Chapter 163 Is it Really Ultimate Ice? The Women are Shocked!_1

When Xu Ran and the two girls stepped out of the room, Shui Yue'er finally noticed something different about her sister.

She had seen a change in her sister Shui Bing'er's temperament before, but at that time, she didn't pay much attention to it. Now, walking beside Shui Bing'er, the more she observed, the more astonished and uncertain she became.

Shui Bing'er now exuded a different aura than before, with a purer and more jade-like quality, emanating a noble and cool demeanor that was extremely eye-catching, causing even her, a girl, to take a few more glances.

Moreover, the aura emanating from Shui Bing'er had become much stronger than before.

Before, Shui Bing'er's Soul Power was only a few levels higher than hers, which wasn't a significant difference.

But now, she felt that she couldn't see through Shui Bing'er anymore.

"Yue'er, why do you keep staring at me?" Shui Bing'er, feeling uncomfortable under Shui Yue'er's gaze, glanced at her with irritation. What was this girl thinking about again?

"Sister, what did you do yesterday?" Shui Yue'er blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

She didn't believe that Shui Bing'er had spent the entire day sleeping with Xu Ran. If that were true, Xu Ran would have devoured her without leaving anything behind.

She had a premonition that Shui Bing'er must have received some significant benefits last night or even undergone some transformation.

"You want to know?" Shui Bing'er thought about her evolved Martial Soul and "Cultivation Level," her mouth curling into a very attractive smile. Then, she released her Soul Power, and a faint chill emanated from her.

"Sister, what happened to your "Cultivation Level"?" Shui Yue'er asked in shock as she observed Shui Bing'er. Although Shui Bing'er used to be very strong, she never before exerted such an overwhelming pressure on her.

Now, facing Shui Bing'er made her feel like she was in the presence of the teachers from Tianshui College.

The teachers of Tianshui College were at least of the Soul King level, with many at the Soul Emperor level.

The oppressive force Shui Bing'er gave her made her wonder if Shui Bing'er's strength had reached that level.

How could that be possible?

She was merely at the Soul Elder's "Cultivation Level."

Had Xu Ran helped her improve her strength yesterday?

Xu Ran was so powerful and extraordinary that he managed to make so many people in the college break through simultaneously. Helping Shui Bing'er improve her strength must have been an effortless task for him.

Shui Yue'er's beautiful eyes were fixed on Shui Bing'er, feeling somewhat jealous. She was the first to be with Xu Ran. She had given her body to him, even let him into all the places he could go, but... Stinky Xu Ran...

"My "Cultivation Level" has reached level forty now, just one Soul Ring away from breaking through to Soul Ancestor. My Martial Soul has also evolved into Ultimate Ice," said Shui Bing'er, noticing the look on Shui Yue'er's face and realizing that flaunting these things in front of her sister might not be appropriate. But the deed was done, and she had to tell her the truth.

"Ultimate Ice?" Shui Yue'er's face drastically changed as she stared at Shui Bing'er in shock, somewhat disbelieving.

The attribute of "ultimate" was extremely rare in Soul Land.

In the Martial Soul World, the rarity of Soul Masters with the "ultimate" attributes was only slightly less than those with Twin Martial Souls. Apart from not being able to rapidly become stronger by equipping a second Martial Soul with Soul Rings, like Twin Martial Souls, an Ultimate Martial Soul in a battle of equal Soul Power would not be weaker than Twin Martial Souls and could even be stronger than ordinary Twin Martial Souls.

According to the records about Soul Masters with Ultimate Martial Souls, a Soul Master with an "ultimate" attribute could contend with a Titled Douluo at the Soul Sage "Cultivation Level."

Cultivating an attribute to the "ultimate" level was a terrifying prospect.

Ultimate Ice, was the goal that countless members of the Shui Family strived for.

If the news that Shui Bing'er's Martial Soul had evolved into Ultimate Ice were to be released, her status in the Shui Family would reach an unprecedented height, possibly even rivaling the prestige of Auntie Shui Miao.

"Sister, you're not just bluffing me, are you?" Shui Yue'er couldn't help but ask. She still couldn't quite believe it was true.

It wasn't that she didn't believe her sister, but the evolution of their Shui Family's Martial Soul, which had been out of reach for hundreds of years, had suddenly made progress under utterly unforeseen circumstances; a normal person would have been unable to react immediately.

"Why would I lie to you? See for yourself." Shui Bing'er smiled, her beautiful eyes glancing at Xu Ran, her heart full of happiness. Only she could understand just how much Xu Ran had helped their Shui Family.

Once this news got out, Xu Ran would become the benefactor of their entire Shui Family, and Tianshui College.

Shui Bing'er slowly released her Martial Soul, a huge blue Ice Phoenix that was twice the size of before appeared behind her. The Ice Phoenix looked so lifelike, with noble cold light shining in its ice blue eyes, as if it had come to life.

The beautiful ice blue wings of the Ice Phoenix unfolded, flapping and bringing along waves of coldness.

Seeing this, Shui Yue'er couldn't help but shiver, wearing a short skirt, she instantly began to quiver with cold. However, Xu Ran quickly came to her side and protected her from the chill.

Outside the bamboo grove at this time, Xue Wu and the other members of the Tian Shui Battle Team also arrived outside the grove and were extremely shocked by the sight.

They too were mostly users of ice and water attribute Martial Souls, and naturally understood what this scene signified.

Their captain, Shui Bing'er, had undergone a metamorphosis!

Shui Bing'er's Martial Soul had fundamentally evolved, transforming from a powerful Martial Soul to a top-tier Martial Soul.

"Ultimate Ice, is this Ultimate Ice?" Xue Wu couldn't help but exclaim. Her Wu Hun Xian Wu Xue Zhui was also an ice attribute Martial Soul, and she was naturally aware of Ultimate Ice.

And now, the temperature emanating from Shui Bing'er was obviously that of Ultimate Ice, which could only possess such a terrifying aura.

"Is this the ability of Xu Ran?" Xue Wu looked at Xu Ran in a daze. She hadn't expected that Xu Ran could so easily create Ultimate Ice. Although Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix Martial Soul was exceptionally powerful in its ice attribute, Xu Ran's ability was still too terrifying.

"Xue Wu, you've come?" Shui Bing'er looked forward and retracted her Martial Soul.

"Bing'er, is this really Ultimate Ice?" Xue Wu walked over, and although she already knew the answer, she still couldn't help but want to confirm it.


"This is all thanks to Teacher Xu Ran," Shui Bing'er whispered softly, pouting slightly. Right then, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er were both holding Xu Ran's hands, their posture speaking volumes.

The Tian Shui Battle Team's girls, upon their initial shock, also perceived the change in the Shui sisters. They had long guessed the relationship between Shui Yue'er and Xu Ran, and now Shui Bing'er's posture clearly announced her status with Xu Ran as well.

The five girls of the Tian Shui Battle Team, including Xue Wu, looked enviously at Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er. They all knew that the sisters' futures would surpass everyone's imagination.

With Xu Ran's mysterious and unfathomable abilities, helping them to advance to the Titled Douluo was just a matter of time.

They too would follow Xu Ran and witness the most beautiful scenery in this world.

I would like to recommend a book by a friend, "Douluo: Invincible from Capturing Goddesses."

Yesterday, due to the trivialities of life, my mood was low and I wasn't in the right state of mind for writing, but I'm feeling better now and am getting back on track.