Chapter 128 Good Elasticity_1



Dugu Bo's gaze was tightly fixed on Xu Ran. His soul pressure as a level 91 Titled Douluo seemed to have no effect on the young man before him.

Could this person be an expert?

Dugu Bo's expression became solemn as he began to scrutinize Xu Ran.

"What a handsome lad, and his talent in that area seems quite good too. If you hadn't made a grave mistake, you might have had the chance to become my grandson-in-law," Dugu Bo muttered, his eyes inadvertently shifting to his granddaughter. The Dugu Yan from before, who feared neither heaven nor earth, even in front of her grandfather, was now showing a more girlish side.

Her flushed face turned away, feigning calm, made him unable to suppress a chuckle. His Yan Yan had grown so big, and she hadn't even seen those things yet? She was still getting shy. But this young man truly had strong talent, even more formidable than him in his youth. If Yan Yan really got together with him, she probably couldn't handle it.

Many thoughts flew through his mind, and in the end, he decided to take action against Xu Ran.

No matter what sort of monster or divine being he was, he had turned such a precious place into this mess, and all the valuable herbs had been plundered, he had to be punished.

"Hmph, lad, wake up," Dugu Bo bellowed, unleashing a streak of dark green soul power that lashed out directly toward Xu Ran. As a Titled Douluo who entered his profession through poison, Dugu Bo's soul power was tainted with the Bishcaled Snake Poison.

Ordinary people, touched by even a hint of the snake poison, would be affected or even killed instantly.

"Grandfather..." Dugu Yan cried out, anxious as she saw her grandfather preparing to make a move on that elegant young man. But she stopped herself before finishing her sentence.

That young man had nothing to do with her; why should she care? Besides, he had destroyed her grandfather's beloved ground, and he deserved to be punished.

Despite saying that, Dugu Yan couldn't help but worry as she looked towards Xu Ran. Human emotions can't be shifted at will.

However, it was clear she had been worrying for nothing.

Under her watch, the streak of dark green soul power from Dugu Bo disappeared into thin air about one meter from Xu Ran, unable to even touch him.

Xu Ran was still under the effect of the level 95 Titled Douluo Experience Card, with a super God Rank Martial Soul, battle prowess on par with divine beings. Tang Hao had no choice but to be trampled before him, so what was Dugu Bo?

"This kind of strength?" Dugu Bo's complexion changed drastically, no longer able to remain composed.

After being thwarted twice, he finally understood that the excessively young-looking person before him was indeed an unparalleled powerhouse.

Yes, an unparalleled powerhouse, only such a being could disregard him in such a manner.

"Yan Yan, run quickly."

Dugu Bo's expression was solemn as the speed of his soul power circulation increased once again, his aura reaching its current peak. At that moment, his entire body was enveloped in dark green soul power, and a huge shadow of a poison snake appeared behind him.

"Grandfather..." Dugu Yan was startled by her grandfather's stance, but she also realized that the man sitting in the middle of the pond must be a top-tier powerhouse, surely stronger than her grandfather. Otherwise, her always proud grandfather would not have lost composure like this, nor would he look death in the face and tell her to run.

Is he that strong?

Dugu Yan was momentarily dazed, but quickly bit her lip and stood beside her grandfather. If there really was danger, she would not abandon him to survive alone.


She, Dugu Yan, was not one to cling to life out of fear of death.

Moreover, her woman's sixth sense told her that the man before her was not one who revelled in killing.

"Yan Yan, hurry and go, what are you still doing here?" Dugu Bo was frantic, looking at his granddaughter standing there foolishly, he couldn't help but speak up.

"Grandfather, you know my temperament, if there truly was danger, I wouldn't leave either," Dugu Yan shook her head and directly released her Martial Soul, three Soul Rings, two yellow and one purple, glimmered around her. Her "Cultivation Level" was considered average among her peers, but it seemed much too insignificant here.

"What a deep bond between grandfather and granddaughter. However, since you're not leaving, then you won't be able to leave at all," a leisurely voice echoed through the air as Xu Ran stood up from within the Icefire Polarized Eyes, a black robe materialized and draped over his naked body.

Xu Ran stepped out of the Icefire Polarized Eyes, his Martial Soul immediately released, and that terrifying aura, which was many times more frightening than Dugu Bo's, weighed heavily upon Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

Feeling that terrifying aura that seemed to soar to the heavens, Dugu Bo's face turned deathly pale, his heart roiling with shock and fear. Just what kind of powerful figure had he offended this time?

Such strength, not even a few of the peak entities from Martial Soul Hall might possess it.

In the world of Soul Masters, the strong could have everything the weak possessed.

In this world, might makes right; even if Xu Ran took his medicinal ingredients today, and destroyed his cultivation paradise like this, Xu Ran would still be justified.

Because, strength is the truth.

"Your Excellency, we are in the wrong for disturbing you, and now I apologize to you, earnestly begging you to spare us," Dugu Bo said respectfully. Even as a Titled Douluo, after feeling that overwhelmingly terrifying aura, he had lost all heart to resist. If the gap in strength had been small, he might have put up a fight, but with such a vast disparity, how could he fight?

If only Yan Yan weren't by his side, even if he were to die, he wouldn't bow and scrape before others. But Yan Yan was still young, she couldn't come to harm.

At this moment, Dugu Yan had already turned pale with fright; even though that Soul Pressure was directed at her grandfather, the residual force still made her delicate body tremble violently.

Only then did she truly realize the terrifying strength this incredibly young man before her possessed.

"Spare you? Even if I do spare you, how long do you think you'll live?" Xu Ran said to Dugu Bo. After finishing, he turned his gaze towards the demure and charming Dugu Yan.

An old man, where's the appeal in that compared to a young and beautiful girl?

And moreover...

Xu Ran glanced at Dugu Yan wearing a form-fitting high-waisted garment, her flat and fair stomach exposed to the air, and then at her round and perky rear, he walked straight over.

"Slap," a crisp and resounding noise exploded in the air. Waves rippled across Xu Ran's palm.

Soft, perky, quite springy, those were Xu Ran's most immediate impressions.

Even Zhu Qing's was somewhat too soft. Of course, this was mainly because Zhu Qing and the others were still too young, naturally not as supple as the nearly mature Dugu Yan.

"Not bad to the touch," Xu Ran said blandly, a hint of mischievous nonchalance playing across his calm face.

To not take advantage of what's handed to you is to be a fool. The plump lamb had delivered itself to his doorstep, and Xu Ran was naturally not going to pass it up.