Chapter 253: The Terror of a Hundred-Thousand-Year Soul Bone.

Zhu Clan.

Zhu Zihao and others had long received news of Xu Ran's return to the city and had been waiting at home.

When Xu Ran swaggered into the city leading a thousand-year soul beast, how could they not know?

A thousand-year soul beast, should at the very least possess the combat strength of a Soul Ancestor. Moreover, typically, soul beasts of such caliber are unruly and untamable.

Even Titled Douluos find it difficult to tame such soul beasts. The more forceful one is with these creatures, the less they are willing to submit. Yet, Xu Ran managed to subjugate a thousand-year soul beast, which was indeed quite miraculous.

In the hall, Zhu Zihao and a group of elders were all somewhat excited, knowing that Xu Ran was the hope of the Zhu Clan. With Xu Ran's talent, the future held only the status of Titled Douluo for him, and that would change the dynamics of the Xingluo Empire.

"Has that youngster Xu Ran returned?" At this moment, an elder with white hair spoke. His face was aged, but his spirit was extremely vigorous. His gaze sharp as an eagle, he stared at the door, standing with his hands behind his back. He was Zhu Zhuqing's grandfather, Zhu Ao, a powerhouse at the Soul Douluo level and the strongest in the Zhu Clan.

Zhu Zihao was only just reaching middle age, with the older generation of the Zhu Clan above him.

As a great family within the Xingluo Empire, the Zhu Clan naturally had powerhouses at the Soul Douluo level.

Previously, Xu Ran had risen too abruptly from within the Zhu Clan and then left the Xingluo Empire directly. Therefore, several clan elders and older members were not particularly familiar with Xu Ran. They only knew him as a powerhouse whom even the Imperial family treated with great care.

Now Zhu Ao wanted to test Xu Ran's strength for himself.

"According to the latest news, it seems Xu Ran is drinking with the Great Crown Prince," Zhu Zihao replied, feeling extremely proud. This youngster Xu Ran seemed to have really latched onto the Great Crown Prince's coattails. With the relationship between Xu Ran and the Great Crown Prince, the royal household would not harbor any suspicion towards him. When the time came, he could rise opportunistically.

"Hmm." Zhu Ao nodded with satisfaction, his gaze shifted toward the door as he gained some understanding of Xu Ran.

Xu Ran was indeed a rare talent, but such prodigious individuals, achieving so much at such an age, were bound to develop arrogance. This would be detrimental to his cultivation, so today he intended to temper Xu Ran.

Xu Ran might be a genius, but he was not yet a powerful figure.

Between genius and power stood the chasm of a great divide.

Before growing into a true powerhouse, his strength and status were as fragile as a castle in the air, ready to collapse at a touch.

"Hmm?" Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing were led towards the Zhu Clan hall by the steward.

They soon detected a formidable presence.

Although the Zhu Clan did not have a Titled Douluo, they did have a power at the Soul Douluo level.

Xu Ran had never before met the old predecessors of the Zhu Clan. Were they unable to sit still any longer, taking an interest in him now?


The moment Xu Ran stepped through the door, Zhu Ao attacked him with lightning speed, alarming Zhu Zihao and the others with his swiftness.

"Grandfather? Don't." Seeing this sudden turn of events, Zhu Zhuqing cried out in alarm and then tugged at Xu Ran's hand, trying to stop Zhu Ao from striking him. Although Xu Ran was very strong, he would not be a match for a Soul Douluo powerhouse.

"You stand aside for a while. Grandfather just wants to test my strength," Xu Ran said, releasing Zhu Zhuqing from his embrace as Soul Power surged within him, and his left hand shimmered with a dark golden light.

The terrifying aura of a hundred-thousand-year ferocious beast suddenly burst forth, causing everyone in the room to change color. Zhu Ao, directly facing Xu Ran, was particularly shocked, and his attack towards Xu Ran paused for a moment.

Such a formidable ferocious beast aura! Zhu Ao muttered to himself inwardly.

As a Soul Douluo, he naturally had a broad range of experiences.

But such a powerful ferocious beast aura, he had seldom come across. This aura had reached the level of a hundred-thousand-year beast. Xu Ran actually had a hundred-thousand-year soul bone!

A soul bone was already a treasure, but a hundred-thousand-year soul bone was the treasure of treasures. And Xu Ran possessed such a treasure.

It seemed Xu Ran was far more than just a disciple of the Zhu Clan. Perhaps he also had his own fortunes within the Tiandou Empire.

