Chapter 137 Aunt and Nephew Conversation_1

"Bing'er, why have you come?" Shui Miao looked at Shui Bing'er as she entered through the door, smiling as she asked. The familiar charm of a mature woman was casually revealed.

She watched Shui Bing'er with some consolation.

Shui Bing'er was the most outstanding genius of the Shui Family at present, as well as the one with the best talent that the family had seen in nearly a hundred years.

With the Ice Phoenix Martial Soul and innate Soul Power at level nine, Shui Bing'er was the most likely person in the Shui Family to break through to the status of a Titled Douluo. The Shui Family had never had a Titled Douluo in its history, and Shui Bing'er had the opportunity to become the first.

The Shui Family's resources couldn't compare to those of the Martial Soul Hall or the upper three families. Even though Shui Bing'er was extremely talented, they couldn't guarantee that she would definitely be able to break through to become a Titled Douluo.

However, if they had the assistance of that lord, Shui Bing'er's chances of breaking through to become a Titled Douluo in the future would increase significantly.

That's why these past few days, she hadn't taken that lord back to the Shui Family to entertain him, considering this very point.

If Shui Bing'er and that lord got along well and gained some benefits from him, then it would be the greatest gain for the Shui Family.

"Auntie, Lord Xu Ran has awakened," Shui Bing'er said directly.

"What? That lord has woken up?" Shui Miao got up excitedly from the table. She was somewhat emotional. She was not only the President of Tianshui College but also the current Family Head of the Shui Family.

In the Soul Land, powerful forces usually had a strong family as a backing, just like Tianshui College was backed by the Shui Family, which had the legacy of the Ice Phoenix Martial Soul.

"How is that lord's temper?" Shui Miao grabbed Shui Bing'er's hand and couldn't help but ask. She was worried that if that lord had a quirky temper and didn't appreciate their sentiment, then her wish to obtain his help would be nothing more than wishful thinking.

"Lord Xu Ran is quite nice," Shui Bing'er replied with a blush, recalling the awkward scene when Xu Ran first woke up, she felt unbearably shy. Yet, her impression of Xu Ran was very good.

In her mind, those with such formidable power were usually unapproachable and majestic. But in her heart, Xu Ran's image was gentle and courteous, giving her a feeling of basking in the warmth of spring.

"Auntie, is Lord Xu Ran really such an old monster?" Shui Bing'er asked absentmindedly, thinking about this abrupt question.

As soon as she finished speaking, Shui Bing'er realized her words might be easily misunderstood. She couldn't help but lower her delicate cheeks, looking at her snow-white legs faintly visible beneath her long dress.

"Has our Bing'er started to feel the stirrings of love?" Shui Miao looked at Shui Bing'er with some amusement and teased her. This girl, Shui Bing'er, always acted so grown-up. Because of the great hopes placed upon her by the family, she had borne the burden of reviving the Shui Family since she was young.

Therefore, she rarely saw Shui Bing'er show such a girlish side. Bing'er and Yue'er were both geniuses of the Shui Family. Bing'er wasn't much older than Yue'er, but the responsibilities she bore meant she couldn't be as carefree as Yue'er.

As the number one genius of the Shui Family, she was the hope of the Shui Family.

If she could break through to become a Titled Douluo, the Shui Family would also have a place in the entire Continent in the future.

"Auntie, what are you talking about?" Shui Bing'er's face turned even redder as Shui Miao said this.

At that moment, she felt her face burning. She didn't have any particularly deep feelings for Xu Ran. She wasn't like Yue'er, who would become infatuated at the sight of someone's appearance and strength.

But she had also given away her first kiss as a girl.

For a girl, both her first kiss and her first night are meant to be given to the person she cherishes the most. However, due to taking care of Xu Ran, this exceedingly powerful guest, she had offered her first kiss, and during the feeding, there had even been an exchange of body fluids.

How could these things not stir some ripples in Shui Bing'er's heart?

"What's on your mind, Bing'er? If I, as your aunt, couldn't figure it out, then I wouldn't deserve to be called your aunt. Our Bing'er has been under my eye since you were little," Shui Miao walked over to Shui Bing'er, took her hand, and said with a smile.

"As for Lord Xu Ran, I am not very clear myself."

"If we go by common sense, Lord Xu Ran must be a senior who is a hundred, or perhaps even two hundred years old. Otherwise, he could not possibly be this strong. But I don't think he looks like an old senior. When Lord Xu Ran was unconscious, I touched his hand and felt that his bone age was actually surprisingly young. So, right now, I am also unclear about how old Lord Xu Ran really is," Shui Miao shook her head. Such a powerful figure was beyond their capacity to fathom, wasn't he?

Although she had sensed that Lord Xu Ran's bone age was only twelve years old, and his Soul Power was merely at the Soul Venerable level, how could that be possible?

She thought about it and decided to give up trying to guess about the lord.

What they could see was only what such a strong figure was willing to let them see, after all.

"However," Shui Miao's tone changed.

"However, what?" Shui Bing'er looked at her aunt curiously, unable to resist voicing her question.

"Age is not a problem between Soul Masters. With Lord Xu Ran's strength, living up to three hundred years is not a problem," Shui Miao solemnly reminded. If it were not for her age, if she had encountered such a terrifying existence, she would risk everything for a chance.

On the continent, there are hundreds of millions of men, but how many of such beings exist?

Which woman wouldn't be moved by a being at the pinnacle of the continent?

It was only a pity that she was no longer young. Moreover, although her husband had died young, she had already made up her mind to remain faithful to him for life.

"Auntie, it's impossible for me, and Yue'er is very fond of Lord Xu Ran too."

"I thought Yue'er was just being silly before, but these past few days, the depth of Yue'er's feelings for Lord Xu Ran might not be as simple as I thought," Shui Bing'er couldn't help but say, recalling her sister's unusual behavior.

Yue'er had been stubborn and bold since she was young. Shui Bing'er was worried her sister might do something wrong. In front of such a powerful being, Yue'er was just a little girl. If she truly angered him, how could a girl of her standing withstand the fury of such a strong figure?

"Indeed, that girl Yue'er..." Shui Miao shook her head.

"Well, well, let's leave it to you sisters' fate. I am going to see Lord Xu Ran now. He has just woken up, and you seven of the Tian Shui Battle Team shouldn't disturb him too often. If you want to see Lord Xu Ran, go together, instead of visiting him one by one," said Shiu Miao. It would indeed be impolite if the seven members of the Tian Shui Battle Team visited Lord Xu Ran frequently, one after the other.

"Um, I will remind them," Shui Bing'er replied, then turned and left Shui Miao's office, heading towards the training room of the Tian Shui Battle Team.