Chapter 34

Hearing this, Jungkook got so angry that he threw the photo frame he was holding in his hand and hit it on Taehyung's head due to which Taehyung's head started bleeding. But Taehyung kept standing there staring at Jungkook. Hearing the sound of the frame breaking, the servants came and took Taehyung with them with great difficulty, pleading about Jungkook's health. Remembering that scene, tears start falling from Jungkook's eyes and he hugs taehyung tightly and starts crying. Taehyung gets scared seeing him crying and tries to move him away from him but Jungkook holds him tighter not letting him go. Taehyung hugs him and says lovingly, "Bun, please don't cry. You know I can't tolerate even a single tear in your eyes." Listening to him, Jungkook says while crying, "And what about your tears? The tears that you've shed because of me until now. these tears I'm shedding are not for myself but for you. These are not mine... I am shedding them feeling your pain. So, let them flow." Taehyung, upon hearing him words, gently separates himself from him, looking at Jungkook's face. He notices that his nose and eyes have turned red from crying. Seeing this, a pang rises in taehyung's heart. He could never see Jungkook crying. That's why he cups Jungkook's face with his one hand and with the other hand. While wiping his tears he said in a very gentle tone "If these tears are shedding in empathy for my sorrow, then there's no need for them to flow because... because I am not sad anymore. You have already erased all the sorrows from my life and filled it with happiness. You have become a good wife and mother. Now, what more could I ask for? So, stop crying." Saying this, he wipes away all his tears and gently kisses his forehead before embracing Jungkook and lying down with him. Jungkook had stopped crying, finding comfort in taehyung's embrace. They lay intertwined for ten minutes, listening to each other's breaths and heartbeats. Taehyung, caressing Jungkook's hair lovingly, suddenly asked, "Can you tell me why you started disliking me after I went to America? Before that, you were always eager to marry me." Separating from him, Jungkook looked into his eyes and said, "When you left, someone poisoned my ears against you. They told me that you didn't like me at all, that you hated me. Behind my back, you spoke ill of me several times to my family. And, when you were leaving, you even told them that you were glad to get away from me." I am a spoiled brat and ill-mannered always tolerated me only because of your parents...otherwise you wouldn't even let me wander around you...marry me, can't tolerate me even for a second in front of your eyes! That's why I started getting angry at you and disliking you." Hearing Jungkook's words, Taehyung becomes very nervous and quickly says, "This is a lie...I never said this about you." Listening to him, Jungkook puts his hand on his face and says, "Even though I believed those things at that time, today... today I am completely sure that you can never say this about me." Taehyung sighs in relief after listening to him. He is very happy that Jungkook had faith in him. But he is very angry at the person who instigated Jungkook against him. Because of that person, Jungkook and his life got ruined.

If that person had not instigated Jungkook against him, Jungkook would have happily accepted his proposal after his return from America and today their life would have been different. He would not have endured as much as he and Hanni did and Jungkook would never have been able to face a forced marriage and pregnancy. Taehyung placed his hand over Jungkook's hand on his face and asked, "Who was the one who filled your mind with this poison against me?" The anger and displeasure was clearly visible in Taehyung's voice. "I-my nanny." Jungkook said with his lowered head. Taehyung got completely shocked after hearing his words. He felt that one of his uncle, aunt or sister must have said this because he knew that all three of them were not good people. But Taehyung was completely shocked after hearing the name of his nanny. By the way, the guess that Taehyung had made was absolutely right. Even though Jungkook's nanny had filled his ears, he had done all this out of greed for money and it was her aunt and uncle who had made her do all this. Jungkook had discovered this in his previous life, But by then it was too late because at that time he was in Jennie's captivity. he deeply regretted not having believed in taehyung, but he didn't reveal his name to others as they were also on Jungkook's revenge list, because himself was going to punish him for his remaining sins.

Taehyung asks him with surprise, "But why did your nanny lie to you? What enmity did she have towards me that she made you so angry about me?" Upon hearing this, Jungkook replied, "Because after you left, I was very hurt, sad. To the extent that I didn't want to hear anything positive about you from anyone." I had stopped talking or even eating or drinking. Maybe that's why she said that so I could move on." Jungkook said half truth and half lie. The truth was his feelings and his lie was that his nanny did all this for his welfare. Jungkook lied to Taehyung because firstly, if he wanted to teach her a lesson himself and if he told him that the nanny did all this for money, then he would also have to tell taehyung who gave her the money. That's why he said this to Taehyung. Taehyung immediately believes his words and after removing Jungkook's hand from his cheek, he holds Jungkook's cheek with his own hand and looks into his eyes, he says, "Well, it was all my fault. I Had not gone to America, neither would all this have happened. So Jungkook... please forgive me." Hearing this, Jungkook raises one eyebrow and says jokingly, "Again Jungkook...just a little while ago you were calling me Bun?" Hearing what he said, taehyung bites his lower lip and says, "Did you hear?" Jungkook smiles and nods yes.

"No! In fact, I found it very cute. You can call me whenever you feel like. I will not have any problem." Saying this, he quickly hides his head in taehyung's chest. Taehyung smiled at this and hugged Jungkook tightly. Both fall asleep in each other arms on Hanni's bed.