Chapter 267 Tang San Swearing at His Mother, Who is Really Setting Him Up?_1

Blue Tyrant Academy, located in Tiandou City, was a well-known academy for commoners. However, it has now been renamed Shrek Academy.

A week ago, after Flander and the others from Shrek Academy visited Blue Tyrant Academy, Liu Erlong straightforwardly and generously offered the position of headmaster to Flander.

Liu Erlong had always felt guilty towards Flander, and now that Flander had come to seek refuge with her, she was naturally willing to go with the flow and entrust the academy to him, to alleviate some of the guilt she felt in her heart.

Flander was a good man, but she had no feelings for him at all; the one she liked was Brock.

Since the Shrek Academy group arrived, they instantly set off a sensation throughout the entire academy.

News travels fast, especially with so many talents arriving at once, causing much discussion among the academy's teachers.

The addition of so many talents to the academy also left the others in shock.


At this moment, in a courtyard of Shrek Academy, Tang San was dressed impeccably, grooming himself to look presentable, in a pure white robe that gave him a certain charm.

"Now, taking advantage of the fact that Xu Ran, that damned dog, is not around, I can take the opportunity to deepen my communication with Xiaowu. Now is the perfect time to clarify everything with Xiaowu," Tang San said coldly.

Thinking of Xu Ran brought a rush of anger to his mind.

That damned Xu Ran, he didn't know if he had fed Xiaowu some sort of enchanting potion or what. Xiaowu was completely devoted to Xu Ran, fully trusting him.

These past days, even taking advantage of Xu Ran's absence from the academy, he tried to learn Xu Ran's tricks in hopes of capturing Precious Xiaowu's heart. But he didn't understand why, even when he laid on the ground in agonizing howls, Xiaowu remained unmoved.

Whereas, with just a cry of pain from Xu Ran, he would be resting on Precious Xiaowu's jade legs, receiving her attentive care. It was damn infuriating.

Why was their treatment so different?

He had tried all kinds of methods these days, but none could move Xiaowu in the slightest.

He had almost given up.

But the memory of Precious Xiaowu, her world-shattering beauty, that peerless treasure, her slightly heaving chest, and her perky, round buttocks, along with those straight, long, and beautiful legs, wouldn't let him stay calm.

What one cannot obtain is always the most tempting.

His feelings for Xiaowu weren't so deep at first, but after being repeatedly provoked by Xu Ran, his obsession with Xiaowu surpassed everything.

If he couldn't have Xiaowu, he might even develop a heart demon, unable to overcome this hurdle for the rest of his life.

This time, he was determined not to learn from Xu Ran's tricks, but to sincerely communicate with Xiaowu and clear up the misunderstandings.


At this time, Xiaowu was leaning against a large tree, wearing a loose-fitting pink long shirt with light blue leggings and high-heeled boots below. The youthful and beautiful appearance of the girl attracted countless glances.

"Tang San, what are you here for again? Haven't you had enough of being beaten?" When Xiaowu saw Tang San again, a hint of disgust flickered in her beautiful eyes. If it weren't for considering Hao Tian Douluo behind Tang San, she would have killed Tang San long ago.

Tang San was despicable and shameless, a first-rate lowlife.

Taking advantage of his father being a Titled Douluo, he kept attacking her and Xu Ran.

Now, with Xu Ran away, Tang San had repeatedly sought her out to slander Xu Ran. Did Tang San think she would believe his lies, being such a despicable and shameless person?

Did he think he could replace Xu Ran in her heart?

Furthermore, what Tang San had in mind was merely to drive a wedge between her and Xu Ran first, then defeat them one by one. Such a sinister plan, but did he really think they would fall into his trap so easily?

She was Xu Ran's woman, and she had already formed a substantial relationship with Xu Ran. No matter what Tang San said, she would never believe him.

"Xiaowu, there are some things, I think, that there might have been some misunderstandings between us." Tang San took a deep breath, looking at Xiaowu. As he gazed at her charming demeanor, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

That was his Xiaowu. Had it not been for Xu Ran, how happy would he and Xiaowu be living together now?

"Misunderstandings? What misunderstandings could we possibly have between us?" Xiaowu still looked at Tang San coldly, her lips curling up in a sneer. Neither Tang San nor his father, Hao Tian Douluo, was any good.

Hao Tian Douluo had killed Sister A Yin.

Now Tang San planned on doing the same thing again, to harm her?

What a joke.

"Xiaowu, I..."

"You have really misunderstood me. I have been sincere with you all along, never half-hearted. Weren't our relations always good before? You've always called me 'brother'." Sensing the disdain and hate in Xiaowu's eyes, Tang San said anxiously. The pain in his heart was like a knife's edge; nothing was more despairing than being hated by the person he loved deeply.

Even more despairing was the fact that despite his deep love for Xiaowu, she always thought he was out to harm her. How could that be possible? If he could harm anyone, it wouldn't be Xiaowu.

Xiaowu had always been the one he deeply loved.

In Soul Land, Xiaowu was the first to bring him beauty, the only woman who had entered his heart. He would risk his own life before letting her face any danger.

If Xiaowu faced danger, he would even forsake his own life.

But why was Xiaowu speaking ill of him now? What sort of misunderstanding was there between them?

"Misunderstanding? How could there be any misunderstanding between us?"

"If there was a misunderstanding, how could Xu Ran happen to be hurt over and over again?" Xiaowu sneered. The first time, Xu Ran was captured by Hao Tian Douluo but fortunately, he escaped. If it weren't for running into Xu Ran then, she would still be deceived by Tang San and Tang Hao, not even knowing how she died.

"What does this have to do with Xu Ran? Xu Ran is just an actor who pretended to be injured last time, always acting. Who knows, maybe all of Xu Ran's injuries were also just an act." Tang San said, getting angry as he remembered what happened before.

Xu Ran was clearly very strong, yet he feigned leaving a hidden weapon to injure Tang San, captivating Xiaowu's heart and finally painting him as some kind of Great Demon King. He was so wronged, wronged to death.

"Get lost, don't you slander Xu Ran. Hah... Tang San, up to now, you're still making excuses. If it wasn't for your father being Hao Tian Douluo, I would really want to kill you right now," Xiaowu murmured, her eyes brimming with murderous intent. Xu Ran had not told Xiaowu about crippling Tang Hao, otherwise, Tang San would have been killed by Xiaowu by now, then what would he play with?

"Hao Tian Douluo? What Hao Tian Douluo?" Tang San's heart tightened, although he didn't know who Hao Tian Douluo was, he was very clear that only Titled Douluo would have such a title.

At this moment, his heart was pounding rapidly, and finally, this time, he felt he was about to uncover the real truth behind the misunderstanding with Xiaowu. Perhaps it had something to do with this bastard Hao Tian Douluo he didn't know.

Tang San had lived a miserable life, growing up in Saint Soul Village, dressed in rags and starving from a young age; where would he have encountered any Titled Douluo?

Damn it.

Who exactly was scheming against him?

Was it Xu Ran, or was it that damn Titled Douluo?