Chapter 23

When Jungkook arrives at the shooting location, he greets everyone as usual before entering. Upon his arrival, he exchanges greetings with the director, producer, and others. Today, however, Bogum hasn't shown up yet. Jungkook inquires about the day's shoot, and the director informs him that the final scene depicting the fight between Bogum and Joo Young remains incomplete due to Jungkook had injured Joo Young during the previous shoot, which happened on a Sunday. So today they had to shoot the last scene and the last scene of Jungkook and Bogum's song, which was a kissing and bed scene. Hearing about that scene, Jungkook started feeling guilty again because in his previous life he was very eager to do this scene because it was said that once Bogum played with a actor/ actress on screen. If he had done such a bold scene with him, his future would have been set. Because Bogum never used to shoot such scenes with any Actor/Actress. He used to do such scenes only with those who were very professional in his eyes and never used their popularity for their own benefit.

Because it often happens that due to such scenes, false rumors of an affair between the actors start spreading. People start shipping them like a couple. And so on!

In such a situation, the stars would often promote these rumors by deliberately maintaining silence for their own benefit. Therefore, Bogum used to do such scenes only with those actors/actresses in whom he had full confidence that they would never fan such rumors for their own benefit. That's why Jungkook was also very excited to shoot that scene with Bogum but Bogum had clearly refused to shoot that scene with his. Because of which Jungkook felt very insulted. He felt that everyone must be laughing at him because Bogum's refusal meant that He did not consider him professional at all and he felt that Jungkook could take advantage of his popularity.

That's why Jungkook asked him angrily in private as to why he did this? Did he really think he was so mean that she could take advantage of his popularity? The answer that Bogum gave to Jungkook made him silent. He had said that he could even use his own child for his own benefit, then what was the big deal in using him (Bogum)? Bogum said all those in his previous life because he disliked him a lot. Remembering that incident, Jungkook once again regretted his actions and decided that this time he would not allow himself to be made fun of. So he told the director, "I'm sorry sir but I can't do this bed scene and kissing scene." The director and everyone else got shocked to hear his words. The director said with surprise, "Jungkook, do you even know what you are saying? Other actors would die to shoot this scene with Bogum...." Jungkook said smilingly, "But sir, I am not like other actors. I want to be famous on the basis of my acting and not on the basis of Bogum-si popularity. And anyway, who knows whether Bogum-si will also agree to this scene or not?" Listening to him, the director said, "But we had told him about this scene at the beginning of the shooting and he had not refused for the scene that time." Actually, Bogum had not refused because he was afraid that due to the cancellation of this scene, they might include a hot scene between Jungkook and Joo young in the movie. Because this was a good formula to make the movie a hit. And anyway, so many rumors were already spread about Jungkook and Joo young that they could get that scene, hence he had decided in the beginning itself that he will refuse for this scene only when that scene is shot which is the last one. I was about to be shot. Before Jungkook could say anything after listening to him, a voice came from behind, "But now I am refusing to shoot this scene." Hearing that voice, everyone looked back and saw Bogum standing there. Jungkook thought in his mind whether Bogum still thinks the same about him as it was in his previous life? "But you had not refused in the beginning, then why suddenly now?" the director asked. Bogum came forward and stood near jungkook and said, "Because I respect Jungkook's decision. Jungkook has thought of earning frame on the basis of his own hard work and acting, so I, being an actor and his senior, I respect his thinking and want to support him." Jungkook gets relieved after listening to Bogum that this time Bogum's thinking about him had changed and not only this but Bogum did not let him get insulted.

Hearing this, the director and everyone else also agree and cancel the scene. "Let's complete the fighting scene between Bogum and Joo young" director said. "But Joo Young is not present yet?" So before the director could say anything, they all heard Joo Young's voice, "I am here. Sorry, I am a little late." Hearing him, everyone except jungkook looks in that direction and everyone gets a little surprised. The producer says in a slightly excited tone, "Hey, Jennie you have also come today!"

Jungkook got shocked too after hearing Jennie's name and turned towards her from where Joo Young and Jennie are coming together. Jennie smiles at Jungkook but Jungkook finds it difficult to control himself. Seeing Jennie he remembered all the tortures he had faced. this woman who had made his life worse than hell, this woman who had opened fire on Taehyung and him. Due to this instigation, he had done so much wrong to Taehyung and Hanni. Seeing her smiling like this, Jungkook started feeling so much anger that he felt like taking her life right now and completing his revenge but he could not let her die so easily. In fact, he Didn't want her to die. He wanted to make her suffer for the rest of her life. he wanted to make her condition such that even death would seem worse to her. he wanted Jennie to die every day. Every day she regretted being alive. Jungkook wanted to give her pain but slowly. he wanted to take revenge for every injustice done to him by giving her the same pain. He wanted Jennie to suffer the same way he had suffered. Struggle for freedom just like he struggled. But right now he was not going to do anything like that. Before torturing her, Jungkook wanted to destroy her. So, he controlled himself for now and faked a smile at Jennie. Seeing his smile, Joo Young and Jennie felt relieved that Jungkook was not angry with them. Both of them quickly came there and started greeting everyone. Like always, Jungkook ignored Joo Young but he greeted Jennie with a smile. Joo Young felt bad due to this attitude of him and Jennie got upset. This means Joo Young was telling the truth that Jungkook has changed. On the way, Joo Young had told hee about Jungkook and his every meeting. Jennie could not believe for a moment that Jungkook had started behaving like this with Joo Young and Soojin, but now she is convinced that Joo Young was telling the truth. Now she just had to somehow fix everything. The director asked, "So Jennie, are you ready to shoot your song from today?"Jennie smiled and said, "Of course! Anyway, I am feeling very sorry that I got so late." Hearing this, the producer laughs and says, "No! No! It's not like that. The shooting has not been delayed at all. And anyway, the shooting of that song of yours is not going impact on the entire schedule. So we can record anytime." Bogum also did not like Jennie at all because he knew that she used to instigate Jungkook against Taehyung and Hanni.