Chapter 200: Xu Ran Living a Charmed Life_1

"Soft-boned Rabbit Clan's Xiaowu, greets Lady Zi Ji." When Xu Ran and Zi Ji arrived together, Xiaowu bowed respectfully to Zi Ji.

Zi Ji was a super ferocious beast of more than two hundred thousand years, a supremely powerful being within the entire Soul Beast Race. Naturally, Xiaowu dared not show any disrespect.

Even though her relationship with Xu Ran was now very close, she was not the type to become arrogant because of favoritism.

As she performed the ritual greeting, Xiaowu also took the opportunity to assess Zi Ji. It had been a long time since she had seen Zi Ji back in the Aquipeia Forest. The ferocious beasts near the Lake of Life were not ones she could meet whenever she wished.

The moment she saw Zi Ji, a strong sense of crisis welled up in her heart.

This sense of crisis had not even occurred when she had met Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong. Though Zhu Qing and Rongrong were also stunningly beautiful, like her, it was difficult to determine who was the superior.

But Zi Ji was clearly much more mature than they were. The voluptuousness unique to a mature woman was not something they could compare to. Even Zhu Qing, with the best figure and fullest body, could not surpass her.

Although Zhu Qing had a great figure, because she was too young, she lacked that unique charm of a mature woman.

At the same time, sharp as she was, Xiaowu also noticed that Zi Ji's cheongsam had some wrinkles, a clear indication that Xu Ran had been up to something when he went to see Zi Ji earlier.

Xu Ran was an Auspicious Beast, and all soul beasts in the world were expected to heed the commands of an Auspicious Beast.

"Little Sister Xiao Wu, there's no need for formalities. You are now Lord Xu Ran's woman, and I truly can't bear such a courtesy," said Zi Ji hastily, reaching out to help Xiaowu to her feet.

In these days, she had learned all there was to know about the women around Xu Ran in Soto City. Xiaowu's identity as a hundred-thousand-year soul beast undergoing a second cultivation was certainly no secret to her.

Xiaowu, even before she could Transform, wouldn't have been taken too seriously by her.

But now, as the woman of an Auspicious Beast, no soul beast would dare to look down on her.

Furthermore, it was clear to her that Xiaowu had even entered into a conjugal relationship with the Auspicious Beast. As the woman of an Auspicious Beast, she dared not show any disrespect to Xiaowu.

And considering the current inclinations of the Auspicious Beast, if in the future he should favor her as well, the relationship between her and Xiaowu would become that of sisters.

If that were the case, even as the Hell Devil Dragon King, she would need to ingratiate herself with Xiaowu. Xiaowu was the first woman to follow the Auspicious Beast, and in the future, she stood to gain even more of his affection.

As for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, they were outright ignored by Zi Ji. In her view, as the Soul Beast Emperor, the Auspicious Beast would naturally favor soul beasts somewhat. As for human women, he was just playing around with them.

"Lady Zi Ji," Xiaowu said, somewhat dazed, stunned by the warm affection being shown to her by Zi Ji, whose allure and infamy were well-known among the many soul beasts of the Aquipeia Forest.

Even though she knew that because of her relationship with Xu Ran, these ferocious beasts wouldn't treat her poorly, she hadn't expected that they would seem to disregard Zi Ji's fearsome reputation and even appear eager to pursue a friendship with her willingly.

"What's this 'Lady Zi Ji'?" I'm older than you, so from now on, you should call me Sister Zi Ji, and I'll call you Little Sister Xiao Wu, how about that?" Zi Ji took Xiaowu's hand, thought for a moment, and then spoke.

"Alright, Sister Zi Ji," Xiaowu blinked her beautiful eyes, looking at Zi Ji and then at Xu Ran, and nodded her head.

Zi Ji's initiative in befriending her and showing such enthusiasm was naturally something Xiaowu hoped for.

Only by befriending more powerful ferocious beasts would she have a greater chance of avenging her mother in the future. And she was well aware that Zi Ji would undoubtedly become one of Xu Ran's women.

Xu Ran was naturally unrestrained and would never suppress his desires in that regard.

And he was the Auspicious Beast, the Soul Beast Emperor.

Xu Ran could easily acquire everything about Zi Ji if he wanted to. The Luck Power of the Auspicious Beast was even more attractive to ferocious beasts like Zi Ji. The older the soul beast, the more they needed the help of the Auspicious Beast's Luck Power.

"All right, once we get on the carriage, you can chat on the road," Xu Ran said with a smile, interrupting the conversation between Zi Ji and Xiaowu that was about to continue, and got on the carriage directly.

Xiaowu and Zi Ji also followed, taking their seats one to the left and one to the right of Xu Ran, as if it was natural. Two different faint scents emanated from their bodies, greatly benefiting Xu Ran.

The journey from Soto City to Aquipeia Forest took about a week. Fortunately, with Xiaowu and Zi Ji's company, Xu Ran didn't feel lonely along the way.

On the carriage, Xiaowu sat by the edge, wearing white slim-fit casual pants that sculpted her well-developed and slender legs to perfection. Xiaowu stretched out her beautiful legs straight, making a comfortable resting place for Xu Ran.

She held a bunch of washed grapes in her hand, peeling each one before feeding them to Xu Ran's mouth. Xu Ran was picky; he preferred his fruits without skins.

But Xiaowu, with her thoughtful and patient nature, peeled each grape and fed them to Xu Ran's lips. Her gentle and virtuous demeanor almost melted Xu Ran's heart.

Xu Ran now finally understood why the saying, "From then on, the king was no longer early for court," had been passed down. Indeed, it was really hard to leave the bed.

Just like this, lying on Xiaowu's slightly plump thighs, with peeled and sliced fruits being fed into his mouth, anyone would indulge and enjoy.

At this time, Zi Ji was not idle either. With Xu Ran's legs resting on hers, Zi Ji quietly massaged the muscles in his legs. Her soft hands caressed Xu Ran's body, making him very comfortable.

Zi Ji, naturally proud as the Hell Devil Dragon King, had already been extremely embarrassed when Xu Ran spanked her; it was unimaginable for her to act like a servant and massage or knead Xu Ran's feet.

But now that they were all on the same carriage, some things were beyond Zi Ji's control.

On the first day, Xu Ran just held Xiaowu beside him and displayed their affection, with Zi Ji looking on from the side.

On the second day, while holding Xiaowu, Xu Ran also began to make advances towards Zi Ji.

On the third day, …

Gradually, as the days passed, even Zi Ji's temperament was worn down by Xu Ran until she had not a trace of temper left. She had not expected the Auspicious Beast to be like this.

Every day, she anxiously feared what Xu Ran might do to her, forcing her to lose her image as a ferocious beast in front of Xiaowu.

She wanted to avoid Xu Ran, but on a carriage neither too big nor too small, there was nowhere to run.

Leaving the carriage would be akin to showing disrespect to the Auspicious Beast, offending it.

The situation was like between a boss and a female employee. Worried about being … yet not daring to show disrespect to the boss.

A good woman is wearied by a man's persistence.

Eventually, Zi Ji got used to Xu Ran's advances too, because after seeing Xiaowu massage Xu Ran's shoulders and beat his back, she no longer resisted massaging his feet or kneading his legs.

After all, he was the Auspicious Beast.

In time of the Auspicious Beast's need, serving it was only natural, wasn't it?

[Finally reached two hundred chapters, feeling great.]