Chapter 242: Only Schemes Capture People's Hearts_1

The blood rain seemed to decelerate in the eyes of Gu Yuena, falling gently from the sky. At this moment, all she could see was Xu Ran vomiting blood, oblivious to the droplets staining her pure and clean body.

At this moment, her heart, which had always been as calm as water, began to throb at an increasing pace.

It was a strange and sudden feeling.

Since fleeing the Divine Realm, this was the first time she had felt such a sensation. She was panicked, not understanding what it was.

She just quietly cradled Xu Ran's body, holding a man this closely for the first time…

"Ran Di, how are you feeling?" Gu Yuena asked with a trembling voice, her delicate body slightly shaking. As she came to her senses, she noticed fresh blood still seeping from the corner of Xu Ran's mouth.

She felt helpless, unable to discern the condition of Xu Ran's body. Born from the energy of heaven and earth, the Auspicious Beast had a body filled with dense mists, impenetrable to investigation. Even she couldn't see what Xu Ran had suffered through.

But she knew that it must be a powerful backlash.

To expel the Divine Power of the Five Great Supreme Gods with Xu Ran's current strength likely cost him greatly.

And even after paying such a heavy price, he was still willing to bear the cost to continue checking for hidden dangers in her body after her wounds healed.

Previously, she always thought of Xu Ran as born from the nurturing forces of the universe to aid her in becoming the Dragon God, to preside over the Divine Realm—as more of an assistant, a confidant.

But now, with Xu Ran being so considerate of her, how could she, not being made of stone, remain unmoved?

At this moment, she could no longer see Xu Ran as a mere assistant or subordinate.

"Nana, I'm alright. Just a bit tired," Xu Ran said, slowly blinking his eyes. However, his handsome face was covered with exhaustion and weakness, making it clear to Gu Yuena that his eyelids were heavy, as if he might pass out any second.

"Ran Di, don't scare me, I..." Seeing how Xu Ran, who had just been speaking energetically, was now so weak and tired, her heart trembled fiercely.

Her heart couldn't help but clench.

These days, although she hadn't deduced the laws within Xu Ran, she had come to understand him very well.

Although Xu Ran had been treating her injuries and seemed fine, he was probably suffering from backlash every day, it just wasn't particularly strong and he had managed to withstand it.

However, even so, when treating her injuries, Xu Ran would occasionally breathe rapidly, and his gaze would drift, signs of his weakness from the backlash. He also frequently swallowed, not saliva, but blood.

When he suffered from severe backlash, when his energy surged, Xu Ran would forcefully suppress the turbulent blood in his heart. This time, Xu Ran had also intended to pretend, to let her rest easy during treatment.

But the backlash was too severe this time; Xu Ran could no longer hide it. He fell, sustaining heavy damage.

Knowing so much this time, unless she was heartless, she couldn't remain unaffected.

"Ran Di, why are you so foolish? What price have you paid? Tell me, I can help you," Gu Yuena said with a trembling voice.

There was a time when she had entertained other thoughts, thinking that Xu Ran's rapid breathing, drifting gaze, and swallowing were because he had developed such thoughts for her.

Now, she realized she had been wrong, utterly wrong.

Xu Ran was suffering from the backlash, and his body had become weak.

"Nana, what are you daydreaming about? I'm just a bit tired, that's all. How could anything happen to me when I am an Auspicious Beast, blessed by fortune?" Xu Ran said in a suppressed voice, sounding incredibly weak.

"Ran Di, don't lie to me, I know everything, I know it all," Gu Yuena shook her head, her voice trembling. As she looked at Xu Ran, her hand touched his blood-covered face, and her delicate fingers became stained with blood immediately.

The crimson blood, mixed with the gold of the Auspicious Beast, left stains on the white transparent cold bed, moving one deeply.

"Nana, you can't help me with my problem. I just want to sleep a little right now. Once I wake up from this sleep, I'll be all better," Xu Ran said, lying there. Suddenly, his chest heaved violently, and he coughed a few times, the blood spraying out with his coughs, covering his face and neck with alarming crimson.

"Alright, Ran Di, you sleep for a while. Now it's my turn to take care of you," Gu Yuena said with a soft gaze, with a silver handkerchief in her hand, gently wiping the blood from Xu Ran's face.

As the Silver Dragon Queen, she had never taken care of anyone before, but in this moment, she learned how to.

When one truly cares about another person, they are considerate of their feelings, not wanting them to experience the slightest pain. At that time, what to do becomes very clear.

"Okay," Xu Ran's eyes met Gu Yuena's, he turned his head slightly, revealing a clean smile. That smile was pure and clear, like snowflakes on a winter's day.

Then, Xu Ran closed his eyes, contently falling asleep.

As quiet as a child.

The System Miss was dumbfounded as she watched this scene.

The acting skills of "Host" brother seemed to be getting better and better. It was like a TV miniseries, even she found it fascinating.

True feelings cannot be retained since time immemorial, only tricks can capture the heart. Now, she finally understood what that meant.

The schemes of "Host" brother were too deep, he could stay outside the play, yet he managed to deceive so many infatuated girls who deeply entered the play and couldn't get out.

All of this was designed by Xu Ran, with the help of the System Miss.

The System Origin was higher than all things in the world, not bound by the laws of Soul Land. Not to mention Gu Yuena, even if the Divine Realm Gods came, they wouldn't be able to see anything wrong with Xu Ran, they would only exclaim that there was one more modest gentleman in the world.

After a while, seeing that Xu Ran seemed to have truly fallen asleep, his breathing becoming steady, as if there was no serious problem, Gu Yuena also felt a lot more at ease.

She got up, wanting to fetch some Essence of Water filled with the vital force from the Lake of Life to cleanse Xu Ran's body, but as she stood up, she found that Xu Ran was holding her hand tightly.

He gripped it very tightly; she gently pulled several times, but couldn't pull it free.

Her heart ached slightly, and she didn't know quite what to feel.

She didn't want to use too much force anymore, afraid of waking Xu Ran who had just fallen asleep.

So, she could only sit at the bedside, just like that, watching over Xu Ran.

On her hand, the silver-white light flickered, a large water ball suspended in the air. As the Silver Dragon Queen, she inherited the Dragon God's ability to control the elements.

She dampened the handkerchief with water, and then began to gently cleanse Xu Ran's body.

As Xu Ran's outer garment was removed, she witnessed a shocking sight. His chest and back were covered in protruding veins, as if they were about to break free from the body, a sight that filled her with heartache. While she continued to wipe his body, she slowly infused Silver Dragon Divine Power into Xu Ran to help him recover from his injuries.