Chapter 282: Xu Ran's Talent, Qian Renxue Shocked_1

After the early morning court session, Xue Qinghe (Qian Renxue) had also become Xu Ran's point of contact for the peace negotiations between the two nations.

One wanted to flirt with a girl, the other wanted to sabotage the peace talks… good lord, were they sure they were here on official business?

Following a simple luncheon, Xu Ran was arranged to stay not far from the Tianzi Residence, where Qian Renxue was located, facilitating discussions on an alliance and peace treaty between the two countries at any time.

Both parties naturally hit it off. Xu Ran was thinking of how to woo Qian Renxue while Qian Renxue was contemplating whether to spare Xu Ran's life and recruit him or to eliminate him directly.

"Young Master, should we get rid of Xu Ran? His talent is too terrifyng, unprecedented on the Continent; if left alive, he will undoubtedly become a menace to our Martial Soul Hall," Qian Renxue had just returned to the Crown Prince's Mansion not long when two dark figures appeared in her room and respectfully saluted her.

Serpent Spear Douluo She Long and Ci Tun Douluo Ci Xue were both level ninety-two Titled Douluo, close to level ninety-three, serving as Qian Renxue's guards within the Tiandou Empire.

At that moment, the two formidable Titled Douluo respectfully faced Qian Renxue, waiting for her orders.

They had previously obtained Xu Ran's information through Spirit Hall's intelligence network. Xu Ran's talent, once reported in Spirit City, had astounded many Elders and even Pope Bibi Dong herself.

"Today, Xu Ran brought with him an imperial edict from the Emperor of the Xingluo Empire to our Tiandou Empire, seeking to broker an alliance between our two countries, uniting against our Martial Soul Hall," Qian Renxue explained with a voice as pleasing as that of a warbling oriole.

She frowned slightly. For some reason, she did not harbour strong murderous intentions towards Xu Ran.

If it were anyone else, with the methods at Qian Renxue's disposal, she wouldn't care for their status or power; she would capture them first and ask questions later. However, for Xu Ran, she didn't want to act so hastily.

Of course, this was due to the effect of Xu Ran's Auspicious Beast Bloodline.

The Auspicious Beast possessed five attributes: Luck Power, spiritual power, followed by Sacred, Light, and Flame Attributes.

Originally, Xu Ran's Light and Flame Attributes were at their ultimate level, whereas the Sacred Attribute was not. However, after interacting with Wang Qiu'er's attributes, both received significant enhancements, and all three of Xu Ran's attributes became ultimate.

Qian Renxue's Seraph Martial Soul contained the Light, Flame, and Sacred attributes, completely in sync with Xu Ran's, which naturally gave her a sense of kinship towards him.

This was the kinship brought about by the Martial Souls.

"If that is the case, does that mean we should… If the two great empires form an alliance, it would become difficult for us to take action afterward," the two Titled Douluo commented gravely.

"Not for the time being."

"First, let me unravel all of Xu Ran's secrets. Such a young talent likely possesses some mighty techniques unknown to others. It would be beneficial if we could get our hands on them. Xu Ran is right here in Tiandou City; just keep an eye on him, he can't escape," Qian Renxue instructed, recalling the way Xu Ran had looked at her in the palace that morning.

She had also just reviewed Xu Ran's information; he was a playboy.

Xu Ran had immense talent but was known for his womanizing ways, not suitable for major undertakings. Such a womanizer would surely wear himself out sooner or later. However, the report only mentioned that Xu Ran was surrounded by many women. Could it be that Xu Ran was also interested in men?

"Pervert," Qian Renxue spat lightly, feeling a chill. She hadn't expected that even in her guise as a man, she could attract the attention of someone like Xu Ran. Just the thought made her feel nauseous.

A genius like Xu Ran was unprecedented, and his eccentricities were somewhat understandable. Tiring of women, it seemed plausible that he might start showing interest in men.

Despite her true identity being that of a woman, the thought of someone so interested in men gave her goosebumps.

