Chapter 32

Both were so engrossed in each other that they did not even notice that Taehyung's phone beeped twice. Taehyung and Jungkook start kissing each other again when Taehyung's phone starts ringing. Due to which the attention of both gets divided. But Taehyung still keeps kissing Jungkook. Taehyung's phone stops ringing. But it starts ringing again after two seconds. Due to which Taehyung and Jungkook become very frustrated. But still Jungkook tells him, "Just check once. There must be an important call." Hearing his words, Taehyung gets up from Jungkook, but Jungkook lying still, starts taking deep breaths to relax himself. When Taehyung picks up his phone and checks it, there are two missed calls and messages from Bogum. Taehyung reads his messages first. It was written in one of them - hanni is asking for u and Jungkook.

It was written in the second message - it's half time break, Everyone is coming out.

After reading his message, Taehyung quickly looks at Jungkook and says. It's Bogum's message. It's a half time break . Everyone is coming out to eat. Hearing Taehyung's words, Jungkook quickly gets up and asks him, "Did Bogum-si know about us?" Taehyung says, "Don't know. For now we have to get up from this quickly." Jungkook nods yes and quickly adjusts his t-shirt, picks up his ice-cream box in his hands and runs towards the kitchen at full speed. So the same taehyung quickly switches off the LED, puts his phone to his ear and walks back and forth, pretending as if he is talking to someone on the phone. When everyone slowly comes out of the theater. All the servers go to the kitchen first because they have to hit the food for everyone there. But as soon as they go inside they are surprised. Because jungkook was sitting at the dining table comfortably eating ice-cream. Seeing him, a maid says, "Sir, are you here? Hanni was looking for you there. We thought maybe you had gone to the washroom."

After listening to the maid, Jungkook says very innocently, "Actually, I wanted to eat ice-cream, so I went here to get it, but after seeing it, I could not control myself, so I sat here and started eating." They smile after listening to Jungkook. One maid says smiling, "Sir, Hanni baby is totally crazy about you. Even he is unable to control himself after seeing the ice-cream." Jungkook also smiles after listening to him.

Samchon comes inside and says to him, "Jungkook son, you go outside and sit at the dining table. We will reheat the food and bring it quickly." Hearing him, Jungkook asked, "samchon, when will you guys have dinner?" "After you all are done." Samchon replied. "but samchon till then the match will be started again. You guys should also eat" Jungkook said. Hearing his words servants started looking towards each other.Then Samchon says ""No, son...if we will eat now...then who will serve you all?" Jungkook says, "samchon... Hanni is the only child among us and he eats with his own hands. And it's not like You guys will feed all of us with your own hands that we won't be able to eat without you." "If you need anything?" Samchon asked. Jungkook said smilingly, "Don't worry about that. I will take care of all that. You guys just reheat the food and put it on the table. I will do the rest myself." "But son, why do you need to do all this with us? You will have difficulty in doing all this." Samchon asked. "Samchon, what problem can I have in serving food to my own husband, son and friends? Yes, but I will face problems only when you won't listen to me and will not eat your food. Because all of you are also part of family. " Hearing Jungkook's words, respect for him increased in the eyes of all the servants. Jungkook never talked to them properly for once and today he said them as part of their family . Truly, this changed Jungkook had made a place for himself in everyone's heart. Samchon and everyone else agree to his request.

Meanwhile When Bogum, Myung and Hanni reach the hall, they find taehyung talking to someone on the phone. But seeing him Bogum immediately understands that he was acting because if he really needed to make a call, he should have called. Moreover, Jungkook leaving the theater immediately after Taehyung left. When Taehyung sees them, he acts and says, "So now you must have understood what you have to do? Now I will hang up the phone. I want the report of your work tomorrow morning." Saying this he pretends to disconnect the call. And then seeing those people there, he says to them with surprise, "Hey, aren't you guys watching the match?" Seeing his natural acting, Bogum says in his mind, "It's good that he is a businessman, otherwise he would have been the best actor in my place today." Showing his acting skills and says, "it's halftime So, during this break, we came for dinner."

Taehyung says, "Okay! Then let's go." Everyone goes and sits at the dining table. Then his eyes fell on Jungkook bringing a food trolley from the kitchen. Everyone was surprised to see him like this. And Taehyung immediately got up from his chair and walked towards jungkook and asked him, "Why are you doing this yourself? Where is everyone else?"

Jungkook tells him, "I have told everyone to have dinner. Today I will serve everyone dinner myself." Taehyung, after listening to him, does not ask him further and takes the trolley from his hands and says, "Let me help you!" And saying this, he took the trolley and starting to walk. Jungkook also smiled with him. As they began walking, Jungkook thought to himself how lucky he is to have someone like Taehyung. Got a gentleman type husband. Both of them together like this. Bogum, Myung and Hanni are very happy to see them coming. Because both of them were looking absolutely perfect together. This gesture of Taehyung had won everyone's hearts. when both of them come near the dining table, Jungkook says, "Mr and Mr Kim are at your service." Everyone starts laughing after listening to him. Jungkook then says to Taehyung, "Let's serve dinner together." Taehyung nodded. Myung says, "Cheonam, you leave it. I will do it." Hearing him, Taehyung says, "No, today you have come to our house for the first time. How can we ask you to do anything!" Then Jungkook and he together serve dinner to everyone. When they served everyone, both of them are left. Jungkook then says to Taehyung, "Now you sit down. I will do the rest myself." Saying this, he starts doing the serving for himself and Taehyung and Taehyung is looking at him very lovingly when Hanni Says, "Dadda! Mumma! This time I will sit with both of you and watch the match. I want to sit on the same couch with both of you." Hearing him, Jungkook and Taehyung smile at each other. After all, this is what both of them wanted. Jungkook says to Hanni, "Ok bubba!"