Chapter 105 Teaching Three Girls Yoga_1

A night passed, and the sun was already high in the sky.

Outside Xu Ran's room, three girls stood together, all dressed in exercise outfits that outlined their distinct figures.

"Zhu Qing, Xiaowu. Has Xu Ran always been like this?" Ning Rongrong asked in surprise upon seeing Xu Ran still not awake, lazing around in the dorm. In her memory, geniuses were always incredibly diligent, with early bedtimes, early rising, regular schedules, and dedication to cultivation.

In her mind, given Xu Ran's talent, he should be a cultivation maniac.

So why was Xu Ran still sleeping? It seemed he was even lazier than her.

"Xu Ran has always been like this," Zhu Qing said helplessly.

Ever since she got to know Xu Ran, he had always been like this. He even glorified it by saying that one needed to feel happy in body and mind for effective cultivation. She didn't believe Xu Ran's nonsense at all. Xu Ran was clearly just lazy.

"You all wait here for a moment, I'll go wake Xu Ran up," Zhu Qing said, as she pushed the door open and went inside.

"Xu Ran, it's time to get up, you still have to teach us cultivation later," Zhu Qing said, as she went to lift Xu Ran's blanket.

Just as her hand was about to touch the edge of the bedclothes, a strong hand swiftly reached out and pulled Zhu Qing onto the bed.

"Ah," Zhu Qing cried out softly, being pulled onto the bed by Xu Ran.

"Xu Ran, don't... Xiaowu and Rongrong are still outside..." Zhu Qing said anxiously, her hands resting on Xu Ran's chest to keep him away. Xiaowu and Rongrong were still outside, she dared not have too intimate contact with Xu Ran.

What if she stirred up Xu Ran's passion, then what?

Xiaowu and Rongrong were waiting for her outside, and if she went out with her clothes in disarray, it would be too embarrassing.

"Baby, then what do you suggest?" Xu Ran glanced at Zhu Qing's perfect curves wrapped in tight clothes, then looked directly into her eyes. The intensity of his gaze was enough to melt Zhu Qing.

This kind of look was all too familiar to Zhu Qing.

She shivered uncontrollably, not daring to meet Xu Ran's eyes, and pleaded bitterly, "Xu Ran, please don't. Not now. Whatever you want to do tonight, okay?"

"That's fine too. But let's make it clear," Xu Ran took hold of the two small hands that Zhu Qing had pressed against his chest, then kissed her soft lips firmly.

He naturally understood the rules, and even if he was indeed eager, he wouldn't choose to act in broad daylight. Although in the daytime, everything was clearly visible, with Zhu Qing and the others' shy demeanor, they weren't ready for that yet.

At night, if Xu Ran didn't turn off the lights, they would resist fiercely, let alone during the day. But this was nothing more than burying their heads in the sand.

With Xu Ran's current eyesight, there was no difference between night and day. Anyway, he could see everything clearly. He knew every mole on Zhu Qing's body. It was just that they would have some psychological comfort in the darkness of night.


Xu Ran held Zhu Qing and kissed her for a long time, satisfying himself before letting her go.

"Zhu Qing, what happened to you?"

Outside the dormitory room, Xiaowu saw Zhu Qing run out disheveled, with a hot flush on her face, and wasn't surprised. She often entered Xu Ran's dorm room and Xu Ran would invariably get handsy, so she had gotten used to it.

However, Ning Rongrong felt a sense of strangeness deep inside.

Although she was a maiden untouched by worldly affairs, she was no child. She naturally understood what had happened between Zhu Qing and Xu Ran in his room just now.

Zhu Qing had been in there for at least three minutes, and during those three minutes, she and Xu Ran were intimate behind that door. Just thinking about it made her feel a little parched and hot.

"Xu Ran will be out soon. He told us to run five laps around the village first, and then wait for him at the playground," said Zhu Zhuqing, slightly calming down her emotions and pretending to be serene.

This morning, the headmaster had said that from now on, their training would be managed and supervised by Xu Ran. In other words, other than theory lessons and Soto City's Soul Master contests, all their future training would be overseen by Xu Ran.

