Chapter 286 Little Maid?_1

Xu Ran was preparing to come to the grand soul fighting arena to find Xiaowu and the others, but as soon as he arrived, he ran into Dugu Yan.

At that moment, Dugu Yan was wearing the uniform of the Heaven Dou Imperial Soul Master Academy, sitting at the front of the waiting area closest to the entrance.

The girl sitting with her, veiled, was also stunningly beautiful. Xu Ran knew her; she was Ye Lingling.

Both Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan were members of the team from the Heaven Dou Imperial Soul Master Academy and were among the most beautiful flowers of the Sky Dou Royal Academy.

"Yan Yan, long time no see," Xu Ran greeted.

Having not seen her for a month or so, Dugu Yan had become even more beautiful.

Dugu Yan had inherited snake poison from a young age, and now that the snake poison had reached her soul bone, she naturally looked much healthier. Originally, although Dugu Yan was beautiful, her skin had a sickly yellowish glow due to the snake poison. Now, she was the picture of health with fair and beautiful skin.

"Xu Ran." Hearing that familiar voice, Dugu Yan suddenly looked up, her eyes locked onto the familiar figure ahead, and her eyes reddened instantly.

She blinked hard, feeling somewhat unreal.

"What? Missed me?" Xu Ran's mouth curved into an unscrupulously playful smile. The last time at the Icefire Polarized Eyes, Dugu Yan had called him 'master,' but he had refused her then.

"Not at all, don't talk nonsense," Dugu Yan said flustered, her pretty face blushing as Xu Ran looked at her, somewhat at a loss. The members of the Sky Dou Royal Academy behind her were all stunned. Dugu Yan was the vice-captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, one of the most popular girls in the academy.

All along, they had thought that Dugu Yan would end up with Yu Tianheng… So, what was going on now?

They were no fools; seeing Dugu Yan's expression, they knew the relationship between the two was no mere trifle.

"You may not have missed me, but I have missed you," Xu Ran said, reaching out to pull Dugu Yan over, sitting her in the position before him and holding Dugu Yan on his lap. Dugu Yan had a great figure, and when she sat on Xu Ran's thigh, her plump buttocks sank into it, but they were also incredibly elastic.

"Ah." Dugu Yan cried out softly, feeling Xu Ran's affectionate gesture, her heartbeat racing uncontrollably.

She was completely panicked.

Especially since the other members of her team were watching.

She was a bit frantic, and her feminine modesty made her want to stand up to maintain some distance from Xu Ran.

But she was also reluctant to do so; it was really not easy for her to see Xu Ran.

"Yan Yan's figure seems to have gotten better," Xu Ran commented, feeling the softness of Dugu Yan. As a grown girl, Dugu Yan's figure was indeed very nice.

With her spicy personality, she was usually quite active, and her skin and muscles were very firm and elastic.

"What's it to you?" Dugu Yan became even more embarrassed at Xu Ran's comment, glancing guiltily towards Dugu Yan and the team members behind her.

"It's not my business? Someone once said they wanted to be my little maid, have you forgotten so soon?" Xu Ran whispered teasingly into Dugu Yan's ear.



The members of the surrounding Tiandou Royal Team were struck by Xu Ran's words. The thought that Dugu Yan, their distinguished vice-captain, would offer to be someone's maid shook them to their core.

A maid, doesn't that mean she can be played with at will?


They couldn't help but glance at Dugu Yan's figure. Breasts perky, hips curved, legs long...

Osro, Yufeng, and others couldn't help but swallow hard.

Dugu Yan, such a person, to play with at will... Anyway, they wouldn't dare to even think about it. Although Dugu Yan is beautiful, her reputation in the academy is also extremely fearsome.

Just a touch of that poison, and you'd be in so much pain you'd wish you were dead.

Ye Lingling's mouth also hung open as she stared at her friend before her. She knew that this person was the Lord Xu Ran she had only heard about in rumors. Even the Poison Douluo had to bow respectfully in his presence, let alone everyone else.

"It's you who didn't want it," Dugu Yan said, looking at the surprised expressions of the people she knew, feeling mortified. She, Dugu Yan, had always projected an image of fearlessness, but only in front of Xu Ran...

Even Grandpa was afraid of Xu Ran's strength—was that her fault?

"Now I want it again," Xu Ran said with a half-smile.

Before, he simply didn't want to burden Dugu Yan psychologically—what was the point of making her his servant? But now, he really did want to see Dugu Yan in a maid outfit.

As the granddaughter of a Titled Douluo like Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan had quite a following in Sky Dou Royal Academy, even in Tiandou City as a whole.

Seeing such a person in a maid outfit, walking behind him as they took a few rounds through the Heaven Dou Imperial Soul Master Academy or Tiandou City—the rate of second glances would definitely be... and moreover...

"No way. You already refused before, so forget it," Dugu Yan said, her scalp tingling under Xu Ran's gaze. She wasn't a child anymore; she naturally knew where Xu Ran's eyes were wandering.

And that look was as if he wanted to skin her alive.

No way, she wouldn't agree, no matter what.

If she really became a servant to someone like Xu Ran, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wanted by then?

At that time, her life would be a living hell.

Suddenly, she thought of those things men and women should do together, and her whole body started to feel hot.

She had seen it last time.

She wouldn't be able to handle it; she would break.

"Fine. But if not a maid, you still owe me other compensations," Xu Ran said as he carried Dugu Yan on his way out of the grand soul fighting arena. Originally, he was planning to look for Xiaowu and the others, but since he ran into Dugu Yan, playing... would also be fine.

"Put me down, I can walk by myself," Dugu Yan protested, her face flaming red, somewhat at a loss as Xu Ran carried her in a princess hold. The grand soul fighting arena was crowded with people, and right then, she felt as if everyone was watching her, which made her embarrassed.

"No way. I'm the one who calls the shots," Xu Ran declared.

Seeing Dugu Yan blush and bury her face in his chest, too shy to face anyone, Xu Ran felt even better.

The feeling of picking up girls, it's really nice.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, he wanted to taste all the flavors...

"Damn, it's all over, the captain is completely out of the game now."

"Who is that guy anyway? The captain, being like that in front of him..."

"Wow, that's so cool, a maid outfit! Yan Yan really knows how to have fun."

After Xu Ran and Dugu Yan left, members of the Tiandou Royal Team excitedly chattered amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, Ye Lingling sat quietly, contemplating, and made a decision in her heart.

"It seems that Lord Xu Ran really likes maids. If he could help my family remove the limitations of our Martial Soul, then I'm not opposed to the idea," Ye Lingling thought, looking down at her figure. Her body and appearance were no less than Dugu Yan's, perhaps even better.