Chapter 187 My Rongrong is Also Very Good_1


"Level 44 Spirit Power, this must be from the energy of the Icefire Polarized Eyes... As long as I slowly refine the energy of the Icefire Polarized Eyes I stored last time, my 'Cultivation Level' will keep rising quickly," Xu Ran muttered.

At the same time, four pitch-black Soul Rings rose up from beneath his feet.

All of these four Soul Rings were Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings!

In Soul Land, the standard Soul Ring configuration for a Soul Master is two yellow, two purple, and five black. This means that even a Soul Douluo with slightly better talents would have only four Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings.

Yet Xu Ran, merely a Soul Ancestor, also had four Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings, all pure without a single impurity.

In the room, Ning Rongrong stood beside Xu Ran, staring blankly at this scene.

Even though she had become accustomed to the mysteries surrounding Xu Ran, the sight of these four ink-black Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings still left her awestruck.

Normally, the Soul Ring configuration of a regular Soul Ancestor would only consist of two hundred-year Soul Rings and two thousand-year Soul Rings. And such a configuration would belong to only those Soul Masters with decent talent.

What then do these four Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings of Xu Ran represent?

Just how unparalleled was Xu Ran's talent?

In the history of the entire Continent, there had never been a Soul Master profession that developed someone with talent similar to Xu Ran's.

Dressed in a light blue gown, Ning Rongrong's delicate figure was exquisite. At this moment, she placed her hand on her undulating bosom, filled with disbelief. Her wide blue eyes were fixed on Xu Ran as if he was the only person in the entire world.

For any girl, seeing her heart's desire shine so brilliantly, claiming a talent unrivaled in this world, would surely bring about worry.

"What's wrong? Silly girl." Feeling Ning Rongrong's affection for him, Xu Ran felt a touch of warmth in his heart and involuntarily pulled her into his embrace, holding her tight.

"It's nothing, it's just that you're too outstanding, I..." Ning Rongrong began. Even she, the young mistress of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, felt ashamed in front of Xu Ran.

Apart from sometimes being mischievous, Xu Ran was almost impeccably perfect in every other aspect.

"My Rongrong is also outstanding."

"With such high talent, a good personality, and such beauty, not to mention an attractive figure, you're very tempting," Xu Ran said, resting his nose in Ning Rongrong's long hair and reveling in the bursts of fragrance emanating from her hair, speaking with contentment.

"Really?" Ning Rongrong's face turned red, and she glanced over at Xiaowu and Zhu Zhuqing, who were absorbed in assimilating Immortal Herbs.

"Of course, it's true. My Rongrong is unparalleled in my heart," Xu Ran said, gazing at the beautiful girl before him, his hand uncontrollably wandering over her body.


Ning Rongrong let out a soft hum, her body instantly turning soft.

After all, Ning Rongrong was still an inexperienced young girl, how could she withstand Xu Ran's caresses?

Xu Ran was an experienced flirt, and if he really wanted Ning Rongrong, it would've been an easy feat.

After all, Ning Rongrong's heart was wholly with Xu Ran; the reason she refused every time was simply due to the bashfulness inherent to a girl's nature.

Everyone knows how girls are.


When a woman says no, she often means yes.

"Xu Ran, don't, Zhu Qing, Xiaowu, they're all still in the room." Ning Rongrong lay bashfully in Xu Ran's embrace, her pretty face flushed red, her watery eyes gazing at him. Those lively eyes held a hint of affection, a purity laced with a young girl's unique temptation, satisfying to anyone who looked at her.

At that moment, Ning Rongrong's hand tightly clutched the hem of her skirt, feeling Xu Ran's palm, her heart pounding wildly, her delicate cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.

Before she had met Xu Ran, she was just a girl with a vague understanding of such matters. Even with the gossip of her maids, she knew a bit about it but had no practical experience.

Now, with Xu Ran's advances... her heart was already in chaos.

She wanted to push Xu Ran away, but her body had long since lost all strength. All she could do was to plead with him with her eyes.

She feared Zhu Qing and Xiaowu might suddenly wake up and see Xu Ran's unseemly actions... She was even more afraid the teachers from outside might suddenly burst in and see...

If others really saw them, she wouldn't have the face to see anyone again.

Yet, at the same time as she was fearful, an unprecedented sense of excitement struck at her core.

"Don't worry, Xiaowu and the others will be absorbing the Immortal Herbs for a while longer," Xu Ran said with a chuckle, looking at Ning Rongrong. If it wasn't for his hope to wait until Rongrong had consumed the Damask Tulip and then transformed completely before he really let go, he probably wouldn't want to hold back anymore...

"But the dean and teachers are outside, they must be here to see you. If they come in, we're done for," Ning Rongrong panicked, her pretty face flushed red, and in just a moment, a few beads of sweat formed on her cheeks.

"Mm. Don't worry, baby. I know my limits," Xu Ran reassured her, smoothing out Ning Rongrong's long hair and fixing her skirt, which had been lifted up to her waist, back into place.

And Xu Ran was being honest now, holding Ning Rongrong and heading towards the outside.

Ning Rongrong's excited and fearful emotions slowly settled down as Xu Ran withdrew his hand. The strange tingling sensation on her body disappeared, and her strength gradually returned.

"Stinky Xu Ran, if you suddenly do this to me again, I'll ignore you," Ning Rongrong pouted, looking at Xu Ran with irritation. Xu Ran was too shameless, daring to do such things to her.

She hadn't even agreed to be with Xu Ran yet.

Even if Xu Ran couldn't hold back, at least he could wait until they were alone...

Stinky Xu Ran, such a lustful man...

When Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong stepped out of the room, the lingering blush on Ning Rongrong's face hadn't completely faded. The youthful and charming glow on her cheeks, still with a hint of naivety, was extremely enticing.

But at the moment, no one paid attention to Ning Rongrong.

All eyes were on Xu Ran.

Without exception, everyone's eyes widened, their faces showing a look of astonishment as if they had seen something unimaginable.

The optimal soul ring configuration had always been a rule followed since the appearance of the Soul Master profession for tens of thousands of years in Soul Land: two yellow, two purple, five black is considered optimal. Of course, there are those stronger than this configuration, but it's only the latter soul rings that change from ten-thousand-year ones to hundred-thousand-year soul rings.

For countless years in Soul Land, the initial four soul rings of the configuration, two yellow and two purple, had never been broken.

And now, Xu Ran's four black soul rings far exceeded this optimal configuration.

Four Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings, and these were only his first four. How terrifying would Xu Ran's later soul rings be?