Chapter 211 Gu Yuena's Unparalleled Beauty, Stunning Everyone_1

"Qiu'er, don't you bully Xiao Wu. If I come back and see that something has happened to Xiao Wu, I will be very angry," Xu Ran and Di Tian were walking ahead, preparing to enter the Lake of Life to see Gu Yuena.

However, halfway down the road, Xu Ran felt somewhat uneasy; he turned his head and looked at Wang Qiu'er and said.

The current Wang Qiu'er is not the same as the one from Dou Er. She seems to have become even more willful. If this girl gets jealous and hurts Xiao Wu, that would be problematic.

In the Aquipeia Forest, the Auspicious Beast is like an emperor. Di Tian and the others are treating her well and have shown her extreme kindness. In such an environment, it's understandable that Wang Qiu'er is a bit willful.

However, no matter what Wang Qiu'er's personality is like, he couldn't allow anyone to harm his precious Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu is the most important person in his heart. She has entrusted her life to him, and naturally, he has to take responsibility.

Everyone else, whether Zi Ji, the Auspicious Beast, or anyone else, their status could not compare with Xiao Wu or Zhu Qing. Perhaps in the future, their status may become equal to that of Xiao Wu and the others, but not right now.

"Hmm. Understood," originally, knowing that there was another woman by Xu Ran's side had made her feel somewhat unhappy. Seeing Xu Ran speak this way, showing a lack of trust in her, made her even less happy.

She didn't say anything, though, just gazed at Xu Ran with those bright, watery eyes that looked so pitiful it was heartbreaking.

"Go on, Xu Ran. Don't worry about me; I'm not a child anymore."

"Moreover, Sister Qiu'er is so nice, she wouldn't bully me."

Xiao Wu waved her hand, signaling Xu Ran not to worry about her.

"All right. Then I will leave first," upon seeing this, Xu Ran said no more. Wang Qiu'er wasn't bad at heart, and Xu Ran was just worried that if Xiao Wu was ostracized by the Auspicious Beast, she would be wronged. That was not something he wanted to see.

For now, he didn't have the time to correct Wang Qiu'er's temperament.

Under Di Tian's guidance, Xu Ran arrived at the bottom of the Lake of Life.

This was a small palace, entirely silver in color.

Although the palace lacked any rich and splendid decorations, it exuded a strange aura.

In this place, the lake water seemed to be separated. Looking up, the water was a pale blue, but when looking down, there was the silver-white palace, quite odd indeed.

This must be where the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena, lived.

Xu Ran closed his eyes and took a deep breath, a faint jasmine-like scent entering his nostrils.

"My lord, Lord Auspicious Beast has been brought here," Di Tian's deep voice rang out. His tone was much more respectful than when facing Xu Ran before, a respect and admiration from the depths of his heart for the powerful.

In the Soul Beast Realm, there has always been a worship of the strong, and soul beasts like Di Tian, who pursued strength, had an indescribable level of faith and veneration for the Dragon God. Now that the Dragon God had been slain, Gu Yuena had taken the Dragon God's place as the most revered and admired one in his heart.

Looking forward in the palace, Xu Ran also caught sight of Gu Yuena.

At this moment, Gu Yuena sat on a feather-white throne at the top of the palace.

She wore a simple white dress with a perfect figure ratio, her silver hair falling like a cascade, some strands delicately spreading over her full, round bust.

That silver hair appeared completely different from ordinary strands, having a crystal-like texture, incredibly soft, making one unable to resist the urge to plunge their hands into Gu Yuena's thick silver hair, to feel its unique touch.

Gu Yuena was exceedingly beautiful, her skin fair and smooth. Half-reclining on the white throne, her bare legs were partly visible like the tip of an iceberg, irresistibly enticing.

"Is this Gu Yuena? She truly is very beautiful. There isn't anyone who can be compared to Gu Yuena at the moment," Xu Ran thought to himself, utterly astounded by her appearance.

Her beauty was nothing short of miraculous, almost without any flaw.

Even as a seasoned playboy, when Xu Ran saw Gu Yuena this time, he couldn't help but be moved.

Though Xu Ran, that old flirt, would get excited at the sight of many people, the frequency and intensity of his excitement varied. Ordinary girls might stir his heart ever so slightly.

But upon seeing a peerless beauty like Gu Yuena, Xu Ran's heart throbbed vigorously, countless times.

As the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena naturally would be an unparalleled beauty. Furthermore, her unique aura and charm as a God King-level powerhouse added a layer of hazy veil to her, tempting the likes of Xu Ran to tear it off and then…

In the Soul Land system, Gu Yuena's beauty could undoubtedly be ranked as the finest.

Next would be the goddess-like Qian Renxue who could make all beings fall with one smile, the grown-up Xiaowu, and of course, the Wang Qiu'er who transformed with the Luck Power of a soul beast, not to mention Dong Qianqiu who transformed from a Devil Soul Great White Shark of around seventy thousand years of "Cultivation Level"…

Other women, though still incredibly alluring, ultimately had their flaws.

At the moment, Xiaowu still needed time to develop, Qian Renxue was still disguised as Xue Qinghe, Wang Qiu'er was still in her beast form, and Dong Qianqiu was still a great shark of around seventy thousand years "Cultivation Level". Thus, without a doubt, Gu Yuena was currently the most beautiful person in Soul Land.

"Naughty 'Host' big brother, so bad," sensing the rich thoughts in Xu Ran's mind, and comparing so many girls, System Miss couldn't help pouting her mouth. 'Host' big brother was still so naughty. At this rate, who knows how many would be in 'Host' big brother's "Harem"? And this was just within the world of Soul Land…

"Di Tian, you may step back," as Xu Ran stared fixedly at Gu Yuena, she too observed him with an indifferent composure of neither joy nor sorrow.

At this moment, even she was somewhat puzzled.

Why was Xu Ran's strength so weak? Last time, she had felt fluctuations comparable to a First-Level God emanating from the Auspicious Beast.

Moreover, what was even more mysterious was the force of Luck Power from the Auspicious Beast in front of her that was so magnificent she couldn't ignore it.

Even though an Auspicious Beast wouldn't greatly affect a soul beast of her caliber.

But, the birth of an Auspicious Beast with such an immense force of Luck Power could never be a coincidence. Could this be a sign from heaven?

Could it be that from now on, the Soul Beast Clan would gradually return to prominence?


The rise of the Soul Beast Clan implied that soul beasts would possess enough high-end combat power to contend with Human Gods in the Divine Realm. '

Doesn't this also suggest that in the future, she could kill the Golden Dragon King to absorb his essence and become the Dragon God, leading the Soul Beast Clan in direct confrontation with humans?

Gu Yuena pondered in her heart.

Xu Ran's power naturally wouldn't catch her eye.

But every Auspicious Beast's birth was never fortuitous, especially when one already existed, to have another born, a soul beast with such force of Luck Power… It was the implications of this anomaly that Gu Yuena deemed worthy of her deep contemplation.

However, even if Gu Yuena racked her brains, she would never guess that Xu Ran, the Auspicious Beast, was born solely due to the System's cheating.

If there was any implication to be found there, it would be truly bizarre.

But Xu Ran would never reveal this reason.

Otherwise, Gu Yuena would definitely fly into a rage: I've racked my brain analyzing so much, even predicting the great fortune of my becoming the Dragon God, and then you tell me you're just cheating?

Without further ado, Xu Ran, who was not born of destiny, would definitely be beaten up by Gu Yuena and thrown into some corner never to be seen again.