Chapter 318 I won't let you down_1

Dawn broke, and Liu Erlong awoke.

At that moment, she felt an inexhaustible strength throughout her body, and an energy as vast as the ocean filled her. The unprecedented comfort made her let out a soft exclamation involuntarily.

It had been a long time since she had felt this way, like returning to her younger days. Back then, she brimmed with the vitality of youth.

"What's happening?" Liu Erlong was stunned for a moment. At present, she had a vague memory of the events before, only generally recalling that Lord Xu Ran had come to see her last night, and then she seemed to have no idea what happened after that.

At that time, she seemed to have entered a wondrous state.

"No, my 'Cultivation Level' and Martial Soul, it seems!!" Liu Erlong suddenly felt that she had now reached level eighty, and the rich and vigorous Soul Power was even denser than she had imagined. If it weren't for the fact that she was limited by the lack of an eighth soul ring, with such vast reserves of Soul Power, she might even now be at level eighty-two or eighty-three.

In the span of one night, without doing anything, her 'Cultivation Level' had soared by so many levels.

One should know that after reaching Soul Sage, it's very difficult to further one's 'Cultivation Level'. Even for a genius, it would be terrifying to break through two levels in a year after reaching this 'Cultivation Level'.

And in one night, she had advanced to what others would take years to achieve through cultivation.

"Did all this come from Lord Xu Ran?" Liu Erlong opened her mouth slightly in awe, recalling Xu Ran's voice. Lord Xu Ran was always mysterious, and his strength was terribly formidable. It was not too surprising that he could bring her such benefits.

"Most importantly, my Martial Soul..." Liu Erlong furrowed her brows and summoned her Martial Soul, a crimson giant dragon that appeared behind her. Compared to before, the fiery dragon now looked far more majestic and formidable. The terrifying dragon aura it emitted made her heart tremble with awe.

The fiery dragon, the key lay in the 'Flame'.

At this moment, Liu Erlong observed that the 'Flame' in her hand was far more terrifying than before, especially the temperature, which seemed to have reached the legendary pinnacle... the ultimate fire!

"Ultimate fire, it's actually an Ultimate Martial Soul," Liu Erlong murmured, her eyes filled with disbelief. An Ultimate Martial Soul represented the pinnacle of a certain attribute, no matter what type of Martial Soul it was, as long as it was an ultimate attribute, it was a top-tier and terrifying existence.

Just like the ultimate fire in her hand. The pinnacle of 'Fire'.

Ultimate Martial Souls and Twin Martial Souls are both extremely rare. Generally, the human body finds it very difficult to withstand the pressure of ultimate attributes. Moreover, the initial phase of cultivating an Ultimate Martial Soul is very slow; although powerful in combat, the cultivation speed isn't fast. It's only after reaching Soul Emperor that the speed of cultivation become on par with that of normal Soul Masters.

And now, at level eighty 'Cultivation Level,' her Martial Soul had evolved into an Ultimate Martial Soul, completely bypassing the downsides of an Ultimate Martial Soul's early stages.

She enjoyed the powerful combat strength brought by the Ultimate Martial Soul without suffering from those downsides.

"Lord Xu Ran is terrifying, isn't he? Could it be that Lord Xu Ran also has a Dragon-class Martial Soul? Might he be a Twin Martial Souls user?" Liu Erlong whispered to herself. She faintly remembered the events of the previous day. Xu Ran carried a terrifying soul beast aura about him, akin to a soul beast leader, and that aura drove the evolution of her Martial Soul directly.

"I never expected I, Liu Erlong, would have such fortune in my lifetime; I owe you even more now," Liu Erlong's eyes became complex.

Once, before meeting Yu Xiaogang, she had dreamed of becoming a powerful being, to become a Titled Douluo, and earn the respect of everyone.

Afterward, that thought increasingly faded.

She had languished in Blue Tyrant Academy for so many years, utterly wasting her talent. Given her previous talent, the chance of breaking through to become a Titled Douluo was almost impossible.

But now, her strength had skyrocketed so much, and her Martial Soul had even evolved directly. Now, she felt becoming a Titled Douluo might be an easy feat.

Moreover, now that she was the ultimate fire, even just as a Soul Douluo, she was enough to contend with the weaker Titled Douluos. This was the power of an Ultimate Martial Soul.

Liu Erlong slipped into a blue nightgown and approached the vanity to look at herself in the mirror.

Overnight, the Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul had not only transformed her Martial Soul but had also evolved her physique. Compared to ordinary humans, Liu Erlong's body was much stronger.

Her skin was tender and fair, with a hint of blush, and her figure had improved even more than before, to the point where her previously well-fitting nightgown now seemed a bit small. Her bust and curvaceous hips had become even more round and full, making her click her tongue in wonder.

She had heard before that such an act was the greatest nourishment for women, the best beauty care. Back then, having never experienced such matters, she had only treated it as a boudoir joke. She hadn't expected it to be true.

Just one night had brought such a significant change to her.

Her current spirit, that youthful vitality she hadn't felt in a long time, as well as the moisturized smooth skin, had all reappeared on her body. If she were to head out now, many would probably mistake her for a young girl in her teens or early twenties.

Of course, that was impossible.

After all, her figure had improved compared to before. And although she looked much younger, the mature charm left by many past experiences had not diminished but had become even more flavorful.

"So, I'm going to be Lord Xu Ran's woman from now on?" Looking at her reflection, Liu Erlong suddenly said. A rare sense of contentment filled her, bringing an immense sense of peace to her heart, and a strong feeling of happiness arose spontaneously.

In the past, she was always alone, despite being respected in Shrek Academy, she was still alone.

But now, she was no longer alone. Her life now had another important person, Xu Ran.

From now on, she was not going to live just for herself.

"Even if Lord Xu Ran was just toying with me, I'd accept it. Wherever he goes, I'll follow; this life is destined to serve and accompany him," Liu Erlong clenched her teeth and bit her red lips. From the beginning, when she went to Xu Ran to ask for Immortal Herbs, she had been completely captured by him. This was her life now.

No matter whether Lord Xu Ran was just playing or not intending to engage more deeply with her, she would only be his woman. That would never change.

Now that her chastity belonged to Xu Ran, she would naturally do her duty well.

"I won't let you down," Xu Ran appeared behind Liu Erlong, embracing her, and said tenderly. He was not the kind of man to casually take interest in other women; he would take responsibility for his actions, especially when it came to matters of the heart.