Chapter 78: Enrollment, Zhu Qing and Xiaowu Live Together, The Source of Happiness is Gone_1

"Dean, what's the matter?" Xu Ran asked.

"Nothing much, although you're still young, you should still take care of your body," Flander said, patting Xu Ran on the shoulder, with a meaningful look in his eyes. He couldn't help but worry about Xu Ran—women are slow poison after all. The pleasures of love are the downfall of heroes; how many talented youths have fallen before,

So it's no wonder that Flander worried about Xu Ran.

Xu Ran is now the treasure of Shrek Academy. Such a genius, Flander did not want anything untoward to happen to Xu Ran. He also did not want to see Xu Ran become a "fallen genius" under the training of Shrek Academy.

"Don't worry, Dean. I'm fully aware of my limits. Besides, my Soul Power has recently risen by one level, I am now a Level Thirty-Three Soul Elder. I won't fall behind in my cultivation," said Xu Ran. Flander, an old bachelor who may still be a virgin to this day, how could he possibly understand the wonderful aspects of a wife?

As a Soul Master, the most important thing to achieve faster cultivation is to maintain a state of joyful spirits. Only with such a state can one devote oneself better to cultivation.

"It's good that you know. You young people are full of youthful vigor and don't know the ins and outs of life, just don't ruin your health," said Flander still concerned and profound.

Zhu Zhuqing, upon hearing Flander's words, blushed slightly and clutched Xu Ran's hand, not daring to say much.

Xu Ran nodded to show he understood.

"Dean, does Zhu Qing need to be tested? How should we test her?" Xu Ran asked.

"There's no need for testing. The people you bring, I trust." Flander said, glancing at Zhu Zhuqing. With her status as a direct descendant of the Zhu Clan and her talents and strength meeting the standards, what need was there for tests?

Of course, the crucial point was that Zhu Zhuqing was Xu Ran's girlfriend.

If she didn't pass the test, could they really refuse her admission? If Xu Ran left, Shrek Academy would lose three geniuses at once. Given this, it's better to just skip the test.

"Thank you very much, Dean," Xu Ran acknowledged with a clasped fist.

"Alright, you can go. You're familiar with the student dormitory area, so just go and pick out a good dorm room for your girlfriend," Flander motioned with his hand.

"You don't have to attend class today, but from tomorrow, you must join the training. Xu Ran, you are in a special situation, you can arrange your own cultivation time and plan, no need to follow our schedule," Flander called out behind them. Xu Ran's situation was special, his cultivation level as a Soul Elder was already comparable to that of a Soul Emperor. Xu Ran, with such strength, certainly had his own extraordinary cultivation plan. It wouldn't be a good thing to have Xu Ran follow their training regimen.

"Understood," Xu Ran replied, then wrapped his arm around Zhu Zhuqing and started heading out.

"Shrek Academy now counts six students with you and me, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Xiaowu, and us two," Xu Ran explained to Zhu Zhuqing about the situation at Shrek Academy. At this point in time, Tang San and Ning Rongrong had not yet arrived.

"Where does Xiaowu live? I want to go live with her," Zhu Zhuqing said, nodding before looking earnestly at Xu Ran and speaking directly. She had her reasons for wanting to live with Xiaowu. On one hand, she wanted to get to know Xiaowu better; after all, they were going to be teammates, and she did not want to have an uncomfortable relationship with her. On the other hand, if she lived with Xiaowu, Xu Ran would be more cautious and not come looking for her or Xiaowu to help "relieve his discomfort" so easily.

After all, she was a little scared. What was promised as itching relief turned out to be painfully unbearable. She wouldn't trust Xu Ran on that.

However, this was just Zhu Zhuqing's wishful thinking. As she became familiar with Xiaowu in the days to come, staying in the same dorm room was only going to become more absurd. By then, her only desire would be to move out and live alone like Ning Rongrong. Otherwise, things were too absurd, truly too embarrassing.

"Live with Xiaowu? I'm worried you two will end up fighting," Xu Ran raised his eyebrow, somewhat helpless. He actually wanted to find a quiet place for Zhu Qing, as it would help her cultivation; and of course, it would be much easier for him to visit and have fun with her. If Zhu Qing lived with Xiaowu, wouldn't his source of joy be gone?

Of course, it might become even more joyous.

That being said, it was somewhat uncertain who knew if Xiaowu and Zhu Qing could accept some things?

"Shameless, don't think of those dirty things," Zhu Zhuqing, seeing the look in Xu Ran's eyes, instantly understood and spoke with a delicate voice. Xu Ran was just too shameless, always thinking of those matters. This further solidified her resolve to find a roommate, and not let Xu Ran easily succeed.

Xu Ran was indeed too shameless, now and then making those kinds of requests which she simply refused!

"Fine. But you must make it up to me once, otherwise I will lose out too much," Xu Ran said, hugging Zhu Qing's slender waist, a touch of shamelessness in his words.

"Alright," Zhu Zhuqing glared at Xu Ran without amusement, somewhat helplessly agreeing with a nod. She had already decided that they should prioritize their studies for now, even if Xu Ran had a surplus of energy, he needed to restrain himself. Although she was Xu Ran's fiancée and needed to fulfill her duties as such, she shouldn't hinder Xu Ran's cultivation.

"Then I'll take you to find Xiaowu." Xu Ran took Zhu Qing's hand and moved forward; honestly, he had been missing Xiaowu for days. Xiaowu had a pair of long legs, giving off a flavor of 'the girl next door coming of age,' while Zhu Qing had a voluptuous and exquisite figure, one plain and the other rich, a combination of meat and vegetables, preventing satiety.

At this moment, Xiaowu was sitting cross-legged in the dormitory, cultivating.

She was dressed in a pink martial outfit, which outlined her slim and delicate figure without exposing anything, yet it brought a special sense of beauty.

Ever since Xu Ran left, she had been cultivating diligently. Her Cultivation Level had broken through level 29, and she wasn't far from level 30. She needed to focus solemnly on cultivation; otherwise, she would uncontrollably think of Xu Ran.

Although Xu Ran had said he would come back for her, she couldn't help feeling a bit lost and emptier inside.

"Xu Ran, when exactly will you come back?" Xiaowu completed the last cycle of Soul Power in her body and opened her bright, lively eyes. She really missed Xu Ran. Only when near Xu Ran could she find a sense of security.

Ever since she discovered the insidious intentions of Tang San, who had been with her for so many years, she realized that due to her special identity, as soon as someone knew she was a hundred-thousand-year soul beast, they would harbor ill will toward her.

Even the best of friends would distance themselves from her once they knew her identity.

Only Xu Ran wouldn't, because like her, Xu Ran was also a soul beast.