This made them somewhat delighted because working out and training with the person they liked was also a very pleasant thing. Moreover, Xu Ran was so strong, surely the training methods he provided would be the most reasonable and effective.

"Then I'm going to run first," Xiaowu nodded and was the first to rush out.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong followed suit.

Running five laps around the village was not difficult, even for Ning Rongrong, a support-class Soul Master. Completing the five laps was not a challenge for her. Xu Ran simply wanted them to warm up. Only by getting their bodies moving could they engage in the following exercises.

By the time Zhu Zhuqing and the others reached the playground, Xu Ran was leisurely perched on a chair, munching on an apple. Watching the three ladies sweating profusely after their workout, Xu Ran couldn't help but feel somewhat indulged.

Flander sure knew how to have fun.

Thank goodness he didn't stuff Ma Hongjun and Oscar onto him. He had no interest in men, but training his own wives in Cultivation, and even playing nurturing games with them, wasn't that just wonderful?

Three great beauties – it was indeed a feast for the eyes.

"Xu Ran, aren't you supposed to train us?" Zhu Zhuqing saw Xu Ran lying on the chair at ease and became annoyed. The headmaster was being a bit too partial. They all needed training, yet only Xu Ran had privileges. Even though Xu Ran was her boyfriend, she couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

In the past, it was fine, but now that she saw herself training while Xu Ran was comfortably basking in the sun, she couldn't help but purse her lips, feeling a bit unhappy. Stinky Xu Ran, so shameless.

However, she was quite curious about the training methods Xu Ran was about to bring them.

"Today, I'm going to teach you something called yoga. Yoga is a set of exercises designed specifically for women. If you practice yoga consistently, it can detoxify your body, enhance your figure, and help you girls maintain a younger appearance," Xu Ran said, recalling yoga from his previous life. Indeed, it was the best training suited for girls.

Moreover, practicing yoga wouldn't have to worry about Zhu Qing and the others losing that feminine charm due to conventional training. Because one of the effects of yoga itself was to help women enhance the presence of curves in their chest, waist, hips, and legs.

Of course, watching Zhu Qing and the others practice yoga would also be a treat for his eyes.

After all, as they engaged in yoga techniques, their bodily curves would undoubtedly be revealed.

For girls, looks and figure are eternal topics, and their concern for their own appearance and physique comes second only to Cultivation. So when Xu Ran mentioned the benefits of yoga, it immediately attracted the attention of all three girls.

"There are many yoga poses. We'll practice them one by one. Who wants to start with the first pose?" Xu Ran asked directly.

"Me, me," Ning Rongrong volunteered as soon as Xu Ran finished speaking.

She had already witnessed the miraculous aspect of Xu Ran the day before, and now she was naturally curious about the magical yoga movements he mentioned. Especially since it was something that could beautify and rejuvenate, it tickled her fancy.

If Xu Ran recommended it, it definitely wouldn't be bad. "Stand straight, and now lift your right leg," Xu Ran instructed Ning Rongrong in yoga poses as he walked up to her.

Following Xu Ran's instructions, Ning Rongrong stood on one foot while lifting the other high in the air, creating a straight 180-degree line with both legs. This pose fully showcased Ning Rongrong's pert buttocks and slender legs.

While performing this maneuver, Ning Rongrong's face flushed red with embarrassment. For a girl to adopt such a pose felt a bit too shameful.

"Your flexibility is quite good, hold it steady," Xu Ran commented, as Ning Rongrong blushed with embarrassment, he took hold of her lifted foot, observing the enticing pose Ning Rongrong had struck, and he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart.

Even though he knew these yoga poses would be seductive when performed by the three women, he was still taken aback by the actual impact when he saw it.

Ning Rongrong was dressed in tight white trousers today, which had become half-soaked with sweat from the running earlier. Now, as she took on such a position, her shapely and rounded backside and the curves of her long, straight legs were completely revealed to Xu Ran's view, which was almost too much for him to handle.