Chapter 39 Dai Mubai Begs for Mercy_1

Dai Mubai knew Xu Ran's strength was extraordinary, so he directly unleashed his third soul skill.

The purple halo beneath him shone brightly, and the aura enveloping him grew even stronger. Feeling the surging soul power within him, Dai Mubai's confidence returned once more.

As a prince, from childhood to adulthood, he had always been very confident.

He swiftly ran toward Xu Ran, his tiger palms thick and powerful, each topped with bright silver blades.

"Go to hell," Dai Mubai roared, his claws reaching for Xu Ran's head.

Compared to Dai Mubai's flamboyant moves, Xu Ran was much calmer. His left hand held the pitch-black scabbard while his right slowly grasped the hilt, a mock smile on his face.

"Blood Kill," Xu Ran said indifferently, drawing the "Godslayer Sword" from its pitch-black sheath.

Xu Ran's first Soul Ring flickered beneath him, and a strong scent of blood emerged from him. At that moment, the dark blade of the "Godslayer Sword" also turned dark red as the Soul Ring lit up.

Almost the instant the "Godslayer Sword" was drawn, both Dai Mubai and Xiaowu felt a tingling in their scalps. Xiaowu looked at Xu Ran in shock; with sword brows and star eyes, he was strikingly handsome. But now, his eyes had turned blood red too, emitting a bloodthirsty gleam.

In that moment, Xu Ran was like a Killing God who had walked out from hell itself.

The bloody aura emanating from him was so intense it gave one the feeling of facing a venomous snake.

If Xiaowu felt this way, then Dai Mubai, who was directly facing Xu Ran, felt an inexplicable chill surge through him, making his body involuntarily shudder as he pounced toward Xu Ran.

Before Dai Mubai could react, Xu Ran swung his red Sword Qi, thick with the scent of blood, slashing directly at Dai Mubai's tiger paw that had transformed.

The strand of Sword Qi was incredibly fast, carrying a sinister aura that seemed to choose its victims.


The Sword Qi struck Dai Mubai's tiger paw directly.

Instantly, the silver-white sharp claws on Dai Mubai's paw were cleanly sheared off, the cut as smooth as a mirror.

"Ah," Dai Mubai couldn't help screaming, as intense pain overwhelmed him. He looked at his own paws in panic; even the incredibly hard blades granted by his White Tiger Martial Soul were snapped off.

Those were the blades of his White Tiger Martial Soul! Although his White Tiger Martial Soul relied on the force of his palms, these blades were still a significant enhancement to his strength. Yet, they were now broken.

Dai Mubai couldn't help but look at his own paws. In addition to the claws at his fingertips, a large piece of flesh from the tips was also sliced off. At the cut, there was still a wisp of bloody Sword Qi furiously destroying the flesh and tissues of his wound, an action akin to rubbing salt into it, causing Dai Mubai to experience a heartbreaking pain.

"Hiss." Dai Mubai inhaled sharply, looking at the cut on his hand and feeling his scalp go numb. If that sword could easily sever the hardest of the five blades on his palm, it could likely sever his arm just as effortlessly.

"I surrender. I admit defeat this time," Dai Mubai said directly, without hesitation. Even in his strongest state under the White Tiger Diamond Transformation, he still couldn't block Xu Ran's sword. There was no point in continuing to fight.

He looked coldly at Xu Ran, realizing that as a senior of Shrek Academy, if Xu Ran ever wanted to be part of the academy, he would have to stop and not choose otherwise.

It wasn't a good thing for a freshman to beat up a senior on his first day.

"What goes around comes around."

"My woman, how could she possibly be someone you can covet?" Xu Ran said coldly. Dai Mubai, this useless lecher, had even abandoned Zhu Qing. Whenever he met someone stronger, he immediately cowered, and with someone weaker, he'd play the tough guy and slap faces.

Just now he was still thinking about Xiaowu. If it hadn't been for her and Xu Ran together, this beautiful girl might have been deceived by Dai Mubai already.

Xu Ran paid no attention to Dai Mubai and swung his sword again. The blood-red Sword Qi brushed past Dai Mubai's arm, instantly slicing away the sleeve of his garment, and a large patch of skin with bits of flesh was cleanly cut off as well.

"Ah. It hurts so much." Dai Mubai couldn't help but scream in agony, looking at Xu Ran in horror. He hadn't expected Xu Ran to be so discourteous; he had surrendered, yet Xu Ran was still attacking him, and with such venom.

Accustomed to wielding power and influence, he was completely oblivious to the fact that he was the one who had first harassed Xu Ran's woman, and he had also forgotten that he was the one who had first unleashed his Martial Soul wanting to teach Xu Ran a lesson.

He thought he could just say he surrendered and leave, but how could Xu Ran possibly let him go?

However, if the person he offended wasn't Xu Ran, others might have chosen to stop. After all, rashly offending a Genius Soul Master with a top-tier direct-attack class Martial Soul wasn't prudent.

But Xu Ran had no such scruples. Dai Mubai's identity meant nothing in front of Xu Ran. In fact, if he leaked Dai Mubai's location to Davis, Davis would take care of Dai Mubai without hesitation.

To kill Dai Mubai in the Tiandou Empire without anyone being the wiser, Davis would be overjoyed to learn that Dai Mubai had been hiding in such a remote place. After all, what problem would there be with an unidentified person dying in a remote ravine?

If Dai Mubai were in Tiandou City, however, it would be much more troublesome, and it would be easy to trace the murder back to Davis.

"Xu Ran, can't you see I was wrong? I won't bother your woman again. I won't even give her a second look," Dai Mubai pleaded.

Seeing Xu Ran's gaze, cold as if looking at a corpse, Dai Mubai became afraid.

Xu Ran's strength far surpassed his. If the fight with Xu Ran continued, he might even die. So he set aside his pride as a prince and begged for mercy outright.

"Too late," Xu Ran said coldly, without a trace of sympathy for Dai Mubai, and swung his sword again, cutting a chunk of flesh from his only unharmed arm.

What Xu Ran hated the most was someone coveting his woman. Although there was no confirmed relationship between him and Xiaowu at the moment, in his heart, Xiaowu was already his woman. The one he desired would only belong to him.

He was not broad-minded enough to watch the woman he liked being held by someone else, and eventually, bearing someone else's child. He couldn't tolerate that.

His concept of love was to selfishly possess. If he couldn't have her, all talk of love was nonsense.