Chapter 219 Qiu'er, Don't Overthink It_1

After the meal was finished, it was already the middle of the night.

For Xu Ran, this time was usually reserved for exploring philosophy.

Now that the caring Bi Ji had set up a love nest for him and Xiaowu, he naturally couldn't waste it.

However, what gave Xu Ran an enormous headache was that Wang Qiu'er just stood guard here, refusing to leave even a single step.

This gave Xu Ran some trouble.

If he didn't manage to send the Auspicious Beast away, how could he and Xiaowu explore philosophy?

"Qiu'er, are you full?" Xu Ran looked at Wang Qiu'er, preparing to find a way to send her away. Otherwise, they would waste the perfect moment tonight.

The Love Nest by Lake of Life was far more romantic than any ocean-view room. To feel the breath of nature while exploring the true essence of life, the prospect was incredibly delightful.

Especially with Precious Xiaowu being so delicate and beautiful.

"I'm full," Wang Qiu'er lifted her head and replied, then looked at Xu Ran with confusion.

"So, shouldn't you be resting now, Qiu'er?" Xu Ran said, smiling at Wang Qiu'er.

"Oh," Wang Qiu'er responded softly and immediately lay down on the ground, squinting her eyes, ready to sleep, looking very obedient and heeding Xu Ran's words.

"Ahem, um, Qiu'er, Xiaowu and I will be discussing philosophical issues later. These philosophical questions are very confidential and cannot be overheard by others, so..." Xu Ran sheepishly glanced at Xiaowu, then said to Wang Qiu'er.

Upon hearing Xu Ran's words, Xiaowu's face turned instantly red. That Stinky Xu Ran, always up to no good.

It was one thing to be up to no good, but another to say it downright in front of an Auspicious Beast.

Stinky Xu Ran, you're asking for it!

Xiaowu slowly moved next to Xu Ran, fiercely pinching the soft flesh of his waist. Shameless Xu Ran, getting more and more brazen by the day, discussing such matters so openly.

"Philosophy? What philosophy?" Wang Qiu'er blinked her big eyes, curiously looking at Xu Ran. She had been guarding this place thinking Xu Ran and Xiaowu were up to something bad and didn't want to let them succeed.

But she hadn't expected that Xu Ran and Xiaowu were actually planning to explore philosophy!

If it was just exploring philosophy, then there was no problem!

Only, what exactly is philosophy?

Even after scouring all the memories in her mind, she couldn't find anything related to philosophy.

Therefore, she couldn't help but be curious about the philosophy Xu Ran was talking about.

Although an Auspicious Beast like her, Xu Ran was clearly different. He could communicate with other creatures without any discomfort, he could transform into a soul beast and then easily turn into a human.

Everything about Xu Ran was so mysterious.

Xu Ran mentioned something as profound as philosophy, wow, Xu Ran is so amazing!

"Philosophy is essentially the contemplation on the nature of things. For example, which came first, the female soul beast or the male soul beast? Was it the chicken or the egg first, the man or the woman first..." Xu Ran said earnestly, for tonight, he really wanted to explore the essence of these questions with Xiaowu.

"Wow, is that so?" Wang Qiu'er and Xiaowu's eyes lit up simultaneously. Xu Ran's questions equally caught their attention. Which came first, the man or the woman... This, uh, seemed indeed to be a question.

"Which question do you plan to research then?" Wang Qiu'er's curiosity was piqued. As an Auspicious Beast, she saw herself in high regard. But, these three questions posed by Xu Ran had stumped her. She decided to ask Nana about these profound questions tomorrow, as only she would probably have the answers.

"No, the subject Xiaowu and I want to explore today is more straightforward, just the philosophy of life."

"Oh." Wang Qiu'er pouted, not understanding, but didn't ask further.

Listening to Xu Ran and Wang Qiu'er's conversation, Xiaowu had already turned beet-red, stomping her foot, nearly fainting from embarrassment.

Having been with Xu Ran for so long, at the start, she was just like Wang Qiu'er, not knowing anything. But over time, she understood exactly what Xu Ran meant.

He was clearly talking about private matters between men and women.

"So, you should go back to sleep for now. Xiaowu and I are about to start discussing. This question has taken root deeply and has troubled us for a long time. But tonight, even if it takes all night without sleep, Xiaowu and I will work out a result," Xu Ran affirmed.

Seeing that Xu Ran was about to continue, Xiaowu couldn't hold back any longer, and dared not listen to Xu Ran go on, rapidly escaping to the bedroom with her long, beautiful legs.

She definitely needed to take a bath to cool down.

"Okay. I'll leave first then."

"But when can we collectively explore philosophy?" Wang Qiu'er said, equally interested in the issue of the tadpoles racing.

"Cough, cough, there will be a day for that," Xu Ran was struck by Wang Qiu'er's words like thunder, and quickly added a sentence.

Wang Qiu'er, being an Auspicious Beast, would sooner or later be part of his "Harem."

After finally persuading Wang Qiu'er to leave, Xu Ran could no longer contain himself and headed toward the room. Today, damn it, he had been holding back all day to give Gu Yuena a massage!!!!!

Xu Ran pushed open the door, looking at the situation inside.

The room was finely crafted, decorated with many ornaments, and featuring a large bed strewn with rose petals.

The air by Lake of Life was exceptionally pure, with a light fragrance wafting through it. Combined with the scent of the roses, it made one feel intoxicated.

Xiaowu had just taken a bath, her body radiating the most natural feminine fragrance. Xu Ran didn't like Xiaowu and the others wearing perfume, so they always presented themselves naturally.

At that moment, Xiaowu, dressed in a pink gauze dress, sat elegantly at the edge of the bed, her white and delicate shoulders and arms exposed to the air. Hearing Xu Ran entering, Xiaowu quickly stood up, shyly holding her hands to her chest, and turned around as if welcoming her lover's inspection.

"Precious Xiaowu is becoming more and more beautiful. Xiaowu, I love you."

Xu Ran, looking at Xiaowu's charming and moving appearance, feeling the pure fragrance unique to Xiaowu, felt absolutely delighted and immediately lunged forward to pin her down. They were an old married couple by now, naturally not needing to exchange too many sweet nothings. For him, a moment of a spring night was worth a thousand pieces of gold, and he did not want to miss a single second. Especially not the time with his precious Xiaowu.

"Mm. Xu Ran, I love you too," Xiaowu said, her gentle eyes resembling a river of spring water as she looked at Xu Ran, her hands wrapping around his neck…