Chapter 32 Ci Tun Dou Luo, Just a Crooked Melon and Cracked Jujube_1

"Stinky Xu Ran, always up to no good."

Ning Rongrong's face reddened as she glared at Xu Ran, but in the end, that was all she could muster. Xu Ran had always been unruly and unrestrained. According to him, life is short and pleasure should be pursued without delay.

If Ning Rongrong didn't satisfy Xu Ran, he wouldn't let her off easily.

It was better to fulfill his request, no matter how insignificant it seemed. It was just like getting an injection, it would be over quickly.

"With so many lovely wives at home, if I weren't a little bit bad, wouldn't I be afraid that you would all run off with someone else?" Xu Ran said, thinking of Davis. They had both been at Xingluo Academy with "Zhu Zhuyun" since they were young and had an arranged marriage, but Davis just watched as Tang San took advantage of it. Without being a bit shrewd, how could he have gotten a complete "Zhu Zhuyun" without any effort?

"What are you talking about, Xu Ran? I'm not that kind of person."

"I've set my heart on you, and even if you don't want me, I won't be with anyone else," said Ning Rongrong passionately, her jade hands looping around Xu Ran's neck, her eyes full of soft light.

In her heart, Xu Ran was the most important person. Even if Xu Ran no longer wanted her or liked her, she would still love him as she always had.

"I feel the same way, in my heart, you are my true love," Xu Ran said as he kissed Ning Rongrong's tender skin that was as soft as lychee, savoring the sweetness.

"Moreover, I won't let you grow old, I'll preserve your youth forever, so you can accompany me for life, serving me forever. You think you can just leave so easily? Not a chance," Xu Ran said, holding Ning Rongrong's slender waist, his hands slowly moving over the small of her back, his gaze resolute.

In the future, he planned to be the master of the gods, with gods as his servants. By then, Ning Rongrong and the others would be divine women, eternal beings.

With their beauty and having received the nourishment of Divine Power, their appearance would become even more stunning and alluring.

"Mm. As long as you don't despise me, I will always be by your side."

"No matter when, Rongrong is yours, belonging only to you."

Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyes were like a river in spring, murmuring affectionately as she began to untie her waistband. Just as Ning Rongrong was preparing to shed her clothes and let Xu Ran do as he pleased, Xu Ran took her hands into his own.

At the same time, he held her soft waist and quickly flashed to a spot dozens of meters away.

"Xu Ran, what's wrong?" Ning Rongrong's eyes regained clarity, her cherry lips parted slightly in confusion as she looked at Xu Ran.

"It's nothing, just someone looking for a beating," Xu Ran shook his head and looked up into the sky.

He knew the powerful Soul Masters from Martial Soul Hall had arrived.

The System had warned him last time that Titled Douluo from Martial Soul Hall would come to attempt his assassination. With his current strength, it would be interesting if Titled Douluo of Qian Dao Liu or Golden Crocodile Douluo's caliber came, but anyone else would just be seeking a beating. Even Bi Bidong was not his match now, as she wasn't an Ultimate Douluo yet at this point in time.

"Someone?" Ning Rongrong's expression also turned serious.


Moments later, at the spot where Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong had been, a terrifying blue lightning struck, leaving a deep crater. Around the pit, arcs of lightning coruscated, instantly corroding the land into a perforated state.

It was a poison attack.

In Martial Soul Hall, the only Titled Douluo proficient in the use of poison was the Serpent Spear Douluo, who stood guard by Qian Renxue's side.

Xu Ran's gaze shifted to the distance where a figure in a black robe stood towering in the air, having arrived in front of Xu Ran. The two yellow, two purple, and five black soul rings on his body flashed, releasing the imposing aura of a Titled Douluo.

"As expected of the Marquis of Destiny, even a hero struggles with the allure of beauty. You really know how to have fun," he said.

"If Ning Fengzhi knew how obedient his daughter was to someone else, he would be infuriated. I heard he treasures his daughter very much," Ci Tun Dou Luo said jokingly. His gaze swept over Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong, and he couldn't help but inwardly praise them.

