Chapter 166 Xue Wu Reveals Her Feelings_1

"No matter what troubles you may face in the future, make sure to tell me right away, and I will help you solve them. Especially those caused by me." Xu Ran gently stroked Xue Wu's cheek, speaking earnestly.

"Oh." Xue Wu's beautiful eyes gazed at Xu Ran, feeling a warm sensation in her heart. It was only now that she truly understood what it felt like to be cherished.

"The treasure called Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow that I used to help Bing'er's Martial Soul evolve is a treasure of the ice category, containing a massive amount of extreme cold energy, which is greatly beneficial to Ice Attribute Soul Masters like you. Since you have a top-notch Martial Soul and can perform the Soul Fusion Skill with Bing'er, it proves that your Martial Soul's grade is not far from hers."

"Therefore, if Bing'er could absorb the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow and evolve into Ultimate Ice, you should be able to as well," Xu Ran said.

Xue Wu's Wu Hun Xian Wu Xue Zhui was also an extremely powerful ice-category Martial soul, capable of performing Soul Fusion with Shui Bing'er, proving that her Martial Soul was not inferior to Shui Bing'er's.

As Xu Ran spoke, he took out all the remaining Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow from the storage soul tool and handed it over to Xue Wu.

"Teacher Xu Ran, Xue Wu truly does not deserve such a treasure," Xue Wu hurriedly declined. The moment Xu Ran produced the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow, Xue Wu displayed an expression of shock just like Shui Bing'er's, but she quickly returned to her usual demeanor.

"The items I give away are never taken back. And only if you also transform into Ultimate Ice can you and Bing'er properly execute the Soul Fusion Skill in the future," Xu Ran stated, feeling somewhat anticipatory. Surely the Soul Fusion Skill of two Ultimate Martial Souls would be terrifying.

At the very least, it should possess the power similar to Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger's Soul Fusion Skill displayed in the Dou Er.

"But..." Xue Wu bit her lip, still feeling somewhat undeserving. After all, Xu Ran had been so helpful to them from the beginning, and now he had even given her such a treasure.

What could she possibly do for Xu Ran? Her strength was so weak; she couldn't be of any help to him.

"If you feel undeserving, then dance for me later," Xu Ran said, his gaze fixated on Xue Wu's exquisite figure. With such long, beautiful legs and a delicate and graceful body, how enchanting would it be to watch her dance?

Moreover, Xu Ran knew that Xue Wu was proficient in various dances, and her Wu Hun Xian Wu Xue Zhui, when unleashing soul skills, made her appear like a sprite dancing amidst ice and snow.

In fact, Xu Ran had long wanted to see Xue Wu dance, but he had never found the right opportunity. Previously, his relationship with Xue Wu had not developed to such a point where asking for a dance seemed appropriate.

Now the opportunity had finally come.

"Dance?" Xue Wu was taken aback, her beautiful eyes looking at Xu Ran before she slowly nodded her head. At the same time, she stopped refusing and sat down on the spot, ready to absorb the treasure right there.

She knew Xu Ran held himself in high esteem, and continuing to refuse would likely upset him.

All she had to do was remember Xu Ran's kindness to her. If her Martial Soul truly did evolve into Ultimate Ice, then no matter whether Xu Ran liked her or not, she would remain chaste for him.

"Alright, don't think too much. Focus and initiate the Refinement," Xu Ran urged.

Hearing this, Xue Wu stopped pondering and focused entirely on refining the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow.

And Xu Ran stood by as her protector.

Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er had similar talents, and Xue Wu's Soul Power was only one level lower than what Shui Bing'er's had been. She had no issue absorbing the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow, although her speed of Refinement was somewhat slower than Shui Bing'er's.

About three hours later, Xue Wu slowly opened her eyes.

Having just absorbed the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow, she was still enveloped in an extremely cold chill.

"Is this Ultimate Ice? My Soul Power's solidity has actually doubled compared to before," Xue Wu said, her cheeks flushing with excitement.

"Teacher Xu Ran, I did it, I really became Ultimate Ice," Xue Wu said as she looked at Xu Ran not far away, unable to remain calm any longer, and excitedly threw herself into Xu Ran's arms.

Perhaps all of this was nothing for Xu Ran, but it had changed her destiny.

"I knew you could do it," Xu Ran said, his gaze involuntarily drifting toward Xue Wu's ample chest.

Maybe it was because of the powerful ice energy from the Ten Thousand Year Cold Marrow, two buttons on Xue Wu's white shirt had burst open, revealing her chest quite openly, and her full figure presented itself.

Xue Wu's figure was already excellent, and though not quite at Zhu Qing and Zhu Yun's level, she was only slightly behind them. Among all the women Xu Ran had seen, aside from fully developed mature women like Shui Miao and Liu Erlong, Xue Wu ranked third.

A visual C+.

Also, the shape of Xue Wu's breasts was superb, their exaggerated semi-circular arcs exquisitely attractive and tempting.

"Teacher Xu Ran..." Xue Wu became aware of Xu Ran's gaze, which seemed somewhat inappropriate, and following his eyes, she then realized the embarrassing state she was in.

When had her clothes become like this?

Even though there was a thin layer underneath, it still revealed much to the eyes. She felt her face burning at this state.

"My Xue Wu has such a good figure," Xu Ran couldn't help admiring aloud. The more he observed Xue Wu's figure, the more satisfied he became.

Xue Wu's shirt and tight skirt had the same ultimate seductive power as when Zhu Qing Zhu Yun wore their leather clothes. Especially now, it unintentionally carried an irresistible allure.

"Then, does Teacher Xu Ran like it?" Xue Wu asked boldly, biting her silver teeth.

"Of course, I like it. After all, Xue Wu is so beautiful and is the famously gorgeous belle of Tianshui College," Xu Ran remarked without hiding his interest.

Graceful and virtuous ladies are a gentleman's fine match; there's nothing wrong with that.

Facing Xu Ran's burning gaze and his straightforward sweet talk, Xue Wu's heart started pounding wildly, a huge sense of happiness filling her chest.

"Teacher Xu Ran, actually, I like you too," Xue Wu could no longer hold back, and boldly confessed her feelings.

At that moment, her gaze was so determined.

She knew what she wanted.

She wanted to be Xu Ran's woman, and besides him, she couldn't imagine liking anyone else.

At this thought, Xue Wu wrapped her arms tightly around Xu Ran's back, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him.

In that moment, everything else in the world seemed to fade into insignificance.

After a minute, Xue Wu, with her face flushed, finally let go of Xu Ran.

"Teacher Xu Ran, I'm going to change my clothes now. I will dance for you later," Xue Wu said, her pretty face burning with blush, covering her chest with her hands and striding away quickly with her long legs.

The oncoming cool breeze brushed against her cheeks, slowly calming her down.