Chapter 154: I Can't Guarantee Anything Else_1

Xu Ran's fingers gently slid across Liu Erlong's back and buttocks, causing her delicate body to tremble slightly.

She had not expected Xu Ran to make such a demand. Could it be that she must give herself to him before Lord Xu Ran would save Brock?

But how could that be possible?

How could she surrender her untouched body to someone else?

Even if that someone was a peerless powerhouse, it was still unacceptable.

"What do you say, Dean Liu Erlong? Have you considered it?" Xu Ran's palm forcefully pulled Liu Erlong's voluptuous body into his embrace, a stream of the woman's warm fragrance entering his nostrils.

Xu Ran looked at Liu Erlong, who was motionless in front of him, and felt immensely satisfied.

If Yu Xiaogang knew that Liu Erlong was now in his arms, what would he feel?

Perhaps he would be uncontrollably furious.

But none of that concerned him.

Sooner or later, Liu Erlong would be his woman; it was just a matter of time.

As for Yu Xiaogang, he was nothing more than trash that would be trampled under Xu Ran's feet for life.

In this lifetime, he would never have the chance to awaken his Golden Dragon Saint Martial Soul.

"With the strength of Lord Xu Ran, why worry about not finding a good woman? With a mere wave of your hand, countless women will willingly lie in bed awaiting your favor," Liu Erlong spoke with neither servility nor arrogance, not struggling in Xu Ran's hold. She knew that with Xu Ran's strength, if he really wanted to, she would absolutely be unable to break free.

A power like his could easily confine her movements.

However, her firm gaze was exceptionally bright, radiating a sense of resoluteness and defiance.

If Lord Xu Ran were to force himself upon her, she would rather die than let anyone tarnish her body, even if it was a powerful being like Lord Xu Ran.

She was not the kind of person who would resort to any means necessary to achieve her goals. Her body could only be touched by someone she approves of; she would never casually give it away to someone else.

Even if this man before her could help Brock resume cultivation, she would absolutely not do it.

"Oh? Don't you want that trash Yu Xiaogang to resume cultivation? I see you're quite fond of that trash," Xu Ran said, his hand clamping down on Liu Erlong's snow-white and silky jaw, feeling an inexplicable irritation within him.

He detested that the woman he fancied harbored someone else in her heart, although he knew all this was temporarily unavoidable, he still couldn't help but be irritated.

Xu Ran's view of love was possession, thorough possession.

"If Lord Xu Ran is willing to help Brock, I can agree to all other demands. But this particular demand of Lord Xu Ran's, I am unable to accept. If Lord Xu Ran insists on this, the only thing you'll get in the end is my corpse," stated Liu Erlong with no trace of inferiority, gazing directly into Xu Ran's eyes.

She didn't believe that Lord Xu Ran would still be interested in a corpse. If death could ensure her purity, she would rather die.

However, she believed that Xu Ran, who had cultivated to such a formidable level, was not such a shameless person.

"Are you threatening me?" Xu Ran's eyebrows rose, the irritation in his heart slowly dissipating as he looked at the beautifully delicate face that was strikingly gorgeous even without any adornment, a hint of amazement flickering in his eyes.

Things that could be easily obtained held no challenge for Xu Ran.

The resistance from Liu Erlong, however, ignited an even fiercer flame in Xu Ran's heart.

Now, this was somewhat challenging.

Liu Erlong was indeed as the original story described, with an upright character and a stubborn temper. If not for that stubbornness and persistence, she wouldn't have waited for Brock in Blue Tyrant Academy for so many years.

But the more she was like this, the more Xu Ran anticipated the image of Liu Erlong lying obediently in his arms.

"I dare not," Liu Erlong said, bowing. Her expression remained neither servile nor overbearing. Gazing directly at Xu Ran, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as she saw his eyes soften.

"Truly a legendary dean who could carve out a career on her own in Tiandou City, today's meeting does justice to your reputation," Xu Ran retracted his hand, releasing Liu Erlong's slender waist.

Forcing a woman, that was not Xu Ran's style.

To obtain Liu Erlong, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future, and Xu Ran certainly didn't need to resort to such despicable means. However, he would definitely make Liu Erlong willingly come to his side and become his woman.

And that time would not be too long.

"So, does that mean Your Excellency..."

"As long as Your Excellency is willing to help Brock, I will accept any other request," Liu Erlong said, seeing that Xu Ran had abandoned that terrible idea, and immediately pleaded again.

"Any other request?" Xu Ran asked with interest. Without touching Liu Erlong's body, there were many other things he could do.

"Yes. Except for that, even if Your Excellency asks for my life, I am willing," Liu Erlong said earnestly, puffing out her chest.

"Good, I can promise you that."

"I don't want your life, I just need two years of your time. In these two years, I won't touch your chastity, but other than that, you must obey me. How about that?" Xu Ran said with a frivolous tone, eyeing Liu Erlong's voluptuous figure.

If Liu Erlong nodded in agreement, she would never be able to escape his grasp. By yielding to gain an advantage, he knew Liu Erlong would definitely agree.

She had been able to endure twenty years of hardship at Blue Tyrant Academy, wasting her youth for nothing. Her feelings for Brock were deep, and although those feelings seemed laughable to Xu Ran, they did indeed exist.

"Alright, I agree," Liu Erlong took a deep breath, bit her silver teeth and finally nodded in agreement.

As long as Lord Xu Ran promised not to take her chastity, what else mattered? She had persevered for twenty years, so why fear not getting through another two?

She wasn't the kind of woman who would easily submit, no matter what Xu Ran did. If Lord Xu Ran thought she was that kind of lowly woman who could be easily subdued, then he was simply too naive.

Though Liu Erlong was not particularly strong, she still had some pride.

"So, Lord Xu Ran, perhaps it's time for you to show some sincerity," Liu Erlong said. She was curious as to what means such a powerful person as Xu Ran would use to help Brock.

"Since Dean Liu is so decisive, naturally I will not deceive you," Xu Ran said, beckoning Liu Erlong over, then embraced her, allowing her to sit on his lap.

"Lord Xu Ran, didn't you promise me..." Liu Erlong's expression changed slightly, sitting on Xu Ran's lap with her upturned buttocks, she felt ill at ease.

It was her first time being so close to a man, making her skin crawl.

"I said I wouldn't do that to you, but I never promised anything else," Xu Ran said teasingly.