However, she didn't believe Xu Ran had seen through her disguise. Her soul bone was related to the angelic inheritance, a Divine Gift soul bone, and her ability to disguise herself relied on the Camouflage Soul Skill of the soul bone. How could a Divine Gift soul bone be so easily seen through?

Even a genius like Xu Ran couldn't be that capable.

She knew that even her grandfather had once said that unless she exposed her own flaws, nobody would be able to see through her identity.

"Ah? Young Master." Serpent Spear Douluo and Ci Tun Douluo looked at Qian Renxue, somewhat puzzled.

"It's alright, you two may leave first. I'm going to test Xu Ran and then make my plans," Qian Renxue said, her breath once again contained, her voice switching back to a male's, once more becoming the amiable and gentle Xue Qinghe.

"Yes, Young Master." After the two Douluos saluted, they directly left.

Qian Renxue was the future Lord of the Spirit Hall. Though Pope Bibi Dong currently held the position, once Qian Renxue's "Cultivation Level" broke through the rank of Titled Douluo, the many Elders of the Elder Hall would directly impeach Bibi Dong, allowing Qian Renxue to take the throne.

The Qian Family was favored by the Divine Residence, guarding a powerful First-Level Godly Residence inheritance for generations. Each generation's Lord of the Spirit Hall would gain immense power from this divine inheritance, and even if they couldn't become gods, they were still enough to intimidate others.

This was the foundation of why the Qian Family had been controlling the Spirit Hall and recruiting so many powerful Titled Douluos to serve them for so long.

The Angel inheritance was private, owned by families. The Asura God, Rakshasa God, and Sea God inheritances were public property. How could the Qian Family not prosper?

After the two Titled Douluos had left, Qian Renxue couldn't restrain her desire to understand Xu Ran and directly went to the residence where he was staying.


At this time, Xu Ran was diligently cultivating.

"Sword Drawing Technique!"

After the last ten consecutive draws, Xu Ran had obtained two sets of sword techniques; one was the Sword Drawing Technique, the other was the Jade Maiden Sword Technique.

The Jade Maiden Sword Technique was a lovers' sword technique, meant for displaying affection and temporarily useless for Xu Ran.

But the Sword Drawing Technique was a rare set that perfectly suited Xu Ran's use.

Sheathing the sword, drawing the sword, clean and brisk, yet all the spirit and vigor were contained within that single stroke.

Although it was a simple strike, its power was immense.

Drawing the sword, sheathing the sword.

Xu Ran kept repeating these two actions. Although they were the simplest sword techniques, in Xu Ran's eyes, they were full of endless variations; each drawing of the sword brought new insights.

"What is this?" Qian Renxue watched Xu Ran in astonishment. Xu Ran was only performing two ordinary actions, but in Qian Renxue's view, she could see that the environment, the air, the atmospheric pressure—everything was being influenced by Xu Ran's Sword Drawing Technique.

The surroundings seemed to be affected by Xu Ran's movements, simple motions in his hands that appeared like the most exquisite art. Each arc drawn by his sword in the air was different, seemingly with variant powers.

With every strike Xu Ran made, he seemed to grasp a better timing and a more perfect arc... and the power of that strike continued to grow stronger.

"How is this possible? How can this be?"

Qian Renxue stood there dazedly, watching this scene, somewhat distraught; she felt a heavy blow.

As the Young Master of the Spirit Hall, the future Pope, with an innate talent of Twenty Soul Force, she was heralded as the most likely person to become a god in a thousand years within the Spirit Hall. She had always been proud of her talent and her strength, but now, in front of Xu Ran, what did her pride amount to?

She, who was always proclaimed as the number one talent on the Continent, found the gap between her and Xu Ran to be so vast.

Xu Ran's terrifying ability to comprehend was truly frightening.

It seemed as if with every breath, Xu Ran made no small amount of progress. Within the time it took to drink a cup of tea, Xu Ran had made significant advancements.