Chapter 17

Jungkook, Hanuel, and Myung also start keeping an eye on Soojin standing there. Jungkook and Hanni had put their masks back on. Soojin was engaged with all his dedication and hard work in constructing the building. Within a short time, his building was ready. So, he immediately got excited and came to Jungkook, saying, 'I have built the building, Jungkook uncle.' Jungkook listens to him and, looking at the building, says, 'Wow! This is very beautiful. Very good, Soojin, son!' Hearing his praise, Soojin feels very happy and proud of himself. He looks at Hanni with a winning smile, but Hanni looks away from him. Soojin feels that Hanni is becoming jealous of him and becomes even happier. But who will tell soojin that Hanni did not turn his gaze away from him out of jealousy but he might accidentally laugh at him. Poor Soojin had no idea that his mumma was just fooling him.

Jungkook then calls the Playroom staff and says, 'Now you can take Hanni's photo. But don't take off his mask.' They get ready and take Hanni's photo. However, after the photo is clicked, Jungkook suddenly says, 'Wait! Something doesn't feel right.' Then, Jungkook goes over and lightly adjusts Hanni's hair, saying, 'Yes, now you're looking absolutely perfect.' While fixing Hanni's hair, soojin feels very jealous because Jungkook used to style his hair in the same way before. It hurts him to see Jungkook doing the same for Hanni, something he used to do exclusively for him. After that, Jungkook returns to his previous place and winks at Myung, who starts smiling upon seeing him. Hanni returned after getting another photo clicked." Seeing this, Jungkook felt very satisfied that his son received the credit he deserved for the construction of the building. Now his son's photos would definitely be here. Then it wouldn't matter who built the building; after all, the design was the same. These people were impressed by the building's design and not by the hard work of Hanni or Soojin. Now it was time to teach Soojin a lesson, so jungkook said to the staff, 'Well, Soojin has worked very hard, so why doesn't he also get a photo taken?' The staff readily agreed. Then Jungkook leaned towards Soojin and said, 'Go on, Soojin, you too go and have a photo taken of yourself. I will upload it on my Instagram.' Soojin became overexcited after hearing Jungkook's words. He had not seen Jungkook and Hanni's posts until now.

Soojin was walking towards the building when suddenly he collapsed after reaching there. Upon falling, his hand made contact with the building, causing it to break and disintegrate beneath him. Fortunately, Soojin himself was unharmed as he fell towards the side of the building. The relief was that he didn't got injured . Witnessing his fall, Jungkook and everyone else rushed towards Soojin, but Jungkook reached him first and swiftly lifted him from where he had fallen. Actually, this marble had been dropped by Jungkook earlier when he went to style Hanni's hair, and he had already informed Myung about it. Therefore, upon his return, Jungkook was very cautious and didn't stumble. He quickly pocketed the marble to keep it out of everyone's sight and proceeded to lift Soojin." Meanwhile, other people also arrived, and Jungkook pretended to be worried about Soojin. 'Soojin son, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Don't you know one should not run in a place with short space?' Poor Soojin couldn't understand what had happened to him and started crying bitterly. Now he comprehended how Hanuel must have felt when his building was destroyed, and all his hard work went to waste. Jungkook and the rest of the staff attempted to calm him down. Hanni and Myung stood at a distance observing the entire drama. Myung asked Hanni, 'Did you see your mother's mischievous act? Your mumma was always so mischievous.' Listening to him, Hanni wondered why he isn't mischievous like his mumma? Perhaps it was because he sought guidance from his dadda. Taehyung's bodyguards exchanged smiles upon seeing each other, understanding that this was tricked by their sir. However, Joo Young's bodyguards were unaware of what had occurred; one of them was just reporting to Joo Young over the phone. Upon hearing the report, Joo Young swiftly arrived at the scene. Observing Soojin crying bitterly, it reminded him of the same scene when a similar accident happened with Hanni. Joo Young admired Hanni for not crying so much despite at that time being younger than Soojin. He truly is Taehyung's son. Joo Young Immediately, moved towards Soojin, while Jungkook moved away from there and returned to Hanni and Myung.