"Not bad at all. Youngsters are indeed formidable. It's just that your 'Cultivation Level' is too weak to fully wield the strength of this soul bone," Zhu Ao said lightly. After all, how much strength could Xu Ran have at his young age?

Having a treasure without sufficient Soul Power to support it, would probably make it difficult to utilize the capabilities of the soul bone to the fullest.

"Sky Tearing Claw."

Xu Ran smiled slightly, not saying much more. Although Zhu Ao was strong, he wasn't weak either.

Especially if he didn't use his Martial Soul, his advantage was even greater. After all, he had the Auspicious Beast bloodline, which continuously remodeled his human physique. Along with the power of his soul bone and soul skill, Zhu Ao was no match for him.

A dark golden light extended from Xu Ran's palm, and five extremely sharp dark gold claws clashed with Zhu Ao.


A powerful energy fluctuation came forth, and Zhu Ao staggered backwards seven or eight steps before coming to a stop. His hand was even dripping with bright red blood.

Zhu Zihao, all the elders of the Zhu Clan, and Zhu Zhuqing watched this scene, standing there dumbstruck, at a loss for words.

The strongest of the Zhu Clan, Zhu Ao, who had cultivated for more than ninety years, had actually lost to Xu Ran?

Even though Zhu Ao hadn't used his Martial Soul and had only relied on his physical body to contend with Xu Ran, the fact that he was at a disadvantage in this exchange was ludicrous!

Most crucially, he was injured.

The blood from his palm was flowing freely.

"Hundred-thousand-year soul bone. Cultivation Level: fifty." A tidal wave of shock surged in Zhu Ao's heart. He had never expected Xu Ran's strength to be so formidable, let alone that he could wound him. Zhu Ao was a Soul Douluo, but could easily defeat a Soul Emperor with just his physical strength without Unleashing his Martial Soul.

And now Xu Ran's strength... was a bit excessively terrifying.

Moreover, wasn't Xu Ran only at the Soul Elder level when he left Xingluo City last time? Now he was already at level fifty, just one step away from becoming a Soul King.

Not only was his strength formidable, but his growth rate was also shockingly fast.

"My god, a hundred-thousand-year soul bone?"

"The one Xu Ran just used was a hundred-thousand-year soul bone?"

"Yes, if it weren't for the legendary hundred-thousand-year soul bone, our ancestor certainly wouldn't have been injured."

"It's not just that. Xu Ran's soul bone is on his palm. This is not only a hundred-thousand-year soul bone but also an attached hundred-thousand-year soul bone."

Zhu Zihao and the Zhu Clan elders excitedly talked back and forth.

Xu Ran was the Zhu Clan's genius. The stronger Xu Ran became, the stronger the Zhu Clan became.

If Xu Ran became one of the supreme powerhouses in the world in the future, then the Zhu Clan would become an unparalleled family, at least not inferior to families like the Tang family and the Ning Family.

As the Zhu Clan rose, the power they could wield would also become greater and greater.

Xu Ran was the hope of the Zhu Clan, and naturally, they all hoped he would become as strong as possible.

"Grandfather, Xu Ran didn't do it on purpose." Seeing that her grandfather was injured, Zhu Zhuqing spoke anxiously. She was afraid that her grandfather would get angry and then punish Xu Ran.

"Interesting. I never thought I, Zhu Ao, would one day be defeated by a junior of the Zhu Clan," said Zhu Ao indifferently, a sharp gleam in his eyes. Such an exceptional genius emerging in their Zhu Clan was a great thing. How could he possibly punish Xu Ran?

But now, he found Xu Ran even more intriguing.

Where was Xu Ran's limit?

With the power of a hundred-thousand-year attached soul bone, Xu Ran's strength must have reached the Soul Sage level, perhaps even stronger?

Thinking this, Zhu Ao didn't say another word and directly Unleashed his Martial Soul.

Eight Soul Rings, two yellow, two purple, and four black, shone and rose, and the aura around him became extremely frightful.

Feeling Zhu Ao's aura, Zhu Zihao and the others exclaimed in shock.

Zhu Ao, such a formidable figure, was starting to get serious. He had even Unleashed his Martial Soul.

"Zhu Qing, don't worry. I won't hurt your grandson-in-law. Otherwise, you won't be the only one who feels heartache," Zhu Ao spoke with a chuckle, amusingly watching Zhu Zhuqing, who was anxiously pacing nearby.

"Oh." Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned bright red. However, the anxiety in her heart had lessened considerably. Her grandfather had always been upright and generous, so how could he be prejudiced against a junior with such potential? At this moment, he probably just wanted to test Xu Ran's strength.