Chapter 91 The Poem is Completed, Entirely in the State of Enlightenment_1

The next morning, Xu Ran went to Soto City and sent a letter to Davis informing him about Dai Mubai's situation. As for what Davis would do to Dai Mubai, that was none of his business.

In his eyes, Dai Mubai was merely a minor stepping stone. A down-and-out Prince without power or influence, and with a group of people wanting him dead, naturally couldn't pose any threat to him. At least in his view, Davis seemed to be a bigger threat.

After passing on the news about Dai Mubai, Xu Ran returned to the academy in the afternoon.

"Xu Ran, what are you going to teach us today?" Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaowu each clung to one of Xu Ran's arms, with Zhu Zhuqing asking.

Dean Flender had said that today Xu Ran was going to teach them about cultivation. This made them quite anticipative.

Xiaowu already knew about Xu Ran's identity as an Auspicious Beast, so she wasn't too surprised by his talent. But Zhu Zhuqing didn't know, did she? Through the eyes of love everything seemed perfect, and in her eyes, Xu Ran was always unique. Now that he was going to teach them about cultivation, she naturally looked forward to it.

Although Xiaowu was aware of Xu Ran's unusual identity, she was also somewhat expectant. After all, Xu Ran was an Auspicious Beast with many mysterious attributes. For countless years, no one knew exactly what powers Auspicious Beasts had. Apart from the auspicious aura and several powerful characteristics, even the ferocious beasts that served as protectors by the side of an Auspicious Beast didn't fully understand them.

"You'll know in a little while," Xu Ran yawned, accustomed to sleeping with Zhu Qing, he suddenly had to sleep alone, which significantly lowered the quality of his sleep.

"Didn't sleep well?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xu Ran's appearance and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"What do you think? Without my wifey to sleep with, how could I sleep well?" Xu Ran said irritably.

"Hmph, I'm not going to indulge you. If you can't sleep, just let Xiao Wu accompany you. I certainly won't go," Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red as she pushed Xiao Wu forward. Every time she spent a night with Xu Ran, it took her a long time to fully recover.

If she kept on accompanying Xu Ran, her body truly couldn't withstand it.

She still remembered the first time she was with Xu Ran, her whole body was bruised, and she had to wear long pants for a while until her body had recovered somewhat before she dared to wear a skirt. It had only got slightly better after that.

And this all depended on Xu Ran's mood. If she hadn't kept begging for mercy, who knows how much longer he would have tormented her.

"Ah? I…" Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Xiao Wu's face turned red, she stealthily glanced at Xu Ran then quickly lowered her head. Facing such matters, no matter what type of girl, they would all be shy.

"Oh? What do you think about it, Precious Xiao Wu?" Xu Ran turned his head to look at Xiao Wu. Chasing after a girl should be like this, what's that word? Push the envelope. Seize the opportunity and move closer. How can you start a "Harem" if you're not thick-skinned?

"You, you decide for yourself," Xiao Wu said in a voice so low it was barely audible, her face flushed red. There was Zhu Qing present, and Xu Ran was actually asking her such a question.

"Then it's settled. Shower well tonight, and I'll come to you," Xu Ran whispered into Xiaowu's ear, his breath tickling her and turning her entire cheek crimson as if blood might drip from it. The tingling sensation that ran down from her earlobe to her whole body left her overwhelmed.

"Alright, let's not talk about this for now. You are an assistant teacher now, so if what you bring out doesn't satisfy us, I won't agree to your request," Xiaowu quickly changed the subject.

"Then you better prepare yourself in advance. What I'm bringing out today is really good stuff," Xu Ran smiled.

By the time Xu Ran and the others arrived at the plaza, Ma Hongjun and Oscar had already been waiting there for a long time. Also, several teachers from Shrek Academy had arrived.

They too wanted to know, how a genius like Xu Ran understood cultivation? What was his method of cultivation?

"Brother Ran," Ma Hongjun and Oscar greeted Xu Ran as soon as they saw him. They couldn't help but feel expectant; a transcendent genius like Xu Ran was bound to bring something substantial that would benefit them greatly.

"You guys join the line first," Xu Ran instructed Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaowu to line up just like Oscar and the others. After all, he was now an assistant teacher and naturally couldn't treat it lightly.

"Actually, I don't have much to teach you. You'll have to comprehend it on your own. Whatever you can understand is your own blessing," Xu Ran said.

But a single sentence directly sparked everyone's curiosity. What exactly was Xu Ran about to do?

The gazes of all the teachers and students present immediately focused on him as they saw Xu Ran step onto the stone platform at the center of the training field.

Xu Ran was now on the stone platform, his longsword in hand, soul power surging upon it. Streaks of sword light were emitted, striking a stone wall in front of him and casting down a shower of fragments.

Standing still, Xu Ran swung his longsword casually as if the sword were a pen in his grasp, its graceful and unrestrained movements stirring the hearts of all who watched. Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing gazed at Xu Ran, completely spellbound. At this moment, Xu Ran's bearing was truly unique.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun, among others, couldn't help but be moved as well. Even though they were men, who wouldn't desire such unrestrained pleasure?

"If this young man does not achieve greatness, it would be an affront to the natural order," Flander couldn't help but exclaim. Despite his wide experience, he had never seen a man like Xu Ran. He began to understand why geniuses like Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu would prefer to stay by Xu Ran's side, even if it meant sharing him.

Where else could one find a second man like this in the vast world?

Xu Ran was so outstanding that all other prodigies paled in comparison before him.

It's no exaggeration to say that not a single talent of this era could overshadow Xu Ran.

A hint of sword intent, as elusive as a wandering stream; sleeves of white cloud, distant as a myriad of mountains.

The hero's shadow is lost; where can it be found? The jade palace and crystal towers lie desolate and empty.

As the final character on the wall was completed, a faint, metallic sound of unsheathing echoed as if emanating from the wall itself. Xu Ran sheathed his sword and leapt down. At that moment, the wall cracked instantly, revealing countless interconnected fissures. As all the cracks merged, the stone wall trembled ever so slightly before small stones began to fall.

Then, everyone saw the content on the wall.

Upon the wall, a row of characters appeared, emerging from the stone as if having broken through it. The characters, strong and forceful, carried an ethereal Sword Qi that left onlookers utterly fascinated.

Slowly savoring the words and the poem, those present couldn't help but be enraptured. They had not expected Xu Ran to possess such talent. Xu Ran's talent in cultivation already placed him at the pinnacle of the Continent, but it seemed his flair was even more remarkable.

Was Xu Ran still a normal human being?

How could he seem to know everything — and master it all so expertly?

Flander and the others couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

But what was Xu Ran trying to enlighten them about? What was there to comprehend? Flander wondered.

He blinked, looking at the characters on the wall. For some reason, a flash of Spiritual Light crossed his mind. Things he had not understood before suddenly became crystal clear.

At the same time, the soul power within his body began to circulate faster, increasing in speed. The bottleneck that had trapped his cultivation for over a year seemed inconsequential at that moment.

He was about to break through!

"Old Zhao, protect me," Flander bellowed, feeling that he had found the opportunity for a breakthrough and was preparing to have Zhao Wuji act as his protector.

Yet, when he turned to look at Zhao Wuji and the others, he was instantly stunned.