Chapter 271: Mission Release, Drawing out Yu Xiaogang's Martial Soul, Ancestral Dragon Bloodline_1


"That Immortal Herb is a parting gift for you. From now on, stay away from my Long'er. Otherwise, you should know the consequences," Xu Ran said with amusement.

Yu Xiaogang, nothing but trash. Though skilled in plots and schemes, he amounts to nothing in the face of true power.

"Lord Xu Ran, I..." Liu Erlong blanched at Xu Ran's words. How could Lord Xu Ran say such a thing? Even though she had an agreement with Lord Xu Ran, she was not his...

She felt a sense of despair. Did Lord Xu Ran take a fancy to her?

But how could that be possible?

Lord Xu Ran was so powerful, he could even be considered invincible in this world. His talent was also stunningly brilliant.

Why would such a person take an interest in her? What about her could possibly attract such a formidable being?

"Don't talk; my presence here is enough," Xu Ran said, turning to look at Yu Xiaogang.

In Yu Xiaogang's mind, Liu Erlong and he were now a couple.

It was still a misunderstanding at this point, but it didn't matter; it wouldn't be long before it became a reality.

Still, this would require Yu Xiaogang's assistance.

He believed that Yu Xiaogang would take the initiative to push Liu Erlong toward him.

"Fine, Xu Ran, you're very good," Yu Xiaogang said coldly, feeling his dignity trampled by Xu Ran, wishing he could hurl the Ninth Grade Purple Ganoderma directly at Xu Ran's face.

"Brock wouldn't covet your petty treasures! I'd rather do without!" Brock truly wished he could shout this out. It would be better for a man to respond than to suffer this humiliation.

But as the words reached his lips, ready to hurl insults at Xu Ran, he just couldn't say them.

His Martial Soul was his Achilles' heel. If he could use this herb to restore it, it would be more than great. As for Liu Erlong, if she had already chosen Xu Ran, what use would she have for him?

Swallowing this Immortal Herb would make him stronger, allow him to prove himself, let him conquer everything with his power!

"Fine, from now on Liu Erlong is yours. Brock will have nothing to do with her," Brock said coldly. He knew that without agreeing to Xu Ran's terms, with Xu Ran's temper, he would never simply hand over the Immortal Herb.

Xu Ran was giving him the Immortal Herb to get him to leave Liu Erlong forever.

But there was no need for Xu Ran to say more; Liu Erlong, having been touched by Xu Ran, wouldn't have anything to do with him anymore, right?

He, Brock, had loved Liu Erlong before because she was a devoted person. Even knowing that they were cousins, she was still willing to stay pure for him. This Liu Erlong was worth loving.

But now, seeing what Liu Erlong had become, there was no possibility of any relationship with him.


Hearing Brock's words, Liu Erlong gazed at him blankly, staring at Brock's suddenly heartless face. She was somewhat unable to react.

A deep pain swept over her.

A heavy disappointment filled her heart.

Had the energetic Brock she once knew now become like this? Would he dismiss her without even asking for a reason?

Suddenly, she bit her lip, confused.

Was the man she had long cherished really like this?

What was it before – an obsession, or love?


Her delicate body trembled slightly, and at this moment, even as Liu Erlong, the strong woman who had founded Blue Tyrant Academy all by herself, she seemed so vulnerable and helpless.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she still forced herself not to cry.

"Don't be sad, Yu Xiaogang is just a piece of trash, there's plenty like him on the continent, there's no need to shed tears for him," Xu Ran gently patted Liu Erlong's back, looking up in surprise at Yu Xiaogang.

He had not expected Yu Xiaogang to be so heartless, not caring at all whether there was a hidden story between them.

But then again, having been humiliated all his life, Yu Xiaogang's psyche had long been twisted. Watching him hold Liu Erlong so intimately, it seemed that his pent-up emotions had finally erupted. Moreover, that trash Yu Xiaogang had always been scheming for his own benefit, whether his true feelings for Liu Erlong and the others existed was still up for debate.

Now that Yu Xiaogang had obtained the Immortal Herbs capable of healing his Martial Soul, his naturally despicable and shameless nature had also been revealed.

"Good, let Liu Erlong see you for who you are first, then I'll directly expose your true face." Xu Ran's mouth curled up into a smile, thinking these thoughts. Liu Erlong was also a great beauty; if Yu Xiaogang didn't want her, he did.

"Xu Ran, I hope your herbs work."

Yu Xiaogang said seriously, and after thinking for a moment, he swallowed the Immortal Herbs right in front of Xu Ran.

His own woman had been held by Xu Ran, and he didn't know what had happened between them. If the Immortal Herbs Xu Ran gave him turned out to be garbage in the end, he would be the one at a loss.

With Yu Xiaogang having consumed the Ninth Grade Purple Ganoderma, an even richer scent of herbs spread forth, and Yu Xiaogang felt an incredibly majestic medicinal power. Deep in his soul, he sensed something being nurtured.

"Is this my Martial Soul?"

"I understand now."

"I understand everything."

Yu Xiaogang felt the changes within his body, his frame trembling slightly, and he finally understood.

His Martial Soul was not Luo San Pao, but the Golden Holy Dragon!

It was just that when he first awakened his Martial Soul as a child, it had not fully awakened, which ultimately made the incomplete Golden Holy Dragon take the form of Luo San Pao.

When he and Liu Erlong, Flander used a Soul Fusion Skill, they absorbed enough powerful energy, so they were able to stimulate the Golden Holy Dragon!

"So I'm the Golden Holy Dragon, hahaha, so I am the Golden Holy Dragon..." Yu Xiaogang was almost maniacal, his face filled with uncontrollable elation.

The Golden Holy Dragon was even stronger than the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon!

So he was not trash, but a peerless genius, the world's number one beast Martial Soul rightfully belonged to him!

Now that his Martial Soul had been stimulated by the medicinal power of the herbs, although it still hadn't completely transformed into the Golden Holy Dragon, he could feel the shackles that had always weighed on his heart disappearing, and he could now cultivate normally. As long as he could cultivate, slowly nourishing his Martial Soul with Soul Power, he would surely be able to restore the Golden Holy Dragon Martial Soul!

"Ding, mission issued: with the help of the System, extract Yu Xiaogang's Martial Soul, making him a completely ordinary person."

"Ding, mission reward: Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, 3000 Skill Points."

"The Host's Ancestral Dragon Bloodline and the Qilin Auspicious Beast Bloodline can share the lifespan of the soul beast."

Hearing the voice of the System lady, Xu Ran instantly became restless.

He had only given the Ninth Grade Purple Ganoderma to Yu Xiaogang following a hint from the System lady, knowing it might bring him a high return. But he had not anticipated there would be so many good things.

Ever since the Kirin Bloodline, he could once again possess a powerful bloodline; the Ancestral Dragon was the primeval numero uno dragon, wouldn't that crush the Dragon God? And to gain so many points on top of that.

It's no wonder, it's Yu Xiaogang after all.

It seems that even the System thinks Yu Xiaogang is the true big boss behind Soul Land.