Chapter 98: Brock's Cultivation Level Explodes in Fury, Flander Suddenly Gains Enlightenment_1

Ning Rongrong savored the poem on the stone wall, finding it more appealing with each reading.

In this world, literature does exist. However, it's something that those with inadequate "Cultivation Level" talents tend to dabble in. Her father also enjoyed playing with such trinkets. After all, his "Cultivation Level" had reached a bottleneck at level 79, and he didn't need to cultivate any further. With idle time on his hands, he naturally took a liking to these things.

But in her opinion, her father's writings were far inferior to the fluency and insight of the few lines of poetry before her.

At this moment, in her mind, there seemed to be a swordsman, holding a long sword, and at the moment he drew his sword, all the scenery around him lost its color.

This made her think of Sword Grandpa, who was obsessed with the way of the sword throughout his life. If he saw the content on this stone wall, he would probably be very excited as well. Could it be that this peerless genius of Shrek Academy was also a sword expert? He must possess the Sword Martial Spirit then.

Ning Rongrong was full of curiosity, and she felt a strange sensation thinking about him becoming her personal tutor.

Contemplating the content on the stone wall, Ning Rongrong slowly fell into an odd state.

Next to Ning Rongrong, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were completely baffled.

In their view, the poem was rather good and the handwriting was attractive, but where was the sudden enlightenment? Why hadn't they experienced any sudden realization?

They were baffled, staring at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Flander had once said that only a Soul Master with good comprehension could gain great benefits from this stone wall, and if one's comprehension was poor, their "Cultivation Level" might even regress.

Could it be that his and Xiaosan's comprehension was poor?

How could that be?

Xiaosan was a natural genius; how could his comprehension be poor? And he was a Grandmaster, unparalleled in intellect; his comprehension should be excellent. Could it be that the stone wall had no effect?

While Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were puzzled over this issue and about to tell Flander and the others that the stone wall was useless, they were distracted by Ning Rongrong's movements.

At that moment, a colorful glow radiated from Ning Rongrong. She held the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in her hand, and her two yellow Soul Rings began to ascend. In this moment, Ning Rongrong was graceful and charming as her Soul Power surged.

With a soft "pop" in the air, Ning Rongrong's "Cultivation Level" broke through by one, reaching level 27.

Even after the breakthrough, the speed at which Ning Rongrong's Soul Power circulated remained fast, and everyone watched in amazement as her Soul Power continued to soar, rapidly assaulting the bottleneck of level 28.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiaogang was instantly excited, and Tang San couldn't help feeling a bit thrilled as well.

Tang San was only at level 29 at the moment, still some distance from level 30. But just now, a Soul Master at level 26 broke through in an instant, and was now even about to break through level 28.

Seeing a fellow Soul Master of similar age, whose "Cultivation Level" was initially much lower, now skyrocketing and nearly catching up to him, how could Tang San not be stirred?

"Could my comprehension really be poor?" Tang San shook his head and continued to look at the stone wall, gradually immersing himself in it, entering a wonderful state.

Yu Xiaogang also entered that state.

But what awaited them was not a surge in "Cultivation Level" or a state of clarity brought about by sudden enlightenment.

Their Soul Power was rapidly depleting and their "Cultivation Level" continually decreasing.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Everyone looked on in a daze as Brock and Tang San's bodies moved, unable to help themselves from feeling utterly baffled. The "Cultivation Level" of Brock and Tang San was plummeting at a visible rate.

Brock's "Cultivation Level" was initially at level 29, but as his Soul Power rapidly drained away, it dropped to level 28 in an instant, and kept plummeting.

Witnessing this scene, Flander and the others were utterly astonished, and for some reason, they felt a sudden urge to laugh. When Xu Ran told them that those with low comprehension would lose "Cultivation Level" by observing this stone wall, they thought Xu Ran was joking. Every member of Shrek Academy had an epiphany, none saw their "Cultivation Level" regress.

Could there really be someone in the world with such low comprehension?

If it weren't for their concern about Flander's relationship with Brock, Zhao Wuji and the others might have burst into uproarious laughter by now. They were only slightly more respectful towards Brock for Flander's sake. In their view, Brock's so-called theories were ludicrously laughable.

To them, Brock, who had never experienced higher realms, was ranting away and was nothing but a buffoon.

They had always suspected Brock was someone who sought fame without substance; his theories counted for nothing.

Now, seeing this spectacle, they became even more convinced.

A person whose "Cultivation Level" could drop four levels from 29, must likely have a wooden head.

Would a truly intelligent person behave like him?

Previously, a child visiting from a neighboring village benefited from this stone wall. Could it be that the so-called Grandmaster's intelligence fell short of a mere child?

Zhao Wuji and the others were all holding back laughter, and even Flander was finding it hard to restrain himself. At this moment, seeing Brock again after many years, he suddenly realized that Brock was nothing special. If Brock's theories were so strong, how could he not solve his own problems?

If he couldn't resolve his own issues, who would believe in his supposedly strong theories?

As Flander reminisced about the past times with Brock and Liu Erlong, he suddenly noticed something. It seemed that Brock only took the leading position in the Golden Iron Triangle after he got involved with Er Long. Originally, he was the leader of the trio, but in the end, due to Er Long, he had to heed Brock's opinions.

At this instant, a horrifying thought dawned on Flander.

All along, there was one question that plagued him; did Brock truly not know about Er Long's identity? After studying Martial Spirits for so many years, did he really not recognize that Er Long was part of the Yu Family? Even though Er Long's Martial Spirit had mutated, its essence remained unchanged. Could he truly not see the genes of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon within her?

Flander looked deeply at Brock, and in front of this stone wall, he felt like he gained an epiphany once more, but this time, he seemed to understand some terrifying truths.

If that was indeed the case, it would be horrific.

"Brock, I hope you haven't been deliberately hurting Er Long all along. Otherwise, I won't let you off," Flander said as he looked towards the stone wall, seemingly coming to some realization.

Normally, Xu Ran's paintings could only bring enlightenment once, but Flander's enlightenment this time was unrelated to his "Cultivation Level."

"No, no, my 'Cultivation Level'." Brock's face went pale as he snapped out of that state.

At that moment, his "Cultivation Level" had actually dropped to the level of 25. It plummeted by four levels.

Feeling the Soul Power within his body, Brock found it hard to believe.

He couldn't believe that all of this was real.

His "Cultivation Level" had actually plummeted, from level 29 directly to level 25. Before, he could claim to be a near Soul Elder; now what was he? Entirely a Grand Soul Master.

Within Shrek Academy, his "Cultivation Level" was not even comparable to that of a student.