Chapter 347: Do You Want to Be the Sect Leader's Wife?_1

"Stinky Xu Ran, no more looking."

Having been healed by Xu Ran, Ning Rongrong felt a great sense of surprise in her heart. She grabbed Xu Ran's hand and pulled it away. The tips of Xu Ran's fingers scraped against her skin, causing her delicate body to shudder. She glared at Xu Ran with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Oh." Xu Ran nodded, and suddenly, he realized that by healing Ning Rongrong with his Life Attribute, she had returned to her original state. Wouldn't that mean starting over from scratch next time? He had just made one finger's worth of progress, and now it had been reset.

"What's wrong?" Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment before asking. She had the feeling that Xu Ran wanted to say something.

"…" Xu Ran leaned in close to Ning Rongrong's ear and whispered.

Hearing Xu Ran's words, Ning Rongrong almost cried. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes.

Ning Rongrong felt wronged; she had almost gotten used to it, and now she would have to go through that sensation all over again. She even suspected that Xu Ran was doing it on purpose.

"Hey, don't cry. I didn't expect it to be like this either. I just got my Life Attribute, and I'm not very familiar with its abilities yet." Xu Ran shrugged his shoulders; he was helpless too.

"Hmph, who knows if you're doing this on purpose? You're so bad." Ning Rongrong pouted, recalling the searing pain from the day before, and pummeled Xu Ran's chest with her little fists a few times.

"Alright, now that your body is better, it's time to get up."

"Your uncle just mentioned this to me, asking why you haven't gotten up yet and wondering if you couldn't get out of bed." Xu Ran smiled and pulled Ning Rongrong to her feet.

"It's all your fault. Oh my god, how am I going to face people after this?" Ning Rongrong, feeling extremely embarrassed, playfully punched Xu Ran a few more times before quickly getting up.

Half an hour later, Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong finally appeared outside.

Ning Rongrong was dressed in a pale yellow dress, with white knee-length socks and a pair of delicate crystal shoes on her feet. Through the crystal shoes, one could vaguely see her dainty feet.

Ning Rongrong's gaze swept around, looking somewhat guilty.

It was her first day back at the family's home, and she had already experienced such a shameful incident—all because of Xu Ran.

As Ning Rongrong and Xu Ran strolled around, all members of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect looked at Xu Ran with awe and respect, greeting him with a bow. Seeing how close Ning Rongrong and Xu Ran were together, they instantly understood why Xu Ran had become the Protector Elder of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.

To become a Protector Elder of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect required not only strength but also a close relationship with the sect. Otherwise, if one or two Titled Douluo level powerhouses came to the sect with impure motives, it could spell disaster for the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.

And now, it was clear that Xu Ran was in a romantic relationship with the young miss.

"Greetings, Protector Elder."

"Greetings, young miss."

"You may leave now." Xu Ran waved his hand.

"Xu Ran, when did you become a Protector Elder?" Ning Rongrong's mouth gaped open, looking incredulously at Xu Ran. The Protector Elders of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect were existences at the Titled Douluo level like Sword Grandpa and Bone Grandpa, who had to reside in the sect to qualify for the position.

"Oh. This morning I gave your Sword Grandpa and Bone Grandpa a beating, so your uncle pushed me to be the Protector Elder. But he didn't assign me any responsibilities; he probably just wants me to hold a nominal position." Xu Ran said. He was used to holding positions in powerful organizations by now. Carrying a few more badges without much work didn't bother him.

"Liar, how could you possibly defeat Bone Grandpa and Sword Grandpa?" Ning Rongrong said haughtily, but then she remembered how Xu Ran had defeated that Titled Douluo from the Martial Soul Hall before, and her eyes softened.

Xu Ran could now be considered a real powerhouse. Even his father had to take him seriously, and even the strong warriors from Martial Soul Hall feared him.

"With Sword Grandpa and Bone Grandpa no longer your match, you can bully me all you want in the future," Ning Rongrong said, her pretty face blushing. Who else could control him once Xu Ran's strength became unmatched under the heavens?

Xu Ran was already coming up with so many wicked ideas now; heaven knows he would only get more extreme in the future.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. Besides, if you can't handle it, can't I just find other women?" Xu Ran teased. Funnily enough, whenever Rongrong and Xiaowu staunchly disagreed, he would claim that some other woman also served him in that way. Then, they would reluctantly agree.

However, since the three women became more familiar with each other in that respect and after discussing it among themselves, that tactic hadn't been used much.

But by that time, their relationship had grown closer day by day, and they no longer needed to resort to such tactics.

He, Xu Ran, had plenty of tricks up his sleeve—how else could he marry so many wives?

"Don't even think about finding other women." Upon hearing Xu Ran's words, Ning Rongrong objected, hugging Xu Ran's arm tightly. She would rather be a bit more tired herself than see Xu Ran with other women.

Although being with Xu Ran was exhausting, it was also very joyful. Pain and happiness appeared together; without pain, a dull life could never soar to the heavens.

"Okay, by the way, I've been thinking about establishing my own power, the Xu Sect," Xu Ran mused.

Starting a sect requires people and land, but their Xu Sect wouldn't just accept anyone. Scarcity over mediocrity—they would only take in geniuses. Anyway, his wives were all in, which made it more or less an average-sized sect.

The Xu Sect, with a future filled with Divine Residence—now that would be interesting. The Xu Sect would be directly deified on the Soul Land Continent.

"Establishing a power? That's wonderful. I want to join too," Ning Rongrong excitedly said. She took such affairs to heart since building a force representing them brought a sense of accomplishment that nothing else could.

"So, do you want to be a disciple or the Sect Leader's wife?"



"So it turns out that Lord Xu Ran and Miss Rongrong have this kind of relationship."

"No wonder the Sect Master directly made Lord Xu Ran the Protector Elder. By the looks of it, Miss Rongrong was probably charmed by him a long time ago."

After Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong left, a group of people discussed. In just one day, Xu Ran had become the most talked-about person in the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.

"I was thinking about how to marry Lord Xu Ran, but facing the young miss, I guess I better not."

"If only my figure were a bit better, how wonderful would it be to be with Lord Xu Ran, flying together side by side?"

Some of the girls looked at Ning Rongrong with envy and then scrutinized their own bodies, feeling a sense of defeat. In their hearts, Xu Ran was that perfect other half—highly skilled, dignified, handsome in appearance, just perfect.