Chapter 149: Playing the Zither, Group Breakthrough_1

"Brother Ran, no, Teacher Xu Ran said he'd play the guqin for us later," Shui Yue'er said, nearly revealing the true nature of her relationship with Xu Ran, feeling somewhat flustered inside.

"Play the guqin? Teacher Xu Ran knows how to play the guqin?" The few young girls didn't notice the oddity in Shui Yue'er at that moment. They fantasized about Xu Ran playing the guqin, unable to contain their blooming joy.

With someone as gentle and powerful as Teacher Xu Ran playing the guqin, what would it be like?

"So what? Teacher Xu Ran is so incredible, how could you possibly guess his full extent? He did say that he would teach me to play the flute in the future," Shui Yue'er raised her head proudly, exposing her snow-white neck, looking quite smug.

Seeing the sisters in the team who usually treated her as a little maid now looking like fools in love, while she had already achieved her goal and willingly became Xu Ran's woman, Shui Yue'er felt somewhat elated.

However, she couldn't possibly announce this matter for the time being.

"Let's go over there first," Shui Bing'er was also somewhat moved, striding ahead with long legs, her tight-fitting outfit encasing her charming and lovely figure, extremely enticing.

Xue Wu walked shoulder to shoulder with Shui Bing'er, dressed in a white blouse and a black hip-hugging knee-length skirt, her long black hair cascaded down to her waist, looking very ethereal. And through the gaps between the buttons on Xue Wu's white blouse, one could catch glimpses of a different kind of scenery.

In Tianshui College, because they were all girls, their usual attire was quite casual. Being all girls, they naturally weren't afraid of revealing too much.

The other four girls of the Tian Shui Battle Team, Yu Hairou, Shui Yue'er, Shen Liuyu, Gu Qingbo, and Qiu Ruoshui, were similarly dressed to impress, showcasing their most beautiful selves.

In the bamboo forest, Xu Ran, clad in a black robe, his jet-black hair like ink hanging down his back, on the stone table in front of him laid an ancient guqin and a pitch-black long sword.

His fingers stirred the strings, and the cold and mournful music wafted out. The sound of the guqin was crisp, echoing in the silent bamboo forest, adding to its depth.

When playing the guqin, Xu Ran's deep black eyes shone like the stars in the night, dazzling and captivating. His entire being was like the epitome of handsomeness, nobility, and elegance, yet he seemed to exude a sense of returning to one's original simplicity, causing all the girls of the Tian Shui Battle Team to fixate their gazes upon him.

At that moment, they unconsciously lightened their steps, even afraid to breathe too heavily, lest they disturb such an exceptional man.

It was at this moment they truly understood just how outstanding Lord Xu Ran was. Perhaps all the men in the world combined couldn't compare to a fraction of him.

At least, that was how they felt.

As the Heaven's Proud Daughters of Tianshui College, they had seen their fair share of talented young men of their age, like Feng Xiaotian of Shenfeng Academy and Huo Wushuang of Fiery Flame College. But even these talents paled in comparison to Teacher Xu Ran.

Such a figure, had it not been for the incident last time, perhaps they would never have had any interaction with him in this lifetime.

Even now that Lord Xu Ran was their teacher, one day he would leave. And that day wouldn't be too far away.

They slowly became immersed in the somewhat sorrowful music, stirring their emotions. The thought that Xu Ran would soon leave Tianshui College filled them with an inescapable melancholy.

Shui Yue'er, listening to this tune, felt an even deeper emotion. She knew she had already hopelessly fallen. She truly didn't dare to imagine what she would do if Xu Ran ever forgot about her or left her forever. She would probably go mad.

Her talent, being only above average within the Tian Shui Battle Team, was hardly worth mentioning on the Continent.

Everyone had their own thoughts, and under Xu Ran's guqin, their thoughts surged up uncontrollably.

Soon, they were deeply engrossed in the sound of the guqin.

What they didn't notice was that under the influence of the music, their spiritual power was growing rapidly, and the growth of their Soul Power was even more tumultuous.

This guqin music could allow any Soul Master below the Soul Sage level to unconditionally break through one level, and Soul Masters above Soul Sage could quickly find their break-through opportunity, greatly increasing their chances of advancing, and some might even fall into a State of Enlightenment.




Seven consecutive sounds from the depths echoed, and the Soul Power of every member of the Tian Shui Battle Team broke through a level.

Not only that, but as the piano music soared, under the effect of Xu Ran's Soul Power, it continued to spread outward, filling the vast Tianshui College with this sad and beautiful melody.

At this moment, all the students in class stopped what they were doing, listening to the piano music as if touched by it.

In the dormitory area of Tianshui College, countless girls were also immersed in this plaintive piano sound.

In the training area of Tianshui College, everyone was jolted from their cultivation, the students in the midst of training opened their eyes wide, shocked at the change within their bodies, feeling the speed of the Soul Power within them had increased nearly tenfold at this moment!

This terrifying speed of Soul Power rotation was extremely fearsome, the overwhelming Soul Power instantly rolled towards their cultivation bottleneck.

Though their cultivation bottlenecks were solid, in the face of such a terrifying surge of Soul Power, they seemed insignificant, easily crushed.


A series of light breakthrough sounds rang out simultaneously, creating a deafening roar.

With this sound, countless heaven earth origin energies crazily rushed towards their bodies completing a collective breakthrough!

In the training area of Tianshui College, there were hundreds of students, and at this moment, the momentum of a collective breakthrough can be imagined.

"How, how is this possible?"

"This is too incredible."

A Soul Emperor level instructor in the training area stood up, staring at the scene in astonishment, too shocked to speak. What does a collective breakthrough even mean?

The simultaneous breakthrough of hundreds of students was too terrifying.

And she was the witness and the experiencer of this moment, just like the other students, as a Soul Emperor, she also broke through, precisely one level.

With her "Cultivation Level", to break through one level under normal circumstances would take at least a year, but at this moment, she did it instantly, she didn't even know how she managed it.

She had not been cultivating; she had been supervising the students in their cultivation, yet she had broken through so easily.

Could it be because of that piano music?

She instantly grasped the root cause of everything, as the piano sound rang out, her Soul Power rotation speed skyrocketed, propelling her through a breakthrough.

"Is this Lord Xu Ran who is brought back by the dean?"

"To effortlessly induce our breakthrough in 'Cultivation Level', what kind of grace must he possess?"

"No wonder the dean was so secretive about his origins, not daring to speak more with us, in the eyes of such a being, Tianshui College is probably just an ant lying on the ground."