Jungkook, Hanni, and Myung finished their shopping at the mall and were about to leave when the cashier insisted they didn't need to pay. Jungkook remembered Taehyung mentioning they didn't have to pay for his expenses. However, Myung insisted on paying, reasoning that Taehyung wasn't his husband. Jungkook suggested he consider it a gift from his friend, but Myung was unwilling to agree. As Jungkook attempted to persuade him, he suddenly got an idea and called Taehyung. Taehyung was sitting in a meeting with many people in front of him, and the room was exceptionally cold. He had called them in on a Sunday specifically to receive work performance reports. As he listened to each report, his anger surged with every passing second. Everyone present trembled with fear, anticipating his eruption of anger at any moment. It was as if a volcano was about to erupt, spewing forth lava that would burn them all to ashes. These unfortunate souls prayed fervently to God, seeking deliverance from his wrath. However, miraculously, Taehyung's phone rang. The sound caused everyone to look around fearfully, wondering whose phone was ringing since everyone had already switched their phones to silent mode. However, when Taehyung took out his phone and glimpsed at the screen, a lovely smile graced his face. This sudden expression of joy completely surprised the rest of the people as they had never witnessed their boss smiling before today. The only one seemingly unsurprised was Yonjun; having witnessed this scenario before, he had already guessed whose call it was. Then, in a stern tone, Taehyung addressed everyone, 'I'll let you all go this time, but next month, I expect each of you to double your performance.' With those words, everyone was shocked. Their boss was known for not tolerating even the slightest mistake, and by the look on his face now, it was evident he was very angry. So, suddenly what happened that his anger calmed down completely. Furthermore, today his usually strict voice seemed much less severe. What had happened to their boss? Whatever the reason, it was in their best interest to quickly leave the place at that moment. Consequently, they all hurriedly departed, including Yonjun, who didn't want to intrude on Taehyung's privacy.

Once they left, Taehyung promptly answered the call, speaking to Jungkook in a very gentle tone. 'Is your shopping done?' Jungkook, with a pouty face, replied, 'Yes, but you refused, so now you'll have to come home yourself with the driver. However, that's not important... what matters is that I thought you'd join us to meet my friend, but you didn't come.' In fact, in response to Jungkook's message half an hour before their shopping concluded, Taehyung had replied, "I said sorry because today's meeting was very important. this meeting is held only once every month." Hearing Jungkook's words, Taehyung says feelings a little guilty. "Sorry I couldn't come but I was actually in a very important meeting. Apart from this, I also have a meeting with the Finance Minister. He had requested me an hour ago. That's why I also did not refuse because giving last minute information would definitely mean some important matter, wouldn't it?"Jungkook was completely surprised by Taehyung's schedule. He thought about how busy Taehyung was, yet he never showed any signs of tiredness. However, Jungkook also felt immensely proud that his husband was personally called for a meeting by the Finance Minister himself. So, Jungkook said to Taehyung, 'It's okay! I was just joking. You don't need to take what I said so seriously. Besides, I called you for another reason.'. Hearing Jungkook, Taehyung thought to himself, 'How can I not take everything you say seriously? It took me great effort to gain the blessing that you're no longer avoiding me. In such situations, there's a fear in my mind that something I say might upset you, causing you to distance yourself from me again.' Then he asked Jungkook, 'So, why did you call?'

No it's, my friend wants to pay his bills himself and I want to gift him all those things, so now I leave it to you to convince him to get this gift by whatever means you can." Upon hearing Jungkook, Myung stared at him in disbelief. He couldn't fathom that Jungkook had even called Taehyung to convince him, making him ponder how far his friend would go to fulfill his wish. Taehyung, after listening to Jungkook, pondered for a moment and then said to Jungkook, 'Alright. Pass the phone to him." Excited by Taehyung's response, Jungkook extended the phone toward Myung, saying, 'Myung... Tae wants to talk to you.' Myung was taken aback, unable to believe that Taehyung actually wanted to speak to him? Myung tried to persuade Jungkook by winking at him, but Jungkook forcefully handed over the phone to him. Left with no choice, poor Myung was apprehensive and put the phone to his ear, greeting Taehyung, 'Hello, Mr. Kim! I am Myung, Jungkook's school friend.' "Best friend! Jungkook said in a slightly louder voice, correcting Myung. Taehyung started smiling after listening to Jungkook. He felt good to see that Jungkook was bringing his old friends back into her life. Then he spoke to Myung,"Hello Myung! As Jungkook's best friend, you have become my brother-in-law... and as my brother-in-law, I never got a chance to give you a nice gift. So, now, if you accept this gift, only then will I feel that you have accepted your best friend and me as your brother-in-law." Myung was stunned after hearing Taehyung's words. He couldn't believe that the person who said such things to him was none other than Kim Taehyung. People were ready to do anything and everything to associate their name with him. He would have considered himself great even if Taehyung knew his name. But today, Taehyung himself told him that he is his brother-in-law and was also speaking nicely to him, especially for Jungkook. Myung finally obeyed Taehyung because he respects his words.