Chapter 261 Brother Xu's Words, Too Classic_1

"Are you satisfied now?" Zhu Zhuyun pinched Xu Ran's tender waist fiercely after a long while, her voice laced with annoyance. Her charming eyes were like silk at this moment, exuding allure.

"Satisfied," Xu Ran smiled, rubbing Zhu Zhuyun's incredibly delicate waist, feeling a profound sense of comfort and contentment. With such a wife, what more could a husband ask for? His Zhu Yun and Zhu Qing were the most beautiful in the Xingluo Empire. One offering allure, the other a touch of purity—a blessing beyond measure for any common man to win the heart of even one, yet he possessed both.

However, due to concerns about the Dai family's strength, he had to maintain some distance with Zhu Zhuyun for the time being. Only when they were alone could they share intimate moments, lest their relationship be exposed with severe consequences.

This situation wouldn't last forever. Once his "Cultivation Level" broke through to Soul Sage, his power in the Soul Land might well match Qian Dao Liu and Tang Chen, the top existences of the land. Then, all obstacles would become insignificant.

"Then why aren't you leaving quickly? You've been away from the banquet for such a long time, it'd be bad if someone noticed something was off with you. We can't expose our relationship right now," Zhu Qing urged, pushing Xu Ran, trying to get him to leave hurriedly.

She could see now; Xu Ran was shameless and always pushed the boundaries. Once he found an opportunity, he'd stick around, not leaving unless satisfied; truly maddening. Yet for some reason, the more rascally Xu Ran behaved, the closer she clung to him—resenting yet loving him, a feeling she couldn't quite grasp.

"What's there to fear? Worst comes to worst, I'll whisk you away to the Tiandou Empire, and we'll elope. Although Xingluo Empire is strong, their military is the only real threat to me. There are no mightily powerful beings that could pose a threat to me," Xu Ran proclaimed. If he fled to the Tiandou Empire, it wouldn't be so easy for the Xingluo Empire to deal with him. The Dai family was not the Martial Soul Hall that could easily send multiple Titled Douluos of level 95 or higher on a mission.

As he spoke, Xu Ran kissed Zhu Zhuyun's face once more.

"Oh my, you're going to be the death of me," Zhu Zhuyun's face flushed, but she quickly became resolute, "If that day ever comes where our relationship is exposed, I absolutely won't leave. That would implicate the Zhu Clan."

Although the Dai and Zhu families had a close relationship, bonded over centuries with their Soul Fusion Skills...

There was Zhu Qing canceling her marriage arrangement to be with Xu Ran, followed by Zhu Zhuyun secretly being with Xu Ran behind the back of the Crown Prince...

The former could be suppressed since Dai Mubai had no power in the Xingluo Empire, and with his long absence, no one would interfere. However, Crown Prince Davis was different. If Zhu Zhuyun and Xu Ran's affair came to light, all the aristocracy would gossip, and the Dai family would have to take strict measures against them, even possibly the Zhu family, to preserve their honor.

"Alright then. I'll be more careful from now on and not let it come to light," Xu Ran sighed, stroking Zhu Zhuyun's long hair.

"I'll go first. I'll come back to see you tonight. I have something to give you, but now is not a good time," Xu Ran said, taking another admiring glance at Zhu Zhuyun's shapely body clad in a red dress before swallowing his saliva.

Tonight, he must hint to Davis to invite him to stay in the Great Prince's Mansion. That way, he would have the chance to spend more time with Zhu Yun.

Truth be told, considering Davis's feelings towards him, even if he didn't seek out Davis, the Crown Prince would probably extend the invitation anyway.

Frankly, he felt a bit sorry for Davis.

Brother Dai was indeed a talented and handsome man, and all things considered, had treated him quite well.

Unless absolutely necessary, he would spare Davis's life in the future.

That poor guy, even more unfortunate than Dai Mubai.

"You... you bad egg... you're up to no good again," Zhu Zhuyun listened to Xu Ran's words and felt more and more that something was off. What did Xu Ran mean just now? Coming to see him at night. Had Xu Ran lost his mind? He was utterly shameless and audacious.

"Don't worry, I'll get Wei Si drunk," Xu Ran said, walking to the door with a smile on his face. Last time he plied Davis with alcohol, Davis excused himself on the pretext of a royal banquet. This time, surely Davis wouldn't refuse, right?!

He and Davis were the best of friends. They absolutely had to have a good drink together.

After all, he had the Kirin Bloodline. A little alcohol couldn't possibly affect him.

As long as Davis got drunk, wouldn't he then be able to move freely within the Great Prince's Mansion with his strength?

"You..." Zhu Zhuyun was both embarrassed and vexed. Xu Ran was becoming more and more presumptuous, even daring to say such things. However, if Davis were truly unaware of his surroundings, then it might not be a problem. But no matter what, that final step must not be taken. That bottom line couldn't be crossed. Otherwise, given Xu Ran's nature, if there was a first, there would be a second, and it would never end.


"Brother Xu, where have you been just now for so long?" Davis saw Xu Ran arrive, pulled him to sit down, and asked curiously.

"Oh, Brother Dai, wasn't Zhu Yun Jiě dancing just now? I noticed that one of the dancers was quite attractive, especially when she twisted her body as she danced, quite seductive indeed. You know how it can be after a few too many drinks," Xu Ran said with a flush of red on his face, clinking glasses with Davis.

"Haha, Brother Xu, you're truly a charming young man," seeing Xu Ran speak like this, Davis instantly understood, with a look that said he knew it all. The way alcohol could muddle the senses—it was biologically plausible, after all.

Although Xu Ran was a genius, he was still a young man, and naturally unrestrained in that particular aspect. With his talents and charm, he could have any woman he wanted at his fingertips.

"Brother Xu, who caught your eye? I'll send her over to you," Davis said with a hint of a wicked smile, slapping Xu Ran's shoulder.

Brother Xu still had his guard up against him, huh.

Men all like women, that's perfectly normal.

With Xu Ran's talents, what kind of woman couldn't he have? And to win Xu Ran over, not just any dancer, he could even help Xu Ran connect with Princesses or noble young ladies...

"Ahem. Brother Dai, that won't be necessary. Brothers are like limbs, and women are like clothes. Some clothes can be washed and worn again and again, while others, once worn, are discarded to one side and you don't wish to wear them a second time," Xu Ran said.

"Brother Xu has a point," Davis's eyes lit up. Xu Ran's words were like gospel, and they sounded classic as he listened.

Brothers are like limbs, and women are like clothes—what a great saying. Women and such are just passing clouds, they'll only hinder oneself. Only brothers can help one reach the pinnacle.

He was Davis, the future emperor. In his future "Harem," there would be countless Imperial Concubines, so it was essential to have the right mindset.