It is a bright morning, and it is almost unbelievable that I stroll into a bar, as I walk in, I look around nervously, several eyes regard me curiously, I walk to the counter absolutely feigning oblivion at the stares, besides; -I'm too used to expressions like these-, the bar is local and noisy, -I sigh- "Blue stream water will do…" I mumble to the serving girl, who is particularly curious about how my face looks like under the hood, she tries so hard to peer, "Anything wrong?" I ask in irritation "Oh…no, nothing" she flushes red in embarrassment, and hurries along, she turns back suddenly "Sorry…what did you ask for?" she asks shyly, I sigh in annoyance -are there really idiots everywhere?- "I asked for blue stream water" I blurt, she nods quickly and leaves, "Blue stream water?... you're really still a klutz huh?" that voice is too familiar, I turn beside me to see another hooded person who takes his hood off rather gradually "Hood-stuff…" he intones cheerfully while motioning at his hood "I've followed your trend Hood…", the only one who called me Hood was -Fenice-.




My eyes slowly open to screeching and screaming, it is morning, and I am hesitant to get up as I have not slept so comfortably in a while, - however, the dangerous noises everywhere, make me want to reconsider lying down around- , my arms are tenderly wrapped around another warm body -CAMADA?!-, I spring up immediately, my face red with blushing -Why did we sleep together?; more importantly; why so intimately?- I can't help but gaze at her sleeping figure, she looks so peaceful, so calm, so lovely -LOVELY?!- what kind of stupid thing to think is that?, -but-, her small, tender figure, green cascading hair and calm features contribute to make her look -lovely, really lovely-, I sigh and stretch, then I meditatively look up at the grey sky -six more days-, Camada stirs and sits up yawning "Morning" she greets casually, -I blush, shamefully remembering how intertwined we were minutes ago, but I make sure to harden my voice so she doesn't realize- "Morning" I greet back, she stands up "Do you think we can find some water? I don't think I can stand any more thirst" she asks, I nod while responding "We would have moved now anyways", she gives me an odd look "Do you feel better?" she asks shyly -then the memory hits me!; last night I was all emotional and so she hugged me to calm me down, eventually we ended up sleeping together-, I sigh heavily in shame.



I've never seen Rave look so red before "I hope I didn't discomfort you too much" he mutters shamefully, his voice is much softer now I smile remembering how sullen he was last night "Nah…I'm good, come on let's go before some monster gets to us first", he seems relieved that I'm stylishly diverting from the matter "Yeah…let's" he says.



"Let me guess you were sent to capture me right?" Fenice intones good-naturedly, I just stare at him, that same smallish structure, long maroon hair, forest green pupils and a large scar upon his left cheek -a scar inflicted by me- "But…?" he questions smiling "You're right…I'm not going to capture you…" I state decisively "Aw…has the system decided to give me another chance?" he taunts "That's impossible…you've done too much damage to be forgiven" I undertone, he laughs and says "I knew somebody was coming for me…I knew that somebody would come to my favorite bar…I didn't just know that somebody was you…", -pause- "Be glad it's me" I mumble simply, "I'm giving you another chance…forget about that stupid reformation dream you have…" I mutter, "Stupid?...the reformation isn't stupid" he frowns while gulping the water brought for me, "Please…Fenice, enough of this", my tone is heartfelt, Fenice stares at me hard "Hey Hood…why the hell are you acting like you're the sane one?" he laughs maniacally while saying this, "Come on Hoodie…now that you've mastered the art of deception don't mean anything" he brings his face closer to mine while he speaks, I stand up, my head down "I don't know what you're talking about…just be warned" I say while walking away, he holds me back and says, "It's okay…I know you better than you know yourself, that's what friends are for…you maniac" -I flinch-