Chapter 52: Memories

Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Albus Dumbledore sighed as he looked at the old, creased photograph. A single tear dropped from his long, crooked nose onto it.

On his perch, Fawkes seemed to sense his old friend's distress. The Phoenix trilled, leading into a song.

"Not now, Fawkes," Albus said quietly, "sometimes, sadness is deserved"

Fawkes looked put out and placed his head under his wing.

Albus looked down at the picture again. Most of the people in it were dead.

The Prewett brothers, Benny Fenwick, the McKinnons, Lily, and James. The Longbottoms, having suffered a fate worse than death. Sirius, twelve years in Azkaban. Peter, a traitor.

Albus had known when he started the Order that he would not always make the correct decision. As brilliant as he was, he was still only human. And humans make mistakes. Yet, some of those mistakes weighed him down far more than others.

' I should have been the Secret Keeper. I should have kept more security on Frank and Alice after that Halloween. I should have pushed for a trial for Sirius'

That one hurt the most. As Chief Warlock, it has been entirely within his power to ensure that Sirius was not tried in absentia. But he hadn't. And Sirius had been the one to pay the price.

Oh, he had meant well, thinking that if he had been tried, Sirius would have been Kissed. Thinking that a life sentence in Azkaban was far better than the possible eternity of torment the Dementors Kiss would cause. But now he knew better. Had he pushed for Sirius to be tried in person, the truth would have come out. Had that been the result, Harry would have had a healthy childhood. He would have been raised by one who loved and cared for him.

' I was arrogant. Ever has hubris been my flaw'

So many lives had been ruined due to his mistakes.

And now, the war was staring again.

True, Mundungus often would pull a disappearing act. Usually, however, Albus would be able to track him down as soon as he desired. Mundungus was nowhere to be found. And Mundungus had been spying on a group of former Death Eaters who had started meeting again.

The problem remained, that Albus was standing in the dark. He had so little information, only a few suppositions, and half-formed ideas. The Stone was safe, Nicholas had confirmed that. It still did not rule out the many other methods Tom could have used to recreate a body. Albus could think of several rituals that would fulfill that purpose. If he knew of them, he would have to assume Tom did as well.

' Dare I make assumptions? Dare I build a battle plan off of a house of cards?'

Had Tom returned? Albus couldn't say with certainty. He couldn't even hazard enough of a guess to move forward based on it.

' Even worse, do I dare allow self-doubt to cripple me? We are in the calm before the storm. My actions now could save so many lives'

But if he made the wrong decisions, they could doom just as many.

' At least Sirius will gain custody of Harry. If Harry will have to fight Voldemort, let him have time with someone who loves him'

Dumbledore frowned. He hoped Harry would become close to Sirius. Sirius was a living link to Harry's parents, someone who knew them better than perhaps anyone else. Someone who could shower Harry with the unconditional love and care he so desperately needed.

In the meantime, Albus would have to study and plan.

And hope that he wasn't making an enormous mistake.

Slytherin Common Room

Pansy Parkinson put her mother's letter aside and sighed. She hated cloak and dagger stuff, and word games and hidden messages really annoyed her.

But if she was reading the letter right, then her mother had been very carefully skirting around saying certain things.

' I wish to give you advice, but what I must tell you needs to be kept secret. I would need you to make me a promise, one that you would not break before I could speak freely'

Now, unless Pansy was totally misreading it, her mother wanted her to make an Unbreakable Vow before she would talk about Harry.

That was pretty damn concerning.

' What can she have to say that needs such secrecy?'

To put it lightly, Pansy was worried. When she had asked her mother for advice about Harry over Easter break, she had noticed the fear her words caused in her mother. That had been terrifying. Her mother was afraid of nothing. What could Harry have done to worry her so much?

Why was her father, unflappable man that he was, so unwilling to even discuss her boyfriend?

And now this. The Unbreakable Vow.

Whatever it was, it was serious.

And Pansy just wanted to understand her boyfriend.

' Actually, all I really want is for him to talk to me. To not look at me like I'm some type of-some type of-sex doll or something!'

But all Harry seemed to want was for her to play with his cock.

' Why can't I just break it off?'

She knew the answer to that.

' Because sometimes, Harry terrifies me. Because I don't know what he would do. Because I think he might hurt me'

Pansy started crying softly. She'd never admitted it to herself. Never admitted that she was scared of her boyfriend.

And now that she finally had, she felt too fucking terrified to do anything about it.

' So what, I should just let him use me however he wants? What if he wants to-to-to fuck me? Or worse? I can't just roll over for that'

She left the common room, walking with her back straight up to her room. Her quill and parchment were up there, and she had to reply to her mother, tell her she would be willing to take any vow her mother wanted. To tell her she needed help.

She came back down a few minutes later to fetch her mother's letter.

No one told her that Daphne had read it while she was gone.

And she didn't notice the small smirk making her friend's lips curl.

Malfoy Manor

"He is surprisingly lucid, my lord"

Voldemort drummed the fingers of one hand on the arm of his chair and waved with other. Swallowing, Healer Deschain continued.

"I was expecting him to be non-responsive, after years of being under the Imperius, and his time in Azkaban before that. Not to mention the effects that isolation can have on the brain. However, he understands what has happened, and is able to hold a conversation. He does keep apologizing to you, my lord, for failing you"

"How is he physically?"

"Weak. His muscles are particularly weak from a lack of use, and although he is not malnourished, he is below a healthy weight. I believe with a diet and exercise regime, along with some nutritional potions, he should be physically fit in a matter of months. I cannot speak for his mental state clearly enough yet, my lord. I apologize, but I will need more time to speak with him and to observe before having a clear understanding"

"Make a guess"

"I-I. It's hard to say. I believe if he receives company and conversation he will improve. He may need to take potions to help heal his mind, and maybe even Dreamless Sleep at first. Without making any promises, the best I can estimate at this point is to have him mentally functional around the same time as he is physically"

"You may leave. Send Lucius in"

Stammering his thanks, the Healer exited the room.

Lucius came in to find the Dark Lord sitting, hand curled around his chin, deep in thought.

He dropped to his knees before his master and was bid to stand.

"Lucius. How do we stand with preparations for Azkaban?"

"The negotiations with the Dementors continue, My Lord. However, Brutus believes they are coming around. Furthermore, Brutus has managed to place one of our own within the guard force of Azkaban"

"Who?" Voldemort said, interrupting Lucius' smooth drawl.

"Cuthbert Yates, my lord"

"When Yates is next off the island, you will bring him to me"

"As my lord wishes"

"I have almost completed the security measures for my new dwellings, Lucius. I require a house-elf"

"That is wonderful news, my lord, I-"

"I did not ask for your sycophantic mewlings. I asked for a house-elf"

"Apologies, my lord," Lucius said, bowing deeply, "is Tufty acceptable?"

"No. I need an elf that has never served another. Procure one for me"

"It will be done"

"See that it is. Leave me"

As Lucius walked out of the room, Voldemort settled into deep thought once again.

His plans were moving along.

Soon, the time for the world to tremble at his return would arise.

' Just a few things left to put in place. I need a reporter'