Chapter 207 Yiran, You Mustn't Have That Kind of Thought!_1

Watching the golden soul beast simply walk away, Meng Yiran and Snake Granny were both stunned, having not anticipated the situation to unfold this way.

They had even prepared themselves for death.

Their lies were absolutely feeble in front of a powerful being.

But this soul beast, instead of exposing their insincere flattery, actually infused them with a breath of its own essence.

At this, Snake Granny was so overjoyed she could hardly contain herself.

She didn't care why the soul beast before them chose to spare their lives; to be alive was good enough, wasn't it?

However, Meng Yiran couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. Perhaps it was the golden breath that Xu Ran had instilled in her body that made her instinctively dependent on Xu Ran, or maybe it was Xu Ran's unique way of handling things compared to other soul beasts, but Meng Yiran was endlessly curious about Xu Ran.

"Hey." Meng Yiran looked at the beast's shadow ahead, hesitated for a moment, and softly called out.

This call nearly scared Snake Granny out of her wits. What was going on with her granddaughter today? They had just received a huge advantage, and Yiran was still calling out to that soul beast?

Snake Granny was filled with confusion, as Yiran had never been like this before.

It couldn't be that Yiran had told the truth earlier, and that was why the soul beast let them go.

Oh no!

Her granddaughter couldn't be acting foolish, could she?

How could humans and soul beasts possibly be together?

If it were about undergoing Transform again, she could accept that. But how could a beastly form do?

Even if the soul beast before them wasn't massive, but rather could only be considered petite, it still wasn't something a human body could withstand.

This girl couldn't really have been led astray, could she?

Such thoughts should not be entertained.

While Snake Granny was lost in a myriad of thoughts, it was not the time to lecture Meng Yiran. She didn't dare to say more, but gently tugged on Meng Yiran's sleeve, signaling her to be cautious with her words.

"Hmm? Is there something else?" Xu Ran turned his head, looking toward the girl in white.

"No, nothing."

"Well, thank you, senior. If Yiran has the chance in the future, she will definitely repay you with all her might," Meng Yiran said softly, biting down on her silver teeth as she gazed into Xu Ran's deep golden eyes, the noble and majestic gaze making her heart flutter.

"No need, whether we see each other again is uncertain," Xu Ran shook his head and left without looking back.

"Oh." Meng Yiran's lips formed an 'O' shape.

The chance of encountering such a soul beast in the Aquipeia Forest had already been incredibly rare. The possibility of seeing it again was almost nonexistent.


"Stinky Xu Ran, always teasing the girls." Xiaowu sat on Xu Ran's back, her delicate body undulating with his running movements.

At the moment, her beautiful eyes looked at Xu Ran and she couldn't help but give him a glare.

Xu Ran had transformed into his Soul Beast Form yet still managed to tease the girls, scaring them like that.

"I was saving their lives. When did I flirt?" Xu Ran said. A true Aquaman often flirts without even knowing it, simply by saying a few words or making a couple of gestures can tug at a girl's heartstrings. His skills were still lacking far behind!

"Hmph, shameless lecher, still making excuses. If this weren't the Aquipeia Forest, you might have already invited them to a 'little dark room' for tea," Xiaowu pouted. Stinky Xu Ran, so shameless.

Off to the side, Zi Ji watched the banter between Xu Ran and Xiaowu, a coquettish smile on her face. She didn't interject, but she was thinking about how to annoy Bi Ji once they reached the Lake of Life.

Women were always natural enemies.

Though both were ferocious beasts of the Aquipeia Forest and hailed as unmatched beauties, competition among women was always fierce.


Meng Yiran and Snake Granny watched as Xu Ran and his group left before they could truly relax.

They looked at the surrounding soul beasts, which, oddly enough, didn't attack them after getting up from the ground. Instead, they simply glanced at them and left.

This unexpected turn of events delighted them. Snake Granny knew that this was because of the golden energy left by the ferocious beast inside Meng Yiran. This strand of golden energy carried the scent of that soul beast, commanding immense respect and fear from the other soul beasts.

"That being must be among the most powerful of the soul beasts in the Aquipeia Forest. Only such beings could make all other soul beasts submit," praised Snake Granny. Although they experienced a minor beast tide, it ended up being a close call without danger. Today's experience deepened her understanding of the Aquipeia Forest. There were supreme experts here, and even though they could hunt soul beasts, they couldn't get too carried away.

"But Yiran, you surely don't harbor that kind of feeling for that Soul Beast, do you?" Snake Granny asked anxiously, looking at Meng Yiran, who was at the tender age for young love and still immature when it came to emotional matters. If she were to develop such feelings, it would be terrible.

Such a thing was highly taboo!

A relationship between humans and soul beasts could definitely not end well.

Considering the physique of a soul beast, if they did anything, Yiran would end up directly disabled.

"Grandma, what are you thinking? Am I such a crazy romantic?" Meng Yiran replied, clearly annoyed as she rolled her eyes at her grandmother. Even if she were a hopeless romantic, she wouldn't fantasize about a soul beast.

Even though that soul beast might be extremely handsome by soul beast standards, as a human, she couldn't appreciate that kind of beauty.

"That's good, that's good..." Snake Granny breathed a sigh of relief, seeing her granddaughter's cheerful character return and set her mind at ease.

"When I take you to Tiandou City, you can mix with the talented youths. You're not getting any younger, and it's time you found a boyfriend to take care of you and tame your wild nature," Snake Granny suggested after giving it some thought.

In her mind, Yu Tianheng was the ideal husband for Meng Yiran. Their Exotic Beast Family had some connections with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. Even Dragon Grandfather's Martial Soul had mutated from the Yu Family. If Meng Yiran could end up with a genius from the Yu Family, both she and Dragon Grandfather would be satisfied. But that would depend on fate.

"Oh, Grandma. I'm still young! You're in such a hurry to marry off your granddaughter just after she's come of age," Meng Yiran walked forward and hugged her grandmother's arm, acting spoiled.

"No way. In the matter of marriage, Grandma can't just follow your wishes. You can take your time to choose in Tiandou City. And if you really find no one to your liking, we old bones will not force you," Snake Granny said, stroking Meng Yiran's hair gently and smiling kindly.

"Alright then," Meng Yiran pouted, not taking the matter too seriously. However, she never expected that one day she would meet Xu Ran again in Tiandou City.


After a minor incident, Xu Ran, Xiaowu, and Zi Ji did not linger and headed straight to the Aquipeia Forest's core, to the Lake of Life.

As they approached the Lake of Life, Xiaowu took the initiative to jump off Xu Ran's body. She couldn't allow herself and Xu Ran to leave a poor impression on the ferocious beasts of the Aquipeia.

[Boy, oh boy, today the fourth season of Dou Po has premiered!!! It's lit!

Wasn't Cai Lin seducing Xiao Yan with her fingers just so tantalizing? And Yun'er, oh, the fourth season's Yun'er is stunningly beautiful, even more profound and elegant than in the third season, that touch of tenderness and worry on her brow is simply irresistible. And they changed Xun Er's model, though Xun Er didn't quite dazzle as much. Dammit, lucky Xiao Yan, sooner or later all these women will belong to Xu Ran.]