Chapter 21

Hearing her words, Jungkook without thinking anything, he held Yeri's hand and forcefully brought her to the door of the room and pushed her very hard and said, "Don't you dare to come near my son. He is my son...I have given birth to him, I have kept him in my womb for 19 months, so it is my job to do all the work of my prepare him for school and also to send him to school. You are no one. Whom do you consider to stop me from doing my work." Due to jungkook's push, Yeri fell on the floor outside the room. All the servants standing in the hall below saw this scene with their own eyes because they were waiting for Yeri to do the stupid thing of stopping Jungkook from doing Hanni's work and when Jungkook will teach her a lesson. And now seeing Jungkook doing this, their eyes were getting great relief. Yeri's attention was less on Jungkook's insult but more on his words. When she heard Jungkook's words, she got up from the floor and looked at Jungkook and shouted, "Sir, you are not doing this right. I have got this job only to do Hanni Baby's work, so don't stop me from doing my work, otherwise... Saying this, she became silent as if she is threatening Jungkook that the consequences of his actions would not be good. Jungkook said in a challenging tone, otherwise what yes...otherwise what will you do? "I will complain about you to Taehyung sir." Yeri said. She felt that Jungkook will get scared by the name of Taehyung. And if not scared then she will definitely get irritated like before and then he will remember that she hates Hanni. Then he will move away from him and Hanni. But poor women don't know that Jungkook has already accepted Taehyung & Hanuel so, her tricks won't going to work.

Jungkook started laughing loudly. Along with him the servants also started laughing silently themselves at Yeri's stupidity. After all, when did she consider herself more important than Jungkook in Taehyung's eyes? Yeri became more irritated after seeing Ishika like this. She said angrily. "What is there to laugh about?" Jungkook said while trying to control his laughter. "You-you think Tae-Taehyung will leave me and choose you?" "He will choose...He will have to choose because who knows that the next day you'll start behaving like before and start hating Hanni Baby. Who knows, tomorrow you may break hanni baby's heart again for someone else's child. Because you have always been doing the same. You are less of Hanni Baby's mother and more of an enemy. Yeri said. It was obvious that she was pointing towards Soojin. Hearing this, Jungkook lost his patience and he raised one of his hands and gave a tight slap on Yeri's cheek. Due to which Yeri's ears became numb and she felt a burning sensation on her cheeks. Jungkook spoke. You must be sure of one thing that I am Hanni's mother. I agree that I have hurt Hanni a lot in the past but this will never change the fact that I am Hanni's mother and you are just a nanny who was hired here for Hanni but you have considered yourself to be his mother. What's more, you have forgotten your status, so today I will have to remind you of your status, that's why I will tell you right now.... I'm firing you from work. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!

Yeri and everyone else were surprised to hear what he said but everyone else was also very happy that today finally Yeri is being evicted. And at the same time she was also reminded of her status, otherwise she had started considering herself as Hanni's mother. Yeri thought How will she meet Hanni if she is fired from her job? No, she could not go away from Hanni under any circumstances. She immediately sat on her feet and started pleading, "No sir, please forgive me for my mistake.Don't fire me from work. Forgive me." Jungkook stepped back a little and said. Once I made the decision..... No matter how much you plead, I will not change my decision." Just then Taehyung came out of his room and was surprised to see the sight in front of him.

He asked, "What's happening here?" Hearing Taehyung's voice, everyone's eyes turned towards him. Seeing him, Yeri's eyes lit up. She felt that Taehyung would save her because he never let unfair happen to his servants. So Yeri immediately ran and fell near Taehyung's feet and started crying. "Sir please stop Jungkook Sir. He's firing me. I have no support sir.Please sir, stop him from snatching my job." At first Taehyung got surprised by what she said, then he took two steps back and said. "You get up first and don't embarrass me." Yeri stood up after hearing his words. But she kept crying.

Taehyung then looked at Jungkook who is looking very angry. He went to Jungkook and asked, "Jungkook. What happened? Why are you suddenly firing her?" Seeing Taehyung's Calmed, Jungkook felt that like last time, this time too Taehyung might get influenced by Yeri, so he thought that he would have to do anything to convince Taehyung to get Yeri out of the job.