5th Month of 299 A.C. Riverrun
King Aegon VI Targaryen
The crown weighed heavily on his head, it was not an easy burden to bear, but it was one he bore gladly, knowing that he and he alone could bring peace and prosperity to the Kingdoms. One act that would go a long way to ensuring that process, was what was going to happen this morning, the execution of the man who had ordered the death of Aegon's step-mother and sister, Tywin Lannister. Lannister was dressed in the red and gold of his house, his head held high as he was led to the block, Aegon looked back for a second, to where Ser Jaime and Lord Tyrion were stood, both of their faces were expressionless, though Aegon suspected that Lord Tyrion was jumping for joy internally, he would finally get what he wanted. Turning away from those two, Aegon turns back to where Lord Tywin now kneels, his head resting on a block. Robb, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and his unofficial Hand of the King steps forward then, Greywind at his side. Robb might look a Tully, but the past few months and his expression now, show that he is truly the son of Eddard Stark, Aegon listens intently as his cousin speaks. "The man who has come before us today, is Tywin Lannister. The Head of that House, and the former Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. He is a man who broke an oath he swore to his King during the rebellion, a man who ordered the murder of innocents, and the man who started this war with his attacks on the Riverlands. He has been condemned to die. Do you have any last words Lord Tywin?"
Aegon looks at the man, and is surprised to see that he is looking at him. Lord Tywin's voice is clear when he speaks. "I find this most amusing, my house might end with me, but my legacy lives on. I have made it possible for all this to come to pass, and at the end of the day, you are no different to me boy."
The words shake Aegon to his very core, and he feels Sansa take his hand then, the two of them had not spoken of all that he wished to speak with her about, but they were getting there. Before he can reply, Robb speaks. "You are a monster, and as such, you shall die now. Say your prayers, and make peace with your gods." There is a moment of silence before Robb unsheathes Ice, the great sword having made its way with Bran and Sansa when they fled King's Landing. Ice in hand, Robb says a quick prayer and then in one swoop removes Tywin Lannister's head. Aegon watches as it falls to the ground, as the man's body slumps down, and reveals that like almost everything else about him, it was a lie that he shat gold, he only shat brown, if the smell coming from the body was anything to go by.
Aegon watches as Robb gives his sword to his squire, before stepping off the platform, Aegon nods at his cousin and watches as Robb and his squire wander off to the Godswood, where Aegon knows his cousin will clean the sword and then pray. Others mill around for a time, hangers on waiting to see what orders Aegon will give, and as such he merely says. "Clear the body, and place the head on a spike on the walls." Servants hurry to obey the command, and as they do, Aegon notices Lord Tyrion looking at him, beckoning the man to come over, Aegon waits for him and then says. "Lord Tyrion, you are now Lord of the Rock and Warden of the West officially. None can debate that now. So I bid you go and bring your lords and men to order within the West. The time is coming for the final push."
The dwarf bows. "As you bid Your Grace." Aegon nods, dismissing the man, he stands there for a moment watching as the imp waddles off, his own household forming up behind him. As the silence drags on, Aegon turns back to look at where Ser Jaime stands, his face a blank mask.
"Ser Jaime," Aegon calls bringing the man out of his reverie. "You may rest for now, Ser Arthur and Ser Henry shall be enough protection for now." Ser Brandon Liddle was present as well, but Aegon had already given him his mission and as such would not count on him returning until well after nightfall.
"I am well Your Grace, I can stay." Ser Jaime insists.
Aegon looks at the knight, knowing that though Ser Jaime is most definitely loyal to him, he has just lost his father, and as such that cannot be an easy thing to bare, and so he says once more. "I insist Ser Jaime, take some time to yourself, I will send for you if I need you."
Eventually the knight lowers his head in recognition of the dismissal and walks back into the main castle. Aegon looks around the courtyard, many of the lords and others who had gathered to watch the beheading have since gone back inside the castle, as he had instructed there are still some who remain outside though, as ever, but he ignores them for the time being, instead he looks to his cousin Sansa and says. "Would you sit with me for a while Sansa? It has been some time since I sat with you."
"Of course Your Grace." Sansa replies, a slight blush coming to her cheeks.
Aegon smiles and still holding her hand, walks to where a bench rests, they sit down together and then a comfortable silence falls between them for a time, though there is much warring within Aegon's mind for him to ask. They have not spoken about the things that truly matter, about the words that were said before they departed and went their separate ways, when things still made sense. He suspects that bringing such things up now, would accomplish little, and so instead he remains silent for a time, until he thinks of something to say. "You look lovely today Sansa. As you always do."
"Thank you Your Grace, you like quite handsome yourself." Sansa replies.
Aegon sighs then. "Please Sansa, there is no need for such formality between us. I might wear a crown now, but I am still your cousin. I am still the same person I was last time we saw one another, before the war."
He sees Sansa shift slightly then. "I… forgive me, but what do I call you? When last we saw one another in Winterfell, you were Jon, but now, now you are Aegon? Can you understand my hesitation over using your name when it might be the wrong one?"
He laughs. "Ah yes, I can see why that might be a problem. But, do just call me Aegon, it will make things much easier for both of us. I need someone who doesn't keep calling me Your Grace all the time." That last comes out sounding more bitter than he had intended.
Something that Sansa it seems picks up on. "Do you not like being King?"
Aegon sighs once more. "It is not a case of liking or not liking being King. It is a duty that I have been given and that I have taken upon myself, I owe it to myself to ensure that I do it to the best of my abilities, I owe it to the people of Westeros that I do it to the best of my abilities, but there are times when I miss just being me, just being a boy, or a man, or whatever I was before I got the crown. I miss being able to do anything I wanted to. I have three dragons, but I cannot ride them, not yet, and anyway, once I can ride them, I have the feeling that there will be some restriction then as well."
Sansa looks at him confused, for his dragons are quite big now, but not big enough to ride, according to Lord Tyrion, and as such her confusion shows when she asks. "Are your lords putting restrictions on you?"
Aegon shakes his head at that. "No, nothing like that. It's just that there is so much expectation and I do not know how to cope with it sometimes. I… I am sorry about what happened with Lady Catelyn, and with Arya. I…" the words came out suddenly that he did not really know how to contain them now that they were out there in the open.
Sansa tries to hide her grief behind a mask of calmness, but Aegon knows her too well for that to work, he sees the grief there, in the way her lip quivers slightly, in the way her eyes cloud over, he can tell she is fighting tears. Her voice is remarkably calm though. "I… I know, and I am sorry as well. But there is nothing we can do about them now, apart from look to get revenge on those who killed them. We know who they are now, and we know how to deal with them."
Aegon nods, and he takes Sansa's hand then and takes it as a good sign that she does not pull away, for once he feels very nervous, he knows what he is about to ask is possibly inappropriate considering the fact that he has not yet won his throne, but he needs to know, he needs to ask, he cannot ride off to war not knowing. Clearing his throat, he asks. "Sansa, I know that things are going very quickly, and the world is upside down, but, but have you thought about whom you might marry or what you might want to do when this is all over?" At the look that crosses her face, he fears he had misread the situation and he immediately begins backpedalling. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, ignore me."
Sansa surprises him then by putting a finger to his mouth, shushing him. "No, I am glad that you asked Aegon. I… I have thought long and hard about this. When we left Winterfell, I was angry with you and myself. I knew that you were hurting and I know that I said things that were not right, but so did you. And whilst Joffrey was nice, he was lacking, I kept comparing him to you, and I kept finding him lacking. I know that he is dead, and I was neither sad nor happy about that, it was just something that happened. But I am terrified of losing you, I don't want to lose you, or to find out you've died. I… I know you will have to marry politically, and I will be there to congratulate whoever is chosen as your bride."
Sansa stops speaking then, and Aegon can see the tears forming in her eyes, using his free hand to remove her finger from his mouth, but keeping hold of both of her hands, he looks at her and says. "Sansa… I… I know that things have been tense between us, and I know that we are both still grieving, but I want you to know something. I have never loved anyone but you, I do not think it is possible for me to love anyone but you. I… what I am trying to say is that, I love you, and I want to marry you."
Sansa looks at him completely surprised. "What about your lords, won't they protest about this?"
Aegon laughs at that. "Well I'm winning the war, and they can go fuck themselves, if they want to protest this."
Sansa blushes something fierce then. "When do you want this to happen?"
Aegon looks at her and then and asks. "So I take it that you do want to marry me?"
Sansa hits him then. "Of course I do. So when do you want to get married?"
He knows that he is grinning like an idiot, and why not, he's going to be getting married to the love of his life. "Now, if that's okay with you?" when Sansa nods, he leans forward and kisses her then, not caring who sees.