Chapter 8 Do you remember Brother Xu Ran by Lake Daming 6 years ago?_1

Xu Ran silently appeared behind Zhu Zhuqing, looking at the girl in front of him.

The bright moonlight spilled onto her body at this moment, making her naturally snow-white skin appear even more lustrous. Her delicate figure seemed fuller under the dim yellow halo. Her black, shining long hair also gave off flickering glimmers, making her look so beautiful. Yet, she also seemed untouchable, as if her beauty would disappear the moment it was touched.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ran's heart ached slightly, his dirty thoughts towards Zhu Zhuqing vanished, replaced by the desire to protect her, to prevent her from being hurt by others. Although he coveted Zhu Zhuqing's body, he was not the type to play with someone and then simply move on. He wanted to win her heart more; only then would she be complete. Without a soul, a mere body, no matter how beautiful, would lose all meaning.

"What are you thinking about all by yourself here?" Xu Ran walked over to Zhu Zhuqing's side and sat down next to her.

"Xu Ran, how come you're here?" Zhu Zhuqing was startled for a moment, the sudden voice surprised her, but when she saw it was Xu Ran, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I went to your room and saw you weren't there, I was a bit worried about you, so I came here to look for you."

"Oh." Zhu Zhuqing's heart warmed a little, realizing Xu Ran cared about her that much and was worried about her safety. But their fate dictated they remain strangers; it was not possible for anything good to come of their relationship, so it was better to keep their distance.

"Xu Ran, you shouldn't come to find me anymore. Nor are you allowed to like me. You have strong talent, and you will meet many beautiful girls in the future, so don't waste your Time on me, it's not worth it," Zhu Zhuqing said softly, head lowered.

"Whether it's worth it or not is not for you to decide, it's for me to say," Xu Ran looked at the girl beside him. Her dress was somewhat flimsy, and as she sat there, her pale legs were exposed. The cold breeze blowing on her made it seem chilly. Without hesitation, Xu Ran took off his coat and tied it around Zhu Zhuqing's exposed legs.

"From now on, don't wear skirts at night, and if you do, they should only be long skirts. The weather is so cold, you could easily get sick."

"Oh." Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks flushed red, her two hands twisted together, somewhat at a loss. She was rarely cared for like this, let alone by a member of the opposite sex, which made her feel somewhat embarrassed. She wanted to object in her heart. After all, he was not her anyone to tell her what to do, but the words wouldn't come out when they reached her lips.

Xu Ran cared for her, and she, too, enjoyed the feeling of being cared for.

"Xu Ran, you're so good to me, what do you want in return? I might not be able to give you what you want," Zhu Zhuqing lifted her beautiful eyes to look directly at Xu Ran.

Could Xu Ran also be a lecherous man?

The thing she despised most in her life were shameless people. Was Xu Ran that kind of person?

But if not, why then did he treat her so well?

She, the second young mistress of the Zhu Clan, in the hearts of many, was nothing more than a sacrificial pawn in family struggles, a future dead person. How could someone like her attract Xu Ran's attention?

All she had now was this shell of a body.

Xu Ran's search for her was perhaps merely because he valued her face. He was no different from other men on the outside, who judged people by their appearance.

Zhu Zhuqing laughed at herself mockingly, wondering who in the world truly cared about her? Perhaps, no one did.

"I just want to make you a little happier, I don't want anyone to bully you, that's all," Xu Ran said indifferently, his gaze containing a hint of determination. Of course, Xu Ran left out part of what he meant to say. Only he could bully her. But of course, a husband teasing his wife wouldn't really hurt her. He wouldn't bear to see her in pain.

"Is that so?" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes suddenly reddened upon hearing Xu Ran's words, and she turned her head away, wiping the tears from her eyes when Xu Ran wasn't looking.

She couldn't help wanting to cry her heart out.

How many years had it been? Since awakening her Martial Soul at the age of six, even her sister had started to dislike her. Her father was preoccupied with official duties, people in the mansion avoided her like the plague, and the teachers who instructed her in cultivation dared not get too close to her.

She was the second Miss of the Zhu Clan, with a noble status, but what did that matter?

No one had any expectations for her; she would be a sacrificial piece in the family's power struggles, without any value. People only respected her because of her identity and bloodline, otherwise, within the family, she might have been discarded like a worn-out shoe.

She had previously thought Xu Ran was just a lecher, but she was wrong, completely wrong, even ridiculously so.

Xu Ran was not that kind of person!

All Xu Ran wanted was for her to be happy and had no other demands.

"But I don't deserve for you to treat me this way," Zhu Zhuqing said softly, turning again to wipe away the tears in her eyes.

"You should know that although I am a disciple of the Zhu Clan, I am only from a collateral branch. I've been cultivating alone outside since I was young and don't really have any attachments to the Zhu Clan. With my current talents, I could have access to plenty of resources even if I don't return to the clan, perhaps even more at Martial Soul Hall. But I came back anyway."

"Because I know there's someone in the Zhu Clan who's been waiting for me. If I don't go back to her, I would never be able to forgive myself in this lifetime. I won't allow the person I like to become someone else's fiancée," Xu Ran said, his eyes looking towards the moon in the sky, appearing somewhat worldly and determined. He looked so genuine that even the System Miss would have been stunned had she not known the situation and certainly would have believed that everything Xu Ran said was true.

Similarly, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned. So Xu Ran had returned to the Zhu Clan just for her. Had he fallen for her before? But she had no memory of Xu Ran from before in her mind,

"I still remember six years ago, when you were bullied on the streets of Xingluo City, and you used to call me Brother Xu Ran. From that moment, I began to like you. Back then, I was too weak to protect you. Although I'm not strong even now, I don't want to wait any longer. If I wait any more, I'm afraid I won't have a chance," Xu Ran said passionately, his gaze towards Zhu Zhuqing pure and resolute.

In this moment, his eyes seemed to shine with a dazzling light, under which everything else in the world paled in comparison.

In this moment, there was only one girl in his eyes—Zhu Qing.

Zhu Zhuqing was too beautiful, with a delicate and shapely figure, skin fairer than snow, and her legs round and long. To win over such a girl would mean a fulfilled life.

Also, after winning Zhu Qing's heart, he could show off in front of Dai Mubai. That scumbag Dai Mubai, while Zhu Qing suffered alone, he enjoyed himself with Ma Hongjun at the brothels. The grievances Zhu Qing had to bear, he would retrieve them, bit by bit.