Chapter 121: Xu Ran in Trouble? Tang San is Targeted_1

Xu Ran was completely unaware of the sudden mysterious event that had appeared in the Aquipeia Forest.

At this moment, Xu Ran stood with his feet on empty air, sword in hand, his gaze indifferent. Only now did he understand how terrifying his Martial Soul was. If he were to fully develop it, he would become unrivaled in the world.

Although he had only been enhanced to a "Cultivation Level" of level 95, in his eyes, even Tang Hao seemed incredibly insignificant.

This was his level 95, even though he did not know how strong God level strong were. But he had a premonition that his current strength was not inferior to that of an ordinary Divine Residence.

Even the aura that now permeated from his body was of God Rank.

This aura was too terrifying. If he were to release it, everyone in Shrek Academy and Soto City would be wiped out.

However, even though Xu Ran was already restraining his aura as much as he could, the entirety of Shrek Academy and Soto City were still in an uproar.

Everyone in Soto City awoke from their deep slumber, sensing that supreme breath that dominated all living things, trembling with fear.

At this moment, they did not dare to hesitate for a single moment and knelt on the ground, praying with utmost devotion.

They were utterly terrified and shocked in their hearts - what kind of strong existence could possess such a horrifying aura?

All the teachers and students of Shrek Academy awoke in shock as well.

They were not like the people of Soto City who had never seen the world; they had all witnessed the terror of Titled Douluo before. But in the face of this aura, even Titled Douluo seemed minuscule.

"What kind of existence could this possibly be?"

"Too terrifying. This aura is too terrifying."

Flander, Li Yusong, Zhao Wuji, Shao Xinshao, and several other teachers all shivered, their eyes turning towards the distance, where a pitch-black and raging energy swirled.

They could vaguely make out an immensely long, pitch-black sword standing tens of meters tall in the air, exuding unspeakable terror.

But why did this sword look so familiar? It seemed they had seen it somewhere before.

Flander and the others exchanged looks, a horrifying guess forming in their minds. Wasn't this Xu Ran's sword? Could it be Xu Ran?

"Sigh." Flander, Zhao Wuji, and a few others all took a sharp intake of breath.

"Where's Xu Ran? Where did he go?" Zhu Zhuqing stamped her foot, her expression full of anxiousness. At this time, she was dressed in black tight-fitting clothes and small leather boots, almost on the verge of tears in her urgency.

The other two girls, Xiaowu and Ning Rongrong, were also extremely worried. They had checked Xu Ran's dormitory several times and looked around, but still did not find any trace of him.

"Xu Ran..." Xiaowu bit her teeth hard, looking into the distance where terrifying fluctuations emanated. That must be the trouble Xu Ran had caused.

Xu Ran was an Auspicious Beast, he was supposed to be capable of anything. But now, he must be facing some trouble. Could it be with Hao Tian Douluo Tang Hao?

Although she did not know why Xu Ran had suddenly gained such strong power, she was also aware that rashly releasing such immense strength would surely have severe repercussions.

Ning Rongrong's face was just as pale, her gaze somewhat vacant. Xu Ran had just been by her side, and now something had happened to him? She and Xu Ran had only just confirmed their relationship; could it be that he was in trouble now? Ning Rongrong bit her lower lip hard, her eyes looking into the distance as tears trickled down.

Apart from Zhu Zhuqing, Xiaowu, and Ning Rongrong, Flander and the others had also calmed down after a brief moment of exhilaration, feeling somewhat uneasy in their hearts as well.

They did not know what Xu Ran's current situation was.

Xu Ran's "Cultivation Level" was only that of a Soul Elder, and even if he possessed some peculiar abilities that allowed him to unleash formidable strength, the intensity of that strength was simply too much for him to withstand.

"Xu Ran, haha, you also have your day, huh?" Seeing this scene, although Tang San didn't know what was happening, he could tell from Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaowu's sorrowful expressions that Xu Ran must be in danger.

This made him extremely excited. It was better for Xu Ran to have his own troubles, so he wouldn't have to make a move himself. After all, Xu Ran was so strong, he wasn't entirely sure he could defeat Xu Ran.

Therefore, in his excitement, he suddenly forgot where he was. It was normal, as people often act irrationally when overwhelmed with joy or sorrow.

"Xiaosan, shut your mouth." Brock felt equally exhilarated.

Xu Ran was disrespectful and wouldn't become his disciple, so it was just as well that he died. With Xu Ran dead, Tang San would be the most powerful prodigy currently on the Continent. Naturally, he couldn't say this out loud.

His wife wasn't stolen by Xu Ran, nor had Xu Ran cuckolded him. Despite his discontentment with Xu Ran, he wasn't at the point where he'd forget himself with excitement at Xu Ran's misfortune.

"Tang San, what are you saying?"

"It's you, you are the cause of Xu Ran's troubles."

"If anything happens to Xu Ran, I swear I won't let you off." Xiaowu was furious, her delicate body shaking uncontrollably. Seeing Tang San spewing insensitive remarks after Xu Ran got into trouble, she fiercely kicked him away. She knew Xu Ran must have encountered Tang Hao.

Tang San's excessively excited expression only confirmed Xiaowu's suspicion. Since Tang Hao had been brought over by Tang San, it was certain for Tang San to be so sure that Xu Ran would run into trouble.

Tang Hao, Hao Tian Douluo, was unimaginably strong, forcing Xu Ran to use an incredibly terrifying forbidden move. And it was Tang San who had brought Tang Hao over.

"If anything happens to Xu Ran, I will be the first to kill you." Xiaowu said coldly, her icy gaze causing Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Flander, and several other teachers to shudder involuntarily. They couldn't imagine how the gaze of a teenage girl could be so terrifying.

Was this really just a twelve-year-old girl?

Why did they feel as though they were facing an extremely ferocious beast?

"Xiaowu…" Sensing the intense killing intent in Xiaowu's eyes, Tang San looked pale and felt as if his heart were shattered. He couldn't understand why Xiaowu would so resolutely follow Xu Ran.

If Xu Ran died, Xiaowu was going to attack him.

It was unjust.

He hadn't done anything, so why would Xiaowu turn against him if Xu Ran died?

He had merely made an offhand remark. Did Xiaowu hate him that much?

What exactly had Xu Ran brainwashed Xiaowu with?

Tang San's heart ached unbearably, his eyes bloodshot, fists clenched tightly, his long fingernails digging deep into his palms where blood began to seep out.

Why was the world treating him this way? Apart from his teachers, was there anyone who truly cared for him? Probably not.

Even Xiaowu, once sweet and charming, now saw him as an enemy. Was he such a failure?

"If Xu Ran comes to harm, my Zhu Clan will regard you as an enemy for life," Zhu Zhuqing said coldly. He too could guess that Xu Ran must have encountered Hao Tian Douluo. He remembered Xu Ran mentioning a few days ago that he had a method to counter a Titled Douluo, which must be what he used.

But using such a method, she didn't need to think to know that even if Xu Ran didn't die, his body would surely be greatly damaged. She didn't know how Xu Ran had such terrifying strength, but she was clear that Xu Ran's body couldn't withstand such powerful force.

"My Seven Treasures Glaze Sect as well," Ning Rongrong also glared angrily at Tang San. From the first day at Shrek Academy, she had been dissatisfied with him. It was bad enough he slandered Xu Ran, but now that Xu Ran was in danger, he was actually taking joy in his misfortune. Was he even human?