Xu Ran was indeed a young prodigy, not only powerful but also quite the ladies' man.

The precious daughter of Ning Fengzhi, also quite attractive, but spending a night together in this small grove, where there were many mosquitoes, Xu Ran was not afraid of being presumptuous with the beauty.

At the same time, his thoughts drifted to Qian Renxue, the Young Master who had developed feelings for Xu Ran. Unfortunately, Xu Ran was an enemy of the Martial Soul Hall, a favorite of the Xingluo Empire — how could he possibly work for Martial Soul Hall?

Ning Rongrong looked at the Titled Douluo in front of her, her face flushing as he watched her.

After all, she and Xu Ran came here for that very reason. Nevertheless, she suppressed the shyness in her heart, nodded affirmatively, and said, "My matters aren't your concern, and you especially shouldn't casually mention my father's name, should you?"

Even though she was facing a Titled Douluo, the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect was not without their own Titled Douluos, so she wasn't particularly flustered.

"Truly Ning Fengzhi's daughter, indeed somewhat courageous. However, I didn't come here for you today, but for the man beside you," he replied.

"Xu Ran, an exceptional genius, a Marquis of the Xingluo Empire…" Ci Tun Douluo slowly recounted Xu Ran's accomplishments. Even he couldn't help but be amazed; Xu Ran's talent indeed seemed unparalleled, perhaps with no one to follow in his footsteps.

After all, his talent was indeed too terrifying.

Terrifying enough to cause sleepless nights.

They feared that after just one night's sleep, Xu Ran might have grown to a level beyond their ability to suppress.

"Xu Ran, what's going on?" Seeing that the Titled Douluo in front of her knew so much about Xu Ran and that he exuded a murderous aura, she became somewhat panicked, clinging tightly to Xu Ran's arm as Ning Rongrong grew increasingly anxious.

She still didn't know if Xu Ran now had the strength to contend with a Titled Douluo.

After all, a Titled Douluo was among the most top-tier warriors on the continent, each an incredibly terrifying being.

"Don't worry, he's just a twisted melon, not worth my concern," Xu Ran soothed, stroking Ning Rongrong's long hair, giving her a reassuring look, then turned his gaze onto Ci Tun Douluo.

"Martial Soul Hall, ninety-third level Titled Douluo, Titled Ci Tun," Xu Ran articulated each word.

"You, how do you know my identity?" Hearing Xu Ran's words, Ci Tun Douluo was completely taken aback. Besides the upper echelons of Martial Soul Hall, no one else knew his identity.

He and Serpent Spear Douluo were tasked with protecting Qian Renxue, who was disguised in the Tiandou Empire, and their names within the Soul Hall were also concealed. But Xu Ran had casually revealed his identity, which seemed unbelievable to him.

However, what Xu Ran said next provoked even greater dread in him.

"Qian Renxue sent you, didn't she?" Xu Ran said with a hint of a smirk, looking directly at Ci Tun Douluo.

The reason Xu Ran was aware of Ci Tun Douluo stemmed entirely from the past incident when Tang San exposed Qian Renxue's identity, and Tang San, along with Dugu Bo and Yang Wudi, confronted Ci Tun Douluo, Serpent Spear Douluo, and Qian Renxue.

Back then, Tang San nearly died under the attack of Ci Tun Douluo.

Unfortunately for Ci Tun Douluo, Tang San had his emotional hooks in, and Qian Renxue intervened to save Tang San.

Qian Renxue had spared Tang San not just once, but repeatedly. Regrettably, Tang San never once spared her - after achieving godhood, he swiftly shattered Qian Renxue's claim to godhood before she had any chance to turn the tables.

It's a shame that those with love and noble feelings ended up as the villains, a truly laughable notion.

The so-called villains were nothing more than pitiable creatures forced onto a path of no return time and again by those who masquerade as champions of justice.