Chapter 247: Good fellow, magical train of thought_1

"Dean Flender, is Xu Ran still in the Academy?" After exchanging pleasantries with Flender for a good while, Ning Fengzhi got straight to the point.

A peerless genius like Xu Ran, so defying the heavens, if they could lure him to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, then their sect would be stable for the next hundred years.

Xu Ran and Rongrong were about the same age, yet he was already a Soul Ancestor, with four Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings—truly terrifying.

Such a prodigy had never been seen before in the history of Soul Masters.

Upon encountering such a figure, the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect couldn't afford to miss out.

Moreover, he could see that Rongrong had already fallen for the young genius, and he intended to match her with him.

However, before that, he had to swindle some more benefits.

If he were only Rongrong's father, he naturally wouldn't say much—as long as the two truly loved each other, that would be enough. But as the master of a sect, he naturally had to seize every opportunity to gain more.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi didn't know that Xu Ran had a storage soul tool on hand that contained all the resources of the Aquipeia Forest; otherwise, he would definitely use various tactics to coax more soul bones from him. As both the teacher of the Crown Prince and the master of a sect, he was certainly sly and experienced.

It was just that he couldn't trick Xu Ran, even if he wanted to.

If he truly irritated Xu Ran, the latter could just impregnate Ning Rongrong and see if that frightened him.

"Sect Master Ning, unfortunately, Xu Ran and Zhu Qing asked for leave to return to Xingluo City just this morning. It will be at least a month before they return to school. It's also vacation time right now, and we're not in charge of Xu Ran and the others' time," Flender said. Even during normal schooling hours, Xu Ran at Shrek Academy had the freedom to come and go as he pleased, running around everywhere.

Xu Ran, being a peerless genius, naturally was not bound by school rules.

Rules are meant to restrain the mediocre.

As long as you have the strength that forces others to take notice, you can exist outside the rules.

"Is that so? That's a pity." Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo both felt somewhat disappointed. They hadn't expected this; had they come a day earlier, perhaps they could have met Xu Ran and seen for themselves if he was as miraculous as Ning Rongrong described.

"In a few days, our Shrek Academy will move to Tiandou City, and then Sect Master Ning, you'll have plenty of opportunities to meet Xu Ran. After we arrive in Tiandou City, I'll have Xu Ran visit the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect. However, once we get to Tiandou City, we will be relying on Sect Master Ning to take good care of us." The Seven Treasures City, where the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect was located, was not far from Tiandou City. Ning Fengzhi was still the teacher of the Crown Prince, with considerable power. If Ning Fengzhi helped from behind the scenes, when they went to the Blue Tyrant Academy, they wouldn't encounter too many problems.

"Of course." Ning Fengzhi nodded, glanced at Sword Douluo who was still in a State of Enlightenment, and after a moment's contemplation, said, "Dean Flender, if you're heading to Tiandou City, it might not be easy to transport such a treasure on the road. Moreover, 'A man is not guilty, but possessing a gem incurs blame.' Having such a treasure at Shrek Academy will only attract the envy of many forces."

"Therefore, I want to buy this slab of stone, and I hope Dean Flender can bear to part with it," Ning Fengzhi said. After speaking, Ning Fengzhi directly took out a purple Golden Soul Currency Card and handed it to Flender.

"There are ten million golden soul coins on it, just right for smoothing things over when you go to Tiandou City. Running an academy also requires a lot of money," Ning Fengzhi said. Originally, he had heard from Ning Rongrong about Xu Ran's casual ability to make people break through in enlightenment. Such poetry on the stone slab might be casually written by Xu Ran, and given Ning Rongrong and Xu Ran's relationship, they could even get it for free.

However, for the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, money was not lacking.

Shrek Academy has a lot of potential for the future. It's appropriate to establish a good relationship in advance, but most importantly, to get on good terms with Xu Ran.

"Ten million?" Hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Flender's body went limp, his legs trembling, almost losing his dignity and collapsing to the ground. When had he ever seen so much money? If it weren't for his poverty, would he have established the academy in this godforsaken place?

The moment he thought about how Xu Ran's casually penned a few poems were worth ten million, his eyes became ablaze with golden light. Xu Ran was like a cash cow; earning money this way was just too easy.

Now, he was even considering, should he take Xu Ran on a tour to various major forces? Leave each major power with a piece like this? Wouldn't that rake in a huge fortune?

However, Xu Ran would absolutely not agree to this, as rarity breeds value. It was precisely because such treasures were unprecedented on the continent that Ning Fengzhi placed such great importance on them. If these items became commonplace, they would lose their value.

"Dean Flender, what do you mean by this?" Ning Fengzhi smiled. The Seven Treasures Glaze Sect was wealthy enough to rival countries, with the Ning Family's business spread throughout the continent, and ten million was but a drop in the bucket for the Ning Family.

It was for this reason that in the original story, Ning Rongrong had such a severe case of princess syndrome. Because she truly was a rich girl.

If Xu Ran were born into such a family, he would undoubtedly be the quintessential playboy, changing girlfriends weekly without any repeats.

"Sell, of course, we'll sell. It'll be the perfect opportunity to improve the food for Rongrong and the others," said Flender without any hesitation. If Xu Ran asked about it later, he would simply say he took the opportunity to give it to his future father-in-law.

By then, Xu Ran might even thank him.

"Brother Ran is amazing," Oscar and Ma Hongjun were shocked to the core by this scene. Although they also knew that the writings Xu Ran left behind were treasures, they were still too young to realize they could be used to make money.

"So much money. There are still a few pieces of clothing hanging in Brother Ran's dorm, along with underwear. Could those also be sold for some money?" Ma Hongjun swallowed hard. There were also the teacups Xu Ran had used, the dirt outside the dorm, the plants and flowers... At this moment, his brain was in overdrive.

In his eyes, once Xu Ran went to Tiandou City, he would surely have a large following of female fans, little fangirls. Then couldn't they make money by selling Brother Ran's personal belongings?

Original flavor, considering the wealth of those socialites, selling them for tens or even hundreds of thousands shouldn't be a problem.

At this point, far away in the distant sky, Xu Ran was still oblivious to how far Ma Hongjun and the others were willing to go, but they indeed ended up doing just that. Using Xu Ran's name to earn a lot of money, they also attracted the favor of numerous beauties. However, when Xu Ran found out, he did beat them up.

"Damn Xu Ran, why does he get all the good luck. Even the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect holds him in such high esteem." Tang San felt incredibly stifled. As a Twin Martial Soul, why wasn't he the center of attention, while Xu Ran was?

Yet, he hadn't disclosed his own talents or his hidden weapons for the time being. If he revealed these in front of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, everything about Xu Ran would cease to matter.

By then, in the eyes of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, he would be the most important.

So what about the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda? He could enable the Ning Family's Soul Masters to possess formidable offensive capabilities. Could Xu Ran do that?

Once he put his mind into creating hidden weapons, he could also get millions of golden soul coins from the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect. By then, he would truly establish himself, reach the pinnacle of life, marry Ning Rongrong, claim Xu Ran's woman, and then trample Xu Ran's dignity underfoot.