I wake up with a gasp, sweating profusely, I sit up on the bed and ruffle my hair in thoughtfulness -why do I continuously have the same nightmare?; of being rejected woefully by whoever Lord Fenice is, and losing my life most gruesomely-, I look out through the window -it is early in the morning and yet the house already seems full of activity- I hear running around from different corners, the ceiling of the house occasionally shaking -in response to the constant bantering of feet upon its foundation-, I sigh heavily -I am perfectly aware this nightmare will someday become reality, after all I simply laxk luck; how could I possibly be the Chosen One?; well at least my death will probably not be so soon- "Hey…stupid fella" a familiar voice calls for my attention from outside the window, I look out in that direction, at first I see nobody and I try to stand up in order walk to the window, but as expected these invisible chains hold me back- then a head pops up from beneath the window; -the queer girl who told me about disciples before-, come to think of it -I never caught her name- I open my mouth to ask "What's your...?" "Listen Lord Fenice arrives tonight…he sent word to Faria…" she interrupts me in an absolutely excited tone, -suddenly like a flash…my nightmare replays in my brain- "And you can't imagine what good news there is…" she gushes but just then, the door barges open -she literally shrivels in fear- as Mic walks in -he has a rather dubious grin plastered upon his face- he trudges towards the bed and grabbing me by my hair looks straight into my face smirking rather victoriously "You can't imagine what excellent news there is…our Lord Fenice returns to grace our presence this night…" he begins with a blank expression, then his smile widens "…and with him comes the ACTUAL chosen one", my face falls as I gulp hard -So my death is soon?- "Your biggest nightmare has come true!" he sing-songs as he releases me and walks out of the room.



"Tell me about it please…" Zael pesters as he grumblingly digs the weeds that have started to grow around my flowers, I smile to myself as I sit down to watch him, while occasionally glancing down to read, -his sight alone is disgraceful enough to absolutely ruin his social reputation;he wears nothing but a brown undershirt as he has taken his Mage cloak off, tacky gardening gloves adorn his hands, and he is presently kneeling, his back arched in order to reach more depth of the weeds which are ingrown in the midst of my flowers; it's a good thing he doesn't have a social reputation in the first place-, he sweats in exhaustion "Why did you say you couldn't use magic to do this Upper mage?" he questions, I shrug "I didn't want to accidentally hurt my flowers too" I say simply, he sighs heavily and gets up decisively "Tell me Upper Mage…what exactly is the Chosen One?" he asks staring right at me, I smile to myself, "If you're able to completely rid my garden of weeds…then I'll tell you what you want to know" I suggest, Zael glares at me despicably, "Isn't that equivalent to servant work?" he asks in a barely controlled voice, I shrug as I stand to go into my room, "Welp…it's fine if you don't want to…I mean not everybody is cut out to bear such workload…and such information" I walk into my room basking in the energy of Zael's seething rage, I replace the book on the shelf and pick up another one -I have ran out of books…especially since I've digested every book here five times over; I need to visit my own library at the Magedom- "Mr Hood" a familiar voice calls as it enters the room, I turn to see Netyisha beaming, "Good morning to you…" she greets as she takes a seat, "You seem excited" I remark whilst coming over to join her "Have you perhaps caught the culprit?" I ask, she sighs "Why are you asking like you weren't there with me?" she accuses, I chuckle "I have no idea what you're talking about Rev Netyisha…could you be more specific?" I responsively question, her expression turns quizical and she stares at me deeply, she sighs heavily and looks away "The guy outside…isn't he a Mage?...why is he doing such work?" she diverts, I chuckle "Well he and I made an agreement you see…" I mutter simply, "Come to think of it…I've never seen any servants in your quarters eventhough you ARE Upper Mage… also your chambers are remarkably small…" she comments while looking around -is she trying to be sly and escape our previous discussion?; I'll let her-, "Is there a reason for all of this Mr Hood?" she asks earnestly, I shrug "Well…if I'm being dishonest…I'd say I haven't found a servant who suits my taste…" I pause and humorously notice how attentive she is, "But if I'm being honest…then I'd say that I'm not the kind of Mage that suits anybody's taste…" I state simply, she sighs heavily and blurts "It doesn't matter if they don't like you they're still at obligation to…", "Netyisha, it has to be mutual…I'm only comfortable with someone who is comfortable with me" I gently interrupt.



"Netyisha, it has to be mutual…I'm only comfortable with someone who is comfortable with me" he intones simply, I am taken aback -was his entire narrative purposed to drop this line?-, though I can't see his eyes, I'm almost certain that he is staring straight into mine, I look away from his steady gaze and clear my throat in bid to ease the tension, -is this statement by any chance directed at me?- "Please understand Mr Hood…I can't have you know this yet…since it's meant to be a Reverred secret.." I undertone guiltily -it's not like I'm particularly uncomfortable with him right?-, Mr Hood gives a steady laugh "But what are you talking about Netyisha?"he asks in humour, I just stare at him, -I was planning to ask him for advice concerning my new status because I assumed he already had wind of the Most Reverred Hostess' plan; since I thought he practically followed me; but now that he seems to be denying ever tagging along and therefore having no knowledge of our plans, what exactly am I going to say is my reason for coming so early in the morning?-, I look at him as he obliviously reads his book, -I CAN be comfortable with Mr Hood, unlike others, I DO understand him…so shall I just…tell him?-, I sigh heavily and start "Mr Hood…actually I…" "MR HOOD!!!!" a familiar voice breaks into my confessions, and someone I expected least to ever visit Mr Hood marches in -MAYTER?-