Chapter 280 Man_1

In the afternoon, Xu Ran lay on Xiaowu's legs which were wrapped in a silvery liquid, enjoying a sunbath with the three girls.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong stood by his side, happily kneading his shoulders.

"It's also about time to visit the imperial palace and meet Emperor Xue Ye and Xue Qinghe," Xu Ran yawned contentedly. In the past few days since arriving in Tiandou City, he had almost forgotten about his official business.

Emperor Dai had important tasks for him.

As the Marquis of Destiny, he represented the Xingluo Empire on a diplomatic mission to the Tiandou Empire, responsible for the relations between the two countries, working towards peaceful coexistence.

Besides handing over that manual to him, Emperor Dai had also told him about the Xingluo Empire's embassy in the Tiandou Empire. If Xu Ran's current role were to be explained in terms from his former life, it would be the Xingluo Empire's ambassador to the Tiandou Empire.

"Heading to the imperial palace? For what purpose?" Ning Rongrong and the others, hearing Xu Ran's murmur, couldn't help but ask curiously. Even though in the Soul Land, where a world's strength is determined by martial prowess, the power of a state was greatly diminished, a country still remained a very terrifying force.

"Of course, to pay a visit to Emperor Xue Ye," Xu Ran replied with a smile.

"Your husband I am now a marquis of the Xingluo Empire, and when a marquis visits the Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xue Ye should, at the very least, hold a grand banquet to welcome me, a foreign dignitary," said Xu Ran with a chuckle.

Although his title did not come with real power, it still had status. In the Tiandou Empire, there were only a few dukes, so one could imagine the status of Xu Ran as a marquis.

Even if Emperor Dai hadn't appointed him as an envoy to the Tiandou Empire, he would have come to get close to Qian Renxue and conduct friendly exchanges in his capacity as a marquis anyway.

Now, with his identity as an envoy and the ambassador of the Xingluo Empire to the Tiandou Empire, in charge of peaceful conversations and negotiations between the two, tsk tsk, wouldn't Qian Renxue be at his mercy in the future?

"Stinky Xu Ran, always so full of yourself," Ning Rongrong pouted unhappily. However, her beautiful eyes sparkled brilliantly—there had never before been such a young marquis in the history of the Continent.

The news of Xu Ran's ennoblement had slowly spread from the Xingluo Empire to the Tiandou Empire. Whenever they went shopping in Tiandou City, they could hear many girls talking about Xu Ran.

In the Tiandou Empire, where the cultivation trend was prevalent, people were even more interested in this mysterious Marquis of Destiny.

Because countless people knew, a youth ennobled for his talent must be someone with terrifying potential. Among them, people like Dugu Yan in Tiandou City knew of Xu Ran. But the others did not have any idea.

Although Xu Ran did not intentionally conceal his identity, he had spent most of his time before in Xingluo City, Soto City, and the Aquipeia Forest, so naturally, not many people in Tiandou City knew about him.

"Xu Ran, has His Majesty tasked you with something?" Zhu Zhuqing furrowed her brows, continuing to knead Xu Ran's shoulders, and asked curiously.

"Yes. Emperor Dai wants me to say hello to Emperor Xue Ye on his behalf, and to bring up the peaceful negotiations regarding the border issues between the two nations. At the moment, Martial Soul Hall's influence is great, and anyone can see that the upper three families are declining this year. If the two great empires continue to deplete each other, it will only benefit Martial Soul Hall," Xu Ran explained.

"Martial Soul Hall..." Hearing Xu Ran utter the words 'Martial Soul Hall,' Xiaowu's eyes turned icy. She had transformed into a human to seek revenge for her mother.

"Don't worry, I've got everything under control," Xu Ran assured, sensing Xiaowu's change in demeanor. He took her small hand in his and spoke tenderly. Once he achieved godhood and obtained great Divine Power, reviving someone would be effortless.

"Okay," Xiaowu nodded, reassured. Ever since she had met Xu Ran, her life was no longer just about hatred; now, she also had Xu Ran.

With Xu Ran's identity and strength, she was certain he would help her exact her revenge.

With Xu Ran's formidable power,

"Xiaowu, the relationship between you and Martial Soul Hall..." Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also noticed Xiaowu's unusual behavior, and asked with some concern. They had felt it before, Xiaowu would become very emotional whenever she heard news about Martial Soul Hall.

"My mother was killed by the current Pope of Martial Soul Hall. I underwent the Transform cultivation again to avenge my mother," Xiaowu said directly. By now, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were her sisters, and they had been open and honest with each other in the presence of Xu Ran, so there were no secrets between them.

"So that's why." Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing suddenly understood, nodded, and their gaze towards Xiaowu was filled with a bit more compassion.

"Stinky Xu Ran, did you hear that? You have to avenge Xiaowu's mother in the future. I've heard that the Pope of Martial Soul Hall is stunningly beautiful; don't you dare have any crooked thoughts about her then. We can accept other women, but not her. She bullied Xiaowu, so absolutely not," Zhu Zhuqing warned as she looked at Xu Ran.

Xu Ran, this lecher, was full of lecherous intentions!

Pope Bibi Dong was renowned for her beauty, and as a Pope, Zhu Zhuqing didn't believe Xu Ran would remain indifferent.

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?" Xu Ran retorted, feeling offended that his own wives doubted his character, which was quite a blow.

Since Bibi Dong had bullied Xiaowu, for that reason alone, he would not possibly... he must revive Xiaowu's mother!

"Yes," the three women said in unison, staring at Xu Ran with disapproval.

These days, Xu Ran was often nowhere to be seen, and based on their understanding of him, he must have gone off flirting with girls.

Humph, even though they did not interfere, that did not mean they were unaware.

"Hey, it's not like that. There are many girls in the world just like you, waiting for me to rescue them, waiting for me to bring warmth," Xu Ran claimed, as he suddenly toppled the three women.



Xiaowu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong blushed furiously together. Xu Ran actually had the nerve to be so shameless, in broad daylight, to make such declarations... and even towards all three of them at the same time...


"If I'm shameless, then I'm shameless, they are all my wives, I can do what I want," he said.

After kissing each one, he then released them under their resentful gazes.

To have the sky as the quilt, and the earth as the bed, that was the life Xu Ran yearned for.

However, Xiaowu and the others strictly refused Xu Ran's wish, no matter what.

Alas, being a man is so tiring.

To work during the day, and also to "work" at night,

A man is like a tireless old ox, it's truly miserable.