Chapter 189 This Pot, You Have to Carry It Even If You Don't Want To_1

"Xu Ran, it's you."

"It was you sabotaging me."

"I get it now, I understand everything."

Tang San had a sudden realization as he looked at Xu Ran with cold eyes, his heart brimming with hatred.

Xu Ran was so powerful; when Tang San had previously hidden and eavesdropped on Xu Ran's conversation, how could Xu Ran possibly have not noticed?

Xu Ran must have noticed from the beginning, only to deliberately mention the Immortal Herbs to catch his attention, and then even took out the Acacia Red... Xu Ran led him step by step, pulling him along by the nose, and in the end, Tang San fell right into Xu Ran's trap.

He attempted to stop Xiaowu from consuming the Acacia Red, and even due to Xu Ran's unknown scheming, he deepened the misunderstanding with Xiaowu.

Heh, Xu Ran's schemes are truly profound!

"Tang San, at this point, you still refuse to repent? Deliberately trying to steal Xu Ran's Immortal Herbs, and now you're slandering Xu Ran in return? Did Xu Ran force you to steal his property?" Dean Flender said angrily.

Initially, his dissatisfaction with Tang San stemmed only from his hatred towards Yu Xiaogang. He didn't have a particularly bad opinion of Tang San. Now it seemed, Tang San was utterly shameless, even more so than Yu Xiaogang. Indeed, like master, like disciple.

Tang San deliberately tried to steal from Xu Ran and failed, but then turned around to blame Xu Ran.

Xu Ran had just returned to Shrek Academy, what could he do to Tang San?

The others also looked at Tang San with contempt, curious to see how he would try to twist the truth.

At this moment, Oscar and Ma Hongjun also looked at Tang San with disdain.

Although they were envious that Zhu Zhuqing and the others could get the Immortal Herbs from Brother Ran and soar to new heights, envy was just envy; they knew not to touch what didn't belong to them. Moreover, Brother Ran had already been very kind to them. They knew to be content.

"Dean, you're misunderstanding me. Let me tell you, Xu Ran is despicable and shameless, full of tricks. He deliberately flaunted his Immortal Herbs in front of me to lure me in..." Tang San panicked, sensing the anger of the crowd, and hurriedly tried to explain without choosing his words.

He knew that if he couldn't clear things up, his reputation at Shrek Academy would plummet, and everyone would think of him as a bad person.

Even if he went to Blue Tyrant Academy later, he wouldn't have an easy time there either.

With the abilities of people like Dean Flender, going to Blue Tyrant Academy, they would undoubtedly become high-ranking officials there. Even if he went there, Tang San would not have good days ahead.

But Dean Flender didn't have the patience to wait for Tang San's explanation, merely listening to the first part, Dean Flender was already furious beyond containment.

Dean Flender's chest heaved violently with anger; he, who always despised evil, had never been this angry. He even began to doubt whether Tang San's moral principles were flawed.

Was Xu Ran showing off his Immortal Herbs a reason for Tang San to steal or rob? That was utterly preposterous.

Dean Flender had never encountered someone like Tang San before.

"You scoundrel, if it weren't for Xiaogang, I would expel you from the academy today. You still want to twist the truth? With so many eyes on you, won't you reflect honestly?" Dean Flender said angrily.

He slapped Tang San's face directly, his temper was volatile, and seeing Tang San's refusal to admit fault while slandering Xu Ran, how could his explosive temper endure?

Xu Ran was such a bright and upright young man by nature, and to hear him described so vilely from Tang San's mouth made them feel sick.

To try taking someone's property, fail, and then slander them.

Where in the world does this logic come from?

The other teachers and students of Shrek Academy were also furious with Tang San. They had seen Xu Ran's character, and who was Tang San to question it?

"Smack." A resoundingly loud slap echoed.

Tang San's right cheek instantly reddened, a large five-finger slap print branded on his face.

"Dean Flender…" Tang San covered his slapped cheek, feeling so wronged. He had endless sorrow in his heart but didn't know how to pour it out.

"Dean Flender, things really aren't as you imagine. I've been wronged by you all," Tang San said, looking at Flender with immense fear and biting his teeth.

"Dean, Xu Ran was tricking me from the start…" Tang San explained.

"Tricking you? What a great tricking you. What do you have that is worth Xu Ran's tricking? Well then, if you insist that Xu Ran was tricking you, why were you found outside his dorm room?" Flender said furiously.

Tang San said that Xu Ran tricked him, didn't he?

Well, fine, Flender would give him a chance to explain.

He really wanted to see what kind of specious reasoning Tang San could come up with.

"That damn Xu Ran deliberately used Acacia Red to lure me. Acacia Red…" Tang San said, nearly at the brink of collapse. His Precious Xiao Wu had ingested Acacia Red for Xu Ran today, and now he had to endure such unjust treatment.

Oh heavens, as Tang San, as the genius with Twin Martial Souls, what had gone wrong? Why must he go through all this?

He wanted to explain to Flender, but suddenly, he didn't know what to say anymore. Would continuing to talk reveal his possession of the Mystic Sky Records? Besides, it was impossible for Flender and the others to believe his feelings for Xiao Wu.

"What is Acacia Red?" Flender asked, looking at Xu Ran, unable to help himself.

"Ah, I didn't want to talk about all this. After all, Tang San and I are classmates, and I didn't want to be too harsh. But since things have come this far, I will not hide it anymore." Xu Ran spoke with a facade of righteousness, his face showing a trace of his gentlemanly dignity.

Watching Xu Ran speak, everyone's mood improved slightly, except for Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

Listening to Tang San speak could make them die of anger, but Xu Ran was different. His demeanor, like a righteous gentleman, infected them all.

Youths like Xu Ran were rare.

Even though Tang San kept insulting Xu Ran, he didn't take issue with Tang San's behavior.

Tang San and Xu Ran were as different as heaven and earth.

If only Tang San had one percent of Xu Ran's character, he wouldn't be unable to differentiate right from wrong like this.

"Xu Ran, what exactly happened?" Zhao Wuji and Shao Xinshao, as well as other teachers, couldn't help but ask out of curiosity. They felt that Acacia Red was not that simple.

"Acacia Red is a kind of Immortal Herbs that can increase one's "Cultivation Level" by a whole ten ranks," Xu Ran said bluntly. Acacia Red was indeed stronger than other Immortal Herbs and could also mask the aura of a soul beast, making it even more suitable for Xiao Wu.

"Ten ranks?" Upon hearing Xu Ran's words, everyone couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

They were already amazed when Xu Ran mentioned a treasure that could increase their "Cultivation Level" by five or six ranks. But what was the concept of ten ranks? They had just broken through to become a Soul Elder. It had not been a month since the breakthrough, and if they consumed this Immortal Herb, they could directly absorb a fourth soul ring and break through to a Soul Ancestor.

A treasure that could increase "Cultivation Level" by ten ranks was definitely one of the top treasures in the world.

And since Xu Ran could let Xiao Wu consume it, this Acacia Red must have no side effects.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xu Ran internally laughed triumphantly. This was the effect he wanted. No one noticed that he had always emphasized the treasure in all his words; he had not slandered Tang San in a single sentence. As for how Flender and the others filled in the blanks, that was their business.

Regardless, Tang San had no way of explaining.

No matter how Flender and the others speculated, Tang San couldn't provide any solid explanation.

So, whatever the blame, Tang San would have to shoulder it.

Xu Ran set a trap, and Tang San fell in. How could he possibly climb out?