307 Is this Xu Ran's strength?_1

When Xu Ran released the Sword Intent from his hands, everyone felt an extremely terrifying notion burst forth from him, a notion of complete and utter destruction.

At that moment the Sword Intent appeared, everyone felt a chill from their feet to their hearts, as if in that instant they had become lifeless corpses.

Merely looking at Xu Ran, they felt as if their wills were almost ground to dust.

Everyone quickly averted their eyes, not daring to cast their gazes upon Xu Ran any longer. They couldn't help but have a terrifying premonition that if they kept looking at Xu Ran, their consciousness might be torn apart and extinguished, and then they would turn into a vegetative person without any consciousness.

At this moment, they finally understood that a person who could charm girls, and charm so many at the same time, was absolutely not as simple as he seemed. Such power was simply terrifying.

Just one glance was nearly enough to strip away their will!

Such power, even an ordinary Titled Douluo might not possess, right?

What kind of formidable strength was that!

Everyone swallowed hard, thinking in disbelief.

They knew that not even the dean of Shrek Academy along with all the teachers would be a match for the young man before them.

Although they were not strong enough, they still had a fair judgment of strength.

"So strong, is this Lord Xu Ran?"

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling stood beside Xu Ran, staring dumbfounded at him, their eyes filled with wonder.

Being next to Xu Ran, they did not feel the oppressive force of the Destruction Sword Intent. But from the moment the Sword Intent burst forth from Xu Ran's hands, they felt from him an invincible aura of "who else but me".

It was as if the Xu Ran beside them was a peerless powerhouse.

Such a bearing made them unable to help but be infatuated.

Having a beloved with such demeanor and strength, even death would be worth it, Dugu Yan mused secretly in her heart. In her beautiful eyes, there was nothing else but Xu Ran.

"With Lord Xu Ran being so formidable, he will definitely be able to help the family break free from that curse-like shackle. And after that…" Ye Lingling's expression was distant, looking at Xu Ran's domineering and cold noble visage, her heart quivered violently.

Though she would pay any price for her family, for her mother to live well, perhaps there was a better option... But, would Lord Xu Ran really take an interest in her? Or was it just for fun?


Xu Ran's Sword Intent directly pierced through Tai Long's body, leaving a fearsome sword hole even in the teaching building dozens of meters behind him.

Tai Long spat out a mouthful of blood as he looked up to the sky, his gaze filled with shock as he looked at Xu Ran.

At this moment, his will to fight had been completely wiped out, facing Xu Ran once more, he only wished to submit. He knew that the young man before him, who looked very young, was definitely stronger than his grandfather!

His grandfather, an eighty-eighth level Soul Douluo with the Martial Soul of a Great Strength Gorilla, was not inferior in strength to a Titled Douluo. But even his grandfather did not exude such a terrifying aura.

"Still want to fight?" Xu Ran's brow raised slightly as he looked at Tai Long. He was not the slightest bit interested in fighting someone like Tai Long with his current strength; he had only used him to intimidate the students of Shrek Academy. Otherwise, any Tom, Dick, or Harry might come looking for a challenge in the future, which would be pointless.

In Shrek Academy, he was only interested in beating up Tang San.

Other people, meaningless.

"No, no, my lord, it was my ignorance that intruded upon your grace. Thank you for sparing my life," Tai Long pressed his palm against the hole in his chest to stop his own bleeding. He seemed severely injured, but Xu Ran had not damaged any of his vital organs. This made Tai Long hugely grateful.

The strong rarely care about the lives of the weak.

Tai Long was already very thankful that Xu Ran had spared his life.

Xu Ran glanced at Tai Long, then quickly shifted his gaze and walked down the street with Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling.

After Xu Ran left, everyone around sighed with relief, watched his retreating figure, and began to discuss fervently.

"My God. Such strength is too formidable. Is he from our Shrek Academy?"

"Our Shrek Academy shouldn't have someone like him. How could such a powerful person be from our academy? Such a strong individual would have already stood at the pinnacle of the continent."

"He must be a Titled Douluo. My God, we just saw a Titled Douluo. Thankfully we didn't do anything inappropriate."

At that moment, everyone agreed. When they had just seen the lord with so many beautiful school flowers, they were almost green with envy.

They were on the verge of stepping forward to uphold justice.

Thinking about it now, it was fortunate they did not act; otherwise, even if all of them attacked together, they wouldn't be a match for even one of his fingers. No, even if the entire Shrek Academy joined forces, it would not be enough to challenge him.

Tai Long took one deep look at Xu Ran, embedding his features firmly in his mind. He felt that Xu Ran was not so simple. Perhaps he was that mysterious student from the advanced class who had never attended classes.

Because he had heard from Xiaowu that the person they liked was the one who had not yet reported to the academy. In that case...

"Such talent is too terrifying," Tai Long whispered, then covered his still-bleeding chest and walked towards the academy's infirmary.


"Xu Ran, how strong are you now?" On the street, Dugu Yan clung tightly to Xu Ran's arm, her softness continuously rubbing against him. Xu Ran smiled faintly—Yan Yan was getting more and more skillful.

Ye Lingling gazed at Xu Ran expectantly as well, eager to hear his answer. After experiencing the events that had just transpired, she gradually came out of her shyness and no longer behaved as constrained as before.

"How strong?"

"I shouldn't be weaker than the Great Elder Qian Daoliu of the Martial Soul Hall," Xu Ran said with a smile. The Ancestral Dragon with ten thousand years of power would not be weaker than Qian Daoliu. Once it reached a hundred thousand years, he could easily crush Qian Daoliu.

But for the time being, he could not freely use this power.

As his strength grew, he had to be more cautious. The Divine Residence might already be observing him, preparing to make him a successor. He didn't care the slightest about those crappy godhoods of the Divine Realm.

With the System, he wanted to create his own godhood.

He, Xu Ran, would not treasure an Nth-hand inheritance that had been passed down through countless generations as if it were a jewel.

He, Xu Ran, the Slayer of Gods! How could he settle for just a regular godhood? He aimed to become a God Master, the only way to do justice to his talents and external aids. All the gods of the Divine Realm, if they did not submit, would lie prostrate at his feet.