jungkook snatched both the packet of chips and the chocolate. Due to which soojin got very angry and he ran away from there towards his dad. Jungkook gave those things back to Hanuel and said, "You eat comfortably! Mumma knows that this is your favorite. So there is no need for you to share it with anyone. After all, it is yours" It is your choice to do or not. It is not necessary that if the teacher has told you then it is necessary to share everything. And anyway, it is not good to share anything reluctantly. "

Hanni was very happy that his mother snatched his things back from soojin. He happily hugged Jungkook tightly.