Chapter 263 We're All Bad, We Are All Bad Guys_1

In the room, under the dim light, Xu Ran and Zhu Yun were alone together, and the atmosphere was somewhat suggestive.

At this moment, Zhu Yun was wearing a black mid-length dress, sitting at the edge of the bed, her beautiful legs enveloped by black over-the-knee socks. Zhu Yun, biting her teeth, looked at Xu Ran with resentment.

This nemesis, Xu Ran, was becoming more and more unreasonable.

Now that the two of them were in the same room, was Xu Ran going to do those things? If so, should she agree?

Zhu Yun felt conflicted inside, pouting as she looked at Xu Ran. Although she was older than Xu Ran, in his presence, she wanted to act like those little girls, to be coquettish with him.

"Zhu Yun, baby, what's wrong?" Xu Ran smiled, walked over, and hugged Zhu Yun.

"Hmph, still asking what's wrong? You previously..." Zhu Yun looked at Xu Ran with embarrassment and annoyance. This troublemaker, in front of Davis, had dared to make a move on her, truly incorrigible to his core. Even though Davis was already unconscious from drunkenness at that time, she was still panicked and afraid.

What if Davis suddenly became sober and saw that scene? What would happen then?

She herself wasn't really afraid of death, but what if Xu Ran or the Zhu Clan were to be punished as a result?

Especially Xu Ran, whose talents were so strong they even threatened the position of the royal household. The royal household wanted to spare Xu Ran's life so he could grow stronger and serve them.

If the royal household knew that Xu Ran was not as submissive as he appeared, but harbored different intentions, then Xu Ran would definitely be hunted down by the royal household. What would Xu Ran do then?

"Alright, I'll be more careful next time," Xu Ran said with a smile, inhaling the unique fragrance of the woman in his arms, speaking directly. The Great Prince's Mansion didn't house any strong figures, at least no one as powerful as him, which he confirmed using his spiritual power, hence he was bold enough to act as he did.

He wasn't a scumbag, how could he possibly put his precious Zhu Yun in danger just for his own selfish desires?

After all, Xu Ran was a caring man, a gentleman who acted appropriately in all matters.

"You're not allowed to do that next time, or I'll ignore you," Zhu Yun, acting coy in Xu Ran's embrace, started feeling much safer with the reassurance of Xu Ran's broad shoulders.

"That won't do, you're mine, what I say goes," Xu Ran said with a wicked smile, his hand caressing Zhu Yun's exquisitely beautiful cheek.

"You…" Zhu Yun pouted, not saying any more. Xu Ran was like this, domineering, but it was this domineering young man she had terribly fallen in love with. That was her lot in life. Zhu Yun had fallen for Xu Ran, and she could only follow this little nemesis. Alive, she was Xu Ran's person; dead, she would be Xu Ran's ghost. Regardless of life or death, she would follow Xu Ran.

"During these days, when I was away, Davis didn't do anything bad to you, did he?" Xu Ran asked, playing with Zhu Yun's long hair, his expression serious. Zhu Yun, after all, wasn't by his side, being in Xingluo City, and it would be quite troublesome if Davis forced himself on her.

"No. Davis had that kind of idea, but I directly rejected him. I like men like Ran Di. Davis is just a coward; I wouldn't let him touch me. If he dared to make a move, I'd kill him," Zhu Yun said, her eyes flickering with a hint of coldness.

The Great Crown Prince Davis, her impression of him wasn't particularly bad, but she certainly didn't have that kind of favorable feeling. She liked Xu Ran. It was fine if Davis didn't make any moves on her, but if he had dared to do something inappropriate and tarnish her purity, she would make sure Davis regretted ever coming into this world.

Even if Davis got into trouble, it wouldn't end well for her. But she would rather die than let someone other than Xu Ran touch her.

"Poor Brother Dai, you're really mean, Zhu Yun," Xu Ran said, laughing at her words. It was lucky he wasn't Wu Dalang, but Ximen Qing instead. Women are truly ruthless, especially one like Zhu Yun, who came from a prominent clan and grew up witnessing the power struggles within the imperial palace; her methods were the most merciless. But why, facing such a Zhu Yun, did he find himself loving her even more desperately?

Anyway, "Zhu Zhuyun" had her whole heart set on him; she was harsh to others but always kind to those close to her.

That was pretty much similar to his character.

"Big meanie, how can you say such things? You're the one who's always up to no good, yet you're calling me ruthless." Zhu Zhuyun raised her small fists and punched Xu Ran a few times in the chest, speaking with an annoyed and charming voice.

Hmph, a bad guy like Xu Ran deserved the same fate that befell Davis and Dai Mubai, the two brothers.

However, she simply couldn't bring herself to do that.

Her soul, her body, and everything about her belonged to Xu Ran. She did not want anything unclean to taint the relationship between her and Xu Ran.

"Here's a bottle of poison. Take it—if it really comes down to that, be ruthless," Xu Ran said, handing over a vial of poison given to him by the Thousand Demon King to Zhu Zhuyun.

"What's this?"

"This is a treasure that I went to great lengths to acquire. Don't look down on its small size; if someone were to drink it, even if they were a Title Douluo of the 99th Rank, they would surely die."

"There are two types of toxins in here. One is an extremely potent deadly poison that would kill an ordinary person upon contact. The other is a spiritual toxin, which can poison the mind, making it more covert. It can interfere with a person's psyche, and when activated, the victim could completely become a puppet. However, only the person who administers the toxin can make it take effect," Xu Ran explained.

"Then I could just secretly slip this spiritual toxin into Davis's food..." Zhu Zhuyun's eyes lit up, a bold idea forming in her mind. Davis had always been an obstacle between her and Xu Ran. Although Davis could not die, the spiritual toxin in the poison wasn't meant to kill.

"That could work," Xu Ran nodded. It indeed wasn't a bad plan.

Brother Dai was actually a good person, and to put him directly in harm's way would seem too cruel for a gentleman like Xu Ran.

But affecting his spirit and will was a good method.

The reason why a man cannot accept his wife running off with someone else is due to the humiliation and anger felt in the spirit and consciousness.

Now, having been poisoned, oh my, with the mind affected, there's no sense of shame. Wouldn't that allow for an even bolder plan?

Of course, if the mental torment proved ineffective, and that scene he dreaded still happened, then he would directly control his mind and turn him into a puppet. In the end, if push came to shove, this was the only option left.

"Then I'll try it tomorrow," Zhu Zhuyun was excited, sitting on Xu Ran's lap, moved by the thought. In her heart, there was only room for Xu Ran and her family from the Zhu Clan, she didn't care about the others.

"Remember to use just a little, don't give too much at once, Brother Dai is actually a good person after all."

"You... you're truly shameless... making someone else do your dirty work."

"All bad, all bad... we're all bad people."

In the silent night, whispers of a man and a woman could be heard. No one knew that a man and a woman were plotting against the Great Crown Prince.