Chapter 205: Senior, It Wasn't Deliberate - 1

Hundreds of soul beasts behind them did not come from one clan; there were feline kinds, canine kinds, and all sorts of other soul beasts.

But without exception, at this moment, all these soul beasts were all kneeling on the ground.

This scene filled them with utter terror.

What kind of identity could this soul beast have to make so many different species kneel at the same time?

Even more bizarre was that beside this golden soul beast, there were two women — one looked to be in her teens, exceptionally delicate and attractive, while the other appeared to be in her twenties and had a mature, seductive charm about her.

Seeing this scene made them feel all the more odd.

How poor was the relationship between humans and the Soul Beast Clan?

Especially in the Aquipeia Forest, when human Soul Masters entered, it was to hunt the soul beasts here. Hence, there was an irreconcilable enmity between humans and soul beasts.

But at a glance, the relationship between these two women and the golden ferocious beast seemed quite close.

The situation at hand only had one possible explanation.

That was that these two women were also not humans but soul beasts!

According to ancient records, for a soul beast to transform into human form, it needed at least a "Cultivation Level" of a hundred thousand years. Either the soul beast's "Cultivation Level" had reached a hundred thousand years and then transformed into a human, or the soul beast possessed even more formidable power to forcefully transform into human form, having an appearance indistinguishable from that of humans.

This meant that these two women were at least of the hundred-thousand-year soul beast level!

Thinking this, both Meng Yiran and Snake Granny's complexions turned extremely unsightly. They could never have imagined they would encounter such legendary ferocious beasts.

"Respected sages, my granddaughter and I unintentionally entered here and have disturbed you. We beg for your forgiveness, and hope you will not take offense at our mistake," Snake Granny said respectfully, bending her body and keeping her head low in an extremely humble manner.

She knew they had today encountered genuinely powerful ferocious beasts of the Aquipeia Forest. Perhaps even more formidable than the Titan Ape and Azure Oxpython, beasts that even Martial Soul Hall would dread.

At this moment, she regretted it.

If she had known what lay ahead, she would have fought the soul beasts behind them at all costs rather than bringing Yiran here. Contending with those hundreds of soul beasts, relying on her Soul Emperor's "Cultivation Level," and waiting for Dragon Grandfather to come might have given them a sliver of a chance at survival.

Now, if they were to offend such powerful soul beasts, they feared they might not even know how they died.

At this time, Meng Yiran stared blankly at Xu Ran, as well as at Xiaowu and Zi Ji. Alongside her fear, she also felt some curiosity. She had never seen such beautiful soul beasts before. The golden soul beast seemed like a favorite of heaven and earth—its feet even wrapped in four auspicious clouds, which made the clean and pretty soul beast somewhat lessen her fear.

Moreover, she noticed that this soul beast wasn't large, and its age didn't seem to be very great. But it was the core among these three. This proved that this soul beast's status within The Soul Beast Realm must be very high.

"Yiran, what are you dazing off for? Hurry up and apologize like I'm doing," Snake Granny urged her foolish granddaughter, who was foolishly standing still, and quickly whispered.

She felt somewhat desperate. Her granddaughter was usually so clever; how could she falter at such a critical moment?

What if she angered these three powerful beings in front of her?

"Oh, right," Meng Yiran was jolted awake by Snake Granny's voice, getting such a fright that she shivered. She was actually daydreaming at a time like this; wasn't that courting death?

But just as she was about to bow in greeting, she noticed the golden beast charging straight towards her, causing her to lose all color in fear.

"Ah," Meng Yiran screamed, stumbling backward a few steps and nearly falling to the ground.

Her face was pale, her body cold, and her beautiful long legs trembled uncontrollably. She no longer found the golden soul beast in front of her noble or attractive; instead, she felt it was somewhat terrifying.

A soul beast might be beautiful and appealing, but that's a creature that could devour humans!

"Senior, my granddaughter is inexperienced and hasn't seen much of the world. It was only because she was captivated by Senior's impressive presence that she was disrespectful. She didn't mean any harm. Yiran was just mesmerized by Senior," Snake Granny said, startled. Her face rapidly changed, and having no other option, she continued to speak well on behalf of Meng Yiran.

Such a soul beast powerhouse was not something they could contend with.

Didn't you see just moments ago? So many soul beasts were kneeling before this one.

Without this powerful soul beast having to lift a paw, just at its command, they could be torn to shreds by the hundreds of soul beasts around them.

"Do I need you to teach me how to handle my affairs?" Xu Ran lifted his enormous beast head, looking at Snake Granny not far away. The golden flames in his eyes seemed to make her shiver from head to toe.

A profound bloodline suppression bore down on her, compelling her to inadvertently lower her head.

Normally, bloodline suppression occurs only among soul beasts. However, Xu Ran's bloodline suppression was not just a matter of lineage; it was more about the suppression on the level of life itself.

It's like a naturally-born animal exerting dominance over viviparous and oviparous creatures on a fundamental level of life.

Considering the hierarchy of life, entities such as the Dragon God, Auspicious Beast, and Ice World Snow Lady, all beings nurtured by heaven and earth, are on the same level of life. The difference in strength only comes from the varied times of their nurturing and the various conditions limiting them.

"Great One, I wouldn't dare," Snake Granny said in horror, looking at the soul beast in front of her, her body trembling, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

That's a ferocious beast capable of human speech, after all.

Such soul beasts were normally elusive as divine dragons; how did one come to the outskirts?

"What is your relationship with her?" Xu Ran thought for a moment and asked.

"Great One, this is my granddaughter. I brought her here to..." Snake Granny began but couldn't finish her sentence. If she admitted they came to hunt soul beasts, wouldn't that directly enrage this entity?

"Oh? Granddaughter, eh?" Xu Ran smiled and scrutinized Meng Yiran before him.

At that moment, Meng Yiran was drenched in sweat, her long hair disheveled, but her exquisite beauty still shone through. The perspiration left a faint salty scent on her, yet it was mingled with the intense fragrance unique to young girls.

"Your grandmother just said that you were attracted to my dashing heroism, that you admired me, which is why you were disrespectful. Is that true, or is she deceiving me?" Xu Ran asked playfully, with his enormous paw resting on Meng Yiran's shoulder.

"I detest being lied to the most. If someone deceives me, I'll simply toss you both into that pile of soul beasts," Xu Ran threatened Meng Yiran, who had been scared out of her wits by him.

This reminded Xu Ran of the mischievous pleasure he had felt in his previous life when he placed beetles in girls' lockers, savoring a similar delight.

Meng Yiran got a fright from Xu Ran's gesture, her legs nearly gave out from the terror of feeling the enormous paw placed near her neck.

For Meng Yiran, she would rather die a clean death than be in such close proximity to a ferocious beast.

This kind of inner torment and fear was nothing short of torture.