Chapter 238: The Battle Armor Infused with the Essence of Ten Thousand Beasts_1

"Xiaowu, you've misunderstood. Do I seem like that kind of person?" Xu Ran looked at Xiaowu with some heartache. It was not fair that Xiaowu would take her anger out on him over her small chest.

At most, he could blame himself for not... massaging enough.

Women, they just get inexplicably angry sometimes.

"Hmph, if you're not, then who is?" Xiaowu pouted, feeling indignant at the sight of the inner armor that hugged such beautiful curves.

Why were hers smaller than Rongrong's? She felt relieved that at least her legs were attractive; otherwise, she would feel even worse in comparison.

As she spoke, Xiaowu looked at her own legs, wrapped in white leggings, and felt a bit better.

"In my heart, you are always unparalleled. I will always be your one and only. No other woman, whoever she may be, can compare to you." Xu Ran gently stroked Xiaowu's black hair and said tenderly, casting her a killer look with his eyes.

Confronted with Xu Ran's tender gaze, Xiaowu's heart softened, and she temporarily forgot about questioning the whereabouts of the other inner armors, thus giving Xu Ran a temporary reprieve.

Of course, even if Xu Ran told Xiaowu about them, she wouldn't have said much, but she would definitely refuse to share a room with Xu Ran for at least a week. That was no small consequence...

"Alright, go try on your armor; I think it's going to look really cool," Xiaowu said, as the gazes of ferocious beasts like Di Tian fell on her, making her blush. Even Bi Ji and Zi Ji were looking at her, though Bi Ji's expression was neutral, Zi Ji looked envious.

Since she'd been with Xu Ran, he had become increasingly important to her.

She could never have imagined herself becoming like this before.

Yet, emotions are something that rationality and planning can never change.

Now, Xu Ran's place in her heart had even surpassed her pursuit of power as a ferocious beast.

In the past, while she was indeed attracted to Xu Ran, she was more concerned with the power and strength of the Auspicious Beast, and that elusive yet crucial Luck Power. She wanted to throw herself into Xu Ran's arms to seek protection from the Luck Power and safely get through the heavenly tribulation.

But now, the most important thing for her was to be with Xu Ran. She even felt jealous of those ten-thousand-year soul beasts, wishing she could also start Transforming again to grow, become stronger, and do interesting things intimately with Xu Ran.

"My lord, this is the battle armor we crafted for you. We used the molt of the Skydream Ice Silkworm and infused it with blood essence from me, Bear Lord, Red King, Zi Ji, Thousand Demon King, and many other powerful ferocious beasts. There are also the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's claws, the Black Dragon Clan's dragon bones, and the Thousand Demon King's lethal poison..." Di Tian spoke, pointing towards a set of black armor in front of them.

The armor was entirely black, with shimmering dark glows that involuntarily drew one's attention. Without thinking, Xu Ran could feel the armor was tainted with the Thousand Demon King's toxic poison. The Thousand Demon King's poison was not just deadly, but it also had a mental component, a kind of mild hallucinogenic effect.

This could prove to be a unique advantage in battle.

Just one second of hallucination for an opponent was enough time for him to accomplish a lot.

"My lord, please drip a drop of your blood essence onto the armor," Di Tian said, looking excitedly at Xu Ran. This armor, which he and Bear Lord among other ferocious beasts had personally crafted, was infused with blood essence from hundreds of powerful soul beasts.

Inside, there weren't only the blood essences of these ferocious beasts; he had also gone to other clans that possessed soul beasts of ten thousand years and above. He had obtained the blood essence of those soul beasts.

This armor was integrated with the blood essence of many powerful soul beasts from the entire Aquipeia Forest, making it an absolutely terrifying set of armor.

All the beasts under heaven showed intractable natures, not even he, Di Tian, could make every powerful soul beast submit. The only solution was to defeat them with overwhelming force. Therefore, this suit of armor, except for Xu Ran and Gu Yuena, could not be worn by anyone else, otherwise the armor would collapse instantly as the myriad beasts would not submit.

The Auspicious Beast was by nature an emperor among its kind, a convergence of a clan's Luck Power. All soul beasts would feel pacified under the force of Luck Power and willingly serve the Auspicious Beast.

It was precisely because of this that they discussed and decided to craft this battle armor.

"Such a powerful soul beast aura. It is far stronger than I imagined. The Auspicious Beast's blood essence can perfectly neutralize the myriad beasts' blood essence and make them submit," Xu Ran muttered to himself.

He noticed that at the very center of the breastplate, there was a black transparent heart-protecting mirror. The mirror contained an impenetrable layer of fog, yet from there emanated the terrifying presence of countless soul beasts.

Xu Ran made a small cut on his index finger, and a drop of his crimson blood fell into it.




Instantly, within the heart-protecting mirror, a chorus of myriad beasts resounded; Black Dragon, Hell Demon Dragon, Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, Three-headed Red Demon Hound, Yao Yan Mo Shu, Hell Demon Spider... The auras of numerous powerful soul beasts surged forth.

Feeling the fluctuations inside, beasts of ferocity such as Di Tian, Bear Lord, and Zi Ji were all somewhat moved. This battle armor, blended with the blood essence of countless powerful soul beasts from across the Aquipeia Forest, seemed even more formidable than they had imagined, emitting an endless aura of ferocity.

The auras within the heart-protecting mirror continuously surged, but they did not revolt. Instead, they circled around the drop of Auspicious Beast's blood that Xu Ran had contributed, guarding it, much like stars orbiting the moon.

Xu Ran's palm rested on the heart-protecting mirror, and he could feel the submission of countless powerful soul beasts. It was a submission with wholehearted joy and no trace of resistance. The Luck Power of the Auspicious Beast could bring benefits to all the beasts in the world, and no soul beast could refuse to cultivate a good relationship with an Auspicious Beast.

Xu Ran donned the breastplate before moving on to shoulder armor crafted from the bones of the Black Dragon Clan, duskgold dreadclaw bones for the arm guards and waist protection, a cloak woven from Skydream Ice Silkworm silk, gloves forged from mysterious materials...

As each piece of equipment was slowly put on, Xu Ran distinctly felt his body overflowing with an abundance of strength. With the final piece, a black-gold king's crown, placed upon his head and his black hair cascading down over his shoulders through the crown, Xu Ran underwent a tremendous change in aura.

With already exceptionally handsome features, Xu Ran, now clad in the black battle armor, exuded an even more domineering presence that seemed to challenge all others.

Holding the "Godslayer Sword," draped in the black gleaming armor of myriad beasts, Xu Ran exuded the aura of the Auspicious Beast, the emperor among soul beasts. At that moment, Xu Ran seemed like a dark sovereign from an endless age past.

Such a demeanor made even beasts like Di Tian tremble with emotion.

In a vague impression, they seemed to witness a handsome man clad in black armor, wielding a longsword, drenched in blood from his enemies, as powerful beings fell one after another with every casual swing of his sword.