Chapter 349: Tang San Angrily Scolds, Xu Ran You're Shameless_1

"Tang San, what are you talking about? No gratitude at all. Xu Ran treats you even better than he treats me," Ning Rongrong pouted, looking at Tang San with cold eyes and feeling very dissatisfied with him.

Xu Ran had put a lot of effort into Tang San, even willing to take him as a disciple, yet Tang San had opposed Xu Ran time and again, nearly driving her to her wit's end with frustration.

In the eyes of a lover, everything appears perfect; to Ning Rongrong, everything Xu Ran did was for Tang San's benefit.

"Bullshit, Xu Ran is despicable and shameless; not screwing me over is already a favor. Fuck, Xu Ran is definitely up to no good by coming here this time," Tang San's eyes were bloodshot as he gazed at the leisurely and comfortable manner in which Xu Ran held Ning Rongrong, finding it unbearably irritating. Why could Xu Ran live such an easy life, while he, Tang San, had to endure such torture?

Time and again, Xu Ran had tortured him, all under the guise of justice.

Was it also an act of justice when Xu Ran stole his Xiaowu?

Heh, justice my ass!

"Tang San, talking like that really hurts my feelings. I thought highly of your talent with hidden weapons, and that's why I tried several times to save you from dire straits," Xu Ran said.

"Perhaps I was too lenient before, and that's what turned you into what you are now. I shall be strict this time. A jade must be carved to become a fine piece; I must bring you back to the right path." Xu Ran spoke as he emitted an aura of Righteous Qi, which gave a very comfortable feeling to others.

"Rongrong, you go out first, I have some things to take care of," Xu Ran kissed Ning Rongrong on her forehead and said.

"Mm, then hurry up," Ning Rongrong blinked her beautiful eyes, reluctant to leave.

After she left, Xu Ran summoned a jailer.

"Xu Ran, what are you doing?" Tang San felt a jolt in his heart, sensing an ominous premonition.

Although Xu Ran had previously pretended to be righteous, which was nauseating, he had at least not laid hands on him. What did Xu Ran want to do now?

He saw the jailer's hand holding a whip studded with long spikes, and upon imagining the pain that would ensue... Tang San shuddered violently.

In these days spent in this place, he had frequently heard the chilling screams from around him.

"My lord," the jailer looked at Xu Ran with reverence, clearly aware of Xu Ran's status, for those who guarded this place were naturally strong, with a "Cultivation Level" of Soul Elder or higher.

At the same time, he was extremely dissatisfied with Tang San. How dare he talk to Lord Xu Ran like that? Did he not value his life?

After all, Xu Ran was the third Guardian God of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, on the level of a Protector Elder. Was this not something beyond the scope of slander by others?

"Begin," Xu Ran nodded, sitting to the side and leisurely sipping his tea.


The vine whip made a loud noise in the air, and it lashed onto Tang San's body.


"It hurts!"

Tang San screamed miserably, his face greatly changing as the vine not only had long spikes but was also soaked in saltwater.

"Xu Ran, I'm going to kill you!"

"Still playing the hero here, one day I, Tang San, won't let you off."

"I'm going to take you down and steal your woman," Tang San screamed in agony while yelling and cursing at Xu Ran.

Originally, he had thought of coming to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect to become a son-in-law, or at the very least to do business with the sect and make a fortune, but everything turned upside down with Xu Ran's appearance.

Not only had the son-in-law of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect transformed into Xu Ran, but Tang San's hidden weapons had also been plagiarized by him. And it wasn't enough for Xu Ran to steal them, he even claimed that the Tang Sect's hidden weapons originated from him.

Fuck, has he no shame at all?

How could there be such a brazen and shameless person in the world?

The more Tang San thought about it, the more wronged he felt, the sorrow in his heart, the excruciating pain on his body nearly made him cry. His old injuries hadn't even fully healed before Xu Ran was laying hands on him again; why did Tang San have to suffer so much?

Was he really going to be beaten to death by Xu Ran just like that?

"Tang San, as long as you're willing to help me craft hidden weapons, I'll let you go," Xu Ran glanced at Tang San casually. Tang San hated him, right? It didn't matter; the more he hated, the better.

"Xu Ran, in your dreams. Even if I die, I won't craft hidden weapons for you," Tang San gave Xu Ran a cold look, instantly understanding what he was up to.

This son of a bitch Xu Ran, hehe, had become the son-in-law of the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect and didn't want to go through the hardship of crafting hidden weapons, so he intended to make him do the drudgery?

In your dreams!

After all, pain is temporary; if it hurts him to death and he passes out, then he won't feel it anymore.

"Tang San, don't waste your effort. If you don't agree, you won't be able to escape today," Xu Ran said with a smile, sensing Tang San's thoughts. A touch of green on his fingertips and the aura of life directly entered Tang San's body.

In just a moment, Tang San's fatigue lessened, and his injuries started to slowly heal. This spectacle made the prison guard who was whipping Tang San shocked and even more admiring of Xu Ran.

As for Tang San, he wanted to curse his mother.

Xu Ran had knocked him out so directly.

He was already in so much pain that he was about to faint, and now he was suddenly energized. What's more, the pain from the whipping seemed to have intensified.

"Xu Ran, what have you done to me? What's going on?" Tang San looked at Xu Ran fiercely, suspecting that Xu Ran was playing with him again.

"I'm healing you. Otherwise, if you died, how heartbroken would I be?" Xu Ran said with a smile, seeing that Tang San was badly injured, he could heal him a bit and help Tang San recuperate. That way, he could keep on beating him.

"Xu Ran, you beast, you're not human."

Tang San quickly understood Xu Ran's intentions, he cursed loudly, unable to contain his rage and wishing he could rush forward and tear Xu Ran in half.

"Tang San, are you still not ready to accept reality? If you agree to me, it's impossible for me to let you out. Here in this prison, the gap between you and me will grow wider and wider until you can't even see my back," Xu Ran smiled and looked at Tang San, signaling to the prison guard to stop torturing Tang San.

"Heh," Tang San snorted coldly, feeling a bit desperate. If he were to really be locked up in this gloomy place forever, there would truly be no hope. How would he ever grow strong enough to hammer Xu Ran then?

But, to work for Xu Ran, it was suffocating!

He originally wanted to hammer Xu Ran, so how had it turned around to him having to work for Xu Ran?

What Tang San didn't know at the time was that he wasn't just going to work for Xu Ran but also for the Xu Sect behind Xu Ran, or else he would have fainted from anger.

Fuck, it's just too much bullying!

"Tang San, I'm not treating you unfairly, making you work for nothing. We are also in a cooperative relationship, I'll pay you a salary," Xu Ran, seeing how aggrieved Tang San was, couldn't stand it anymore. It wasn't good to bully Tang San too harshly; it was still important to give him some hope to live on.

"How much?" Tang San's interest was piqued.

"Five golden soul coins for one hidden weapon," Xu Ran thought for a moment, then